
qì zhǒng
  • emphysema;aerocele;wind-puff
气肿[qì zhǒng]
  1. 新生儿纵隔气肿的X线及CT检测分析

    X-ray , CT diagnosis of mediatinal emphysema in the neonate

  2. 8例穿刺口周围不同程度皮下气肿,3d后自行消失。

    Subcutaneous emphysema around the ports sites in 8 cases spontaneously disappeared 3 days post operation .

  3. 方法对我院9例纵隔气肿患者作胸部螺旋CT扫描,收集数据进行后处理。

    Methods To perform chest spiral CT scan to9 cases with mediastinal emphysema , collect and reprocess the data .

  4. CT在颈纵隔气肿病因诊断中的应用(附16例报告)

    Application of CT on Diagnosis of the Etiology of Cervical and Mediastinal Emphysema ( A Report of 16 Cases )

  5. 结果11例病变CT均能显示黏液栓和周围气肿改变,其中3例黏液栓内含气体;

    Results On CT findings , all 11 patients demonstrated bronchocele and peripheral emphysematous changes which were shown in 8 cases on chest radiographs .

  6. HRCT见部分肺小叶实变、气肿、磨玻璃样改变;

    HRCT scan images show that consolidation , emphysema or " ground glass " like changes occurred in some lung lobules .

  7. 胸壁血肿、纵隔及皮下气肿、气胸、血气胸、肺实质损伤、创伤性肺不张等均以CT阳性检出率高。

    But the positive rate of chest wall hematoma , mediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema , pneumothorax , hydropneumothorax , damage of lung parenchyma and traumatic pulmonary atelectasis was higher in CT scan than those in chest radiograph .

  8. 故此,对SARS危重患者行机械通气治疗时应该选择最佳的通气压力以避免气胸及纵隔气肿的发生。SARS(高二适用)

    So when MV is used in the treatment of serious SARS patients to improve hypoxemia , optimized mechanical ventilative pressure should be obtained in order to avoid pneumothorax and mediastinal emphysema .

  9. 术后并发症4例,其中皮下气肿2例,分别于术后5d和7d自行吸收;

    Postoperative complications oc - curred in 4 cases , including 2 of subcutaneous emphysema , which was spontaneously absorbed at 5 and 7 d after operation ;

  10. 术前进行心理护理和呼吸训练;术后注意早期活动,加强腹腔镜CO2气腹后的观察、护理,做好皮下气肿、胆漏、出血、高碳酸血症和下肢静脉血栓等术后并发症的观察及护理。

    The nursing measures included preoperative psychological nursing and respiratory training , postoperative early ambulation , strengthening the observation and nursing of pneumoperitoneum complications such as subcutaneous emphysema , hypercapnemia , venous thrombosis of lower limb and preventing bile leakage and hemorrhage .

  11. 因应用NIPPV治疗而出现的并发症共7例,其中皮下气肿伴纵隔气肿3例,皮下气肿伴气胸4例。

    The complications with NIPPV occurred in 7 patients , 3 patients had subcutaneous and mediastinal emphysema , 4 patients had subcutaneous emphysema and pneumothorax .

  12. 气肿疽(Clostridiumchauvoei)又称黑腿病,是由气肿疽梭菌引起的反刍动物的急性、发热性传染病。

    Also known as Blackleg , emphysematous carbuncle is acute , a febrile infectious diseases of ruminant animals which caused by Clostridium chauvoei .

  13. 资料与方法回顾分析182例SARS患者950次X线胸部平片和74次胸部CT检查结果,重点观察肺内空洞性病变、肺间质纤维化、气胸、纵隔气肿、皮下气肿和胸膜病变。

    Materials and Methods A total of 950 plain chest radiographs and 74 thoracic CT scans obtained from 182 patients with SARS was retrospectively reviewed . The observation was focused on the pulmonary cavitary lesions , interstitial fibrosis , pneumothorax , pneumomediastinum , subcutaneous emphysema and pleural effusion .

  14. 比较术前、术后6个月、12个月、24个月的呼吸困难度、肺功能及生活质量的变化来评价以结扎式切割过度气肿肺组织替代传统单侧LVRS的疗效。

    The effects of ligation instead of traditional LVRS were evaluated by comparing the dyspnea , pulmonary function , living state before operation and 6-months , 12-months , 24-months after operation .

  15. 改良TEP术主要并发症为皮下或阴囊气肿、血肿或血清肿、暂时性神经感觉异常、膀胱损伤以及腹股沟区异物感。

    05 ) . ( 3 ) The main complication of modified TEP was subcutaneouly or scrotum emphysema , hematomas or seroma , temporariness paresthesia , bladder injury and foreign body sensation in the inguinal area .

  16. EBCT不仅能清晰显示ATAI的各种征象,还能同时显示其他的胸部外伤性征象:皮下气肿、肋骨骨折、气胸、胸腔积液等。

    EBCT not only clearly showed imaging signs of ATAI , but also showed other thoracic injuries : subcutaneous emphysema , fractures of ribs , pneumothorax , pleural effusion and so on .

  17. 因此,尘斑气肿和尘灶气肿具有同样涵义。

    So the dust-maculae-emphysema has the same meaning with the dust-foci-emphysema .

  18. 膀胱软结石合并气肿性膀胱炎(附一例报告)

    Bladder soft calculus with emphysematous cystitis ( a case report )

  19. 7例患者气胸或纵隔气肿均未进一步发展且逐步好转。

    Seven cases of pneumothorax and mediastinal emphysema improved gradually .

  20. 术后3例患侧阴囊气肿,1例患侧阴囊血肿。

    Scrotum emphysema and hematoma occurred in 3 and 1 patients respectively .

  21. 肺郁血水肿,肺炎,气肿,肺丝虫;

    Pneumonia , Congestion and edema , Emphysema and Metastrongylidae in lung ;

  22. 气肿因空气滞留而引起的体组织的不正常的扩张。

    An abnormal distention of body tissues caused by retention of air .

  23. 1例发生严重皮下气肿,占1.67%;

    Severe subcutaneous emphysema occurred in 1 case , accounting to 1.67 % .

  24. 多发性肌炎/皮肌炎合并纵隔气肿的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of pneumomediastinum complicated in polymyositis and dermatomyositis

  25. 小儿气管切开术后合并气胸、重度皮下气肿的护理体会

    Nursing experience of tracheotomy complicated with pneumothorax and severe subcutaneous emphysema in children

  26. 5例患者出现纵膈和皮下气肿,于手术后很快吸收。

    Five patients had mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema , quickly absorbed after surgery .

  27. 外伤性纵隔气肿对犬心肺功能影响

    Impact of Traumatic Pneumomediastinum on Cardiopulmonary Function in Dogs

  28. 麻疹并气胸或纵隔/皮下气肿12例诊治分析

    Analysis of measles complicated with pneumothorax or mediastinal / subcutaneous emphysema in 12 cases

  29. 除1例穿刺口周围皮下气肿外,无其它并发症发生。

    There were no other complications except 1 case had pneumoderma around surgical ports .

  30. 纵隔气肿32例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 32 Patients with Mediastinal Emphysema