
  • 网络Marry Him If You Dare;The Future Choice;dare if you him;Mirae's Choice
  1. 开放标准对确保客户未来的选择和灵活性至关重要。

    Open standards are crucial for ensuring customer choice and flexibility in the future .

  2. 是对历史的总结、当前的把握、未来的选择。

    It is the summary of the past , the master of the current , and the choice of the future . 3 .

  3. 在麻绳理工这样一个大学,学生对自己未来的选择变化之快之猛象龙卷风。

    Medicine , academia , science for science 's sake – these were not compelling choices in the tornado of options swirling around a campus such as MIT .

  4. 锁定的本质是人们未来的选择要受到今天选择的限制,这是网络经济的新规则。

    The essence of locking is that the people choose in the future will be effected by the choices today , this is the new rule of network economy .

  5. 融资是个极其另人分心、操心的过程&再加上股权的稀释,以及投资者的选择,均会对你未来的选择空间产生深远的影响。

    Raising capital can be a hugely distracting , draining process & and the dilution implications , as well as the choice of investors , have deep repercussions on your future options .

  6. 面对文化多元时代的挑战,未来的选择应当是:恢复对永恒之物的敬畏、捍卫精神价值的至上性、重建人的价值坐标。

    In the face of multicultural times being a challenge , the choice in the future should be : resume revering eternal truth , defend spiritual value the highest , rebuild the value coordinate of human beings .

  7. 对于既要求可伸缩性又要求效率的大型存储系统,Btrfs很有可能成为未来的最佳选择。

    For very large-scale storage systems that require both scalability and efficiency , Btrfs could be the future .

  8. 野村(Nomura)驻伦敦分析师帕特里克琼斯(PatrickJones)说:大型的多元化矿企都拥有规模可观的铜业务,但说到未来的发展选择,它们全都有这样或那样的难题。

    Patrick Jones , an analyst at Nomura in London , says : The major diversified miners all have sizeable copper businesses but they all have predicaments of one kind or another when it comes to their future growth options .

  9. 野村(Nomura)驻伦敦分析师帕特里克•琼斯(PatrickJones)说:“大型的多元化矿企都拥有规模可观的铜业务,但说到未来的发展选择,它们全都有这样或那样的难题。”

    Patrick Jones , an analyst at Nomura in London , says : " The major diversified miners all have sizeable copper businesses but they all have predicaments of one kind or another when it comes to their future growth options . "

  10. 第五,在SWOT分析基础上,对整个战略态势的分析进行总结和比较,从而明确HYT企业集团未来的战略选择,制定出企业的中长期发展战略、业务战略、职能战略。

    Fifth , in the SWOT analysis , based on the analysis of the strategic situation summarized and compared , and clear enterprise group of future HYT strategic choice , work out the enterprise in long-term development strategy , business strategy , strategic functions .

  11. 可持续发展已变成未来的最优选择。

    It has turned to be the best choice for the future .

  12. 文化与税收相结合是税收工作面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的必然选择。

    The combination of tax and culture is the cannot but choice of tax work .

  13. 对天然气市场的重大变动作出回应,因为这些变动影响到当前和未来的能源选择。

    Respond to major changes in natural gas markets as they impact current and future energy choices .

  14. 未来能源的选择

    The choice for future energy

  15. 通过主修,学生可以自由选择学习道路并在未来的职业选择中获得极大的灵活性。

    This major provides learners with the ability to individualize their study paths for maximum career flexibility .

  16. 纳税人对2008年救助行动的不满,也限制了应对未来危机的选择。

    Taxpayer anger about the 2008 rescues has also limited the options available for dealing with future crises .

  17. 关于在校课程,大学专业以及未来职业的选择提供建议及调查帮助。

    Counseling and research assistance for students regarding subject options at school , university course options and career choices .

  18. 你要做的只是要坚持或者提高你对未来女友的选择标准罢了。

    What you only need to consider about is to keep or raise your standards of your future girlfriend .

  19. 实施创新教育是高校教育面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来的必然选择和发展趋势。

    To conduct innovation educating is the trend of the development and the certain choice that higher education faces modernization , world and future .

  20. 运用高新技术整合提升传统学科专业,是21世纪高校面向未来的战略选择。

    Using high and new technology to integrate and optimize the traditional discipline and specialty will be the university strategic choice in the 21st century .

  21. 基于对未来能源的选择和对中国能源现状的分析,提出了我国未来能源发展的若干建议,即:近期开展西北油气地质基础理论研究;

    Based on the future energy choice and China ′ s energy state analytical results , the authors raised some future energy developing suggestions for our country .

  22. 把这些情景与寿险公司的目标一起输入随机规划模型中,随机规划模型就会考虑约束条件并结合未来的情景选择资产负债配置来最优化公司的目标。

    Using the scenarios and the goal of the life insurance companies as input data , the stochastic programming model will choose the optimal allocation of assets and liabilities .

  23. 教材中如果含有性别歧视则会歪曲学生对现实世界的认识,降低他们的学习动机,甚至影响他们对未来职业的选择。

    Textbooks with sexism may distort students ' perception of the world , decrease their motivation to learn , influence their choice about future occupations , and the like .

  24. 因此,建立规模化、专业化的长期护理中心,提高老年人和慢性病患者的护理质量,是各国未来的必然选择。

    Therefore , establishing large-scale , specialized long-term care centers , improving the quality of care for elderly and the chronically patient is an inevitable choice for countries in the future .

  25. 论文简要分析了可持续发展的概念及其意义,认为可持续发展模式是青藏高原现实与未来的必然选择。

    This article briefly analyses the concept of sustainable development and its significance and considers that the sustainable development model is an inevitable choice both in reality and for the future of the Plateau .

  26. 对专业的选择与学习的适应问题,理想与现实的冲突问题,人际关系的处理与学习、恋爱中的矛盾问题以及对未来职业的选择问题等等。

    Adaptation to choose and learn professional , the ideal and the reality of conflict , contradiction problem solving and learning the relationships , as well as to the choice of occupation in the future .

  27. 通过对我国居住区环境规划设计发展的回顾和总结,为我国居住区环境规划设计实践和未来道路的选择提供有益的借鉴。

    Through reviewing and summarizing the development of our country 's residence area environment design , it will offer beneficial references for our country residence area environment program practice and the choice of the future road .

  28. 经济评论家们正陷入一场关于就业与赤字的、毫无助益的辩证。尽管这场辩证看似简单,但它却让美国、欧洲以及其它地区未来的政策选择变得模糊(而非清晰)起来。

    Economic commentators are mired in an unhelpful dialectic between jobs and deficits that , despite its apparent simplicity , has obscured rather than clarified the policy choices ahead in the US , Europe and elsewhere .

  29. 认识诊所式法律教育的优势,明确法学教育实践性强的特点和目的,是以诊所式法律教育为切入点的我国法学教育改革面向世界、面向未来的路径选择。

    Realizing the advantage of clinical law education , understanding its characteristic and aim are a choice of law education reform on the bases of law education facing with the world , facing with the future .

  30. 组织文化与税收相结合是税收工作面向现代化、面向未来的必然选择,也是提高税收管理效率、提高税收服务的一种非常有效的方式。

    Combining tax with organizational culture is an inevitable choice which make the taxation work keep the step with the modernization , the world and the future as well as improve the efficiency and raise qualities of services .