
  1. 冯双白说,我们民族的艺术在阿根廷受到如此热烈的欢迎,超出了我们的想象。

    Feng Shuangbai said that it was beyond our imagination that our national art had won such great popularity in Argentina .

  2. 宋丹丹所在讨论组的代表们对于此类现象表示非常失望。舞蹈评论家冯双白建议建立更加完善的老年人医疗体系,希望能够就此解决问题。

    Song and the rest of the group were dismayed by these incidents , and Feng Shuangbai , a dance critic , proposed a solution involving an improved medical system for the elderly - with the aim of putting an end to such incidents .