
bīn fēn
  • Colorful;in riotous profusion
缤纷 [bīn fēn]
  • [in riotous profusion] 繁多而杂乱

  • 五彩缤纷

  • 色彩缤纷

缤纷[bīn fēn]
  1. 世界是缤纷新奇的,手机是精彩绚丽的。

    The world is in riotous profusion and novel , the cell-phone is excellent and beautiful .

  2. 让缤纷的记忆图片永不黯淡&加强照片档案管理的几点建议

    Let the Memory Pictures in Riotous Profusion Never to Dim & Several suggestions of Strengthening the Picture Archive Management

  3. 战争结束时,“当世界的缤纷色彩重现”时,埃里克解释道,“我太喜欢了。我一直说我希望我们的眼睛能看到更多的缤纷色彩。颜色是我工作中非常重要的一部分。”

    At the end of the war , “ when color came back ” , Eric explains , “ I just loved it so much . I keep saying that I wish our eyes could see more color . Color is a very important part of my work . "

  4. 太阳一出,更把它映得千变万化、异彩缤纷。

    When the sun rose a hundred prismatic hues were reflected from it .

  5. 这是一个嘈杂、混乱而又缤纷多彩的市场,身为新闻集团(NewsCorporation)董事长兼首席执行官的默多克在会上致辞时表示。

    That 's a noisy , messy , colourful market , the News Corporation chairman and chief executive said in an address to the conference .

  6. 未来几周各大名品店将陆续推出今秋新品,马切萨(Marchesa)、芬迪、唐娜-凯伦(DonnaKaran)、Marni和DerekLam等设计的皮草手袋将缤纷亮相。

    The fall collections , which begin arriving in stores in coming weeks , were a veritable parade of handbags made of fur from the likes of Marchesa , Fendi , Donna Karan , Marni and Derek Lam .

  7. 虽然能够在一个干干净净的地方挣大钱,Raj也意识到这里并没有亲情,五彩斑斓的各种节日,种类繁多的美食、缤纷的衣装、独特的文化与娱乐…这些只有在家乡印度才能找到的东西。

    Although one could earn a lot of money and stay in clean surroundings , Raj realized that things like family camaraderie , colourful festivities that we have in India , the variety in food , clothes , culture and entertainment were all missing there .

  8. 我在橘园餐厅(Orangery)订了座,它号称“伦敦唯一可以享受传统下午茶的皇家宫殿”,洋洋大观的果酱更让我展开了缤纷的想象。

    I booked a reservation at the Orangery - " the only royal palace in London where you can enjoy a traditional afternoon tea , " with a spectacle of jam coloring my imagination .

  9. 我想学着品味一种缤纷的人生。

    I would like to learn to taste a colorful life .

  10. 一些美好的画面把它锁在缤纷的秋天。

    Some wonderful pictures of it locked in a colorful autumn .

  11. 缤纷的世界,需要冰冷的心去对待。

    Colorful world , the need to treat a cold heart .

  12. 黑色和绿色,紫色和黄色,编织成一片缤纷色彩。

    a riot of black and GREen , purple and yellow .

  13. 我一直很享受这季节的缤纷。

    I 've been enjoying all the colors of the season .

  14. 它直属香港缤纷总公司管辖。

    It directly subordinates to the Hong Kong General Brighten Floriculture Co.

  15. 天使是创造的缤纷无限的其中一种。

    Angel is one from the diversity of infinite creation .

  16. 复调形式与缤纷内容的精心契合&论小说《换位》的形式与内容

    Integration of Polyphonic Form and Hilarious Content in Changing Places

  17. 鹫尾的作品充满了抽象元素与缤纷的色彩。

    Washio 's art is very colorful , and abstract .

  18. 你的发型缤纷悦目

    It 's a very fetching headdress you 're wearing .

  19. 缤纷课堂:源于国外的工程教育实践教学方法

    Diversified Classes : Practice Teaching Method in Engineering Education Originated from Foreign Countries

  20. 让我们去写英语吧,写出你的缤纷世界!

    Let 's write in English , and write out our colorful world .

  21. 我喜欢市场上缤纷的色彩。

    I love the gay colors in the market .

  22. 用混乱缤纷我的人生。

    Color my life with the chaos of trouble .

  23. 缤纷夏日,怎样让自己变得魅力无限呢?

    Colourful summer , how to make you charming ?

  24. 因为它缤纷的色彩,于是被称做「彩虹桥」。

    It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of it 's many colors .

  25. 美,在奇石与贝壳的缤纷色彩中闪烁。

    It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone .

  26. 这样能让大家从最根本的原因分析缤纷复杂的现象。

    This can let everybody from the most fundamental cause analysis profusion complex phenomenon .

  27. 和风送爽,小雨缤纷。

    Warm winds blow and gentle rains fall .

  28. 能帮你脱下这缤纷外套和闪亮小帽吗

    May I take your multicolored coat and bejeweled cap ? Yeah . Yeah .

  29. 举例来说,巴西现正流行饰有缤纷图案的电器。

    For example , Brazil is now popular decorated with colorful patterns of electrical .

  30. 彩缤纷旗屋顶飘扬。

    Multi-colored flags were flying over the rooftop .