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zhōnɡ lǎo nián
  • Middle aged and elderly;quinquagenarian
  1. 近年来,罕见的中老年怀孕现象已经变得越来越普遍。

    In recent years , rare quinquagenarian pregnancies have become more common .

  2. 退变性腰椎滑脱症是引起中老年人腰腿痛的主要原因之一。

    Degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis is one of the main causes of the quinquagenarian to lumbocrural pain .

  3. 调査发现,近几十年,尽管在学业成就和工作参与度方面女性的收获令人瞩且,但年轻女性如同中老年女性一样,还是认为职场是男性的天下。

    The survey finds that , in spite of the dramatic gains women have made in educational attainment and labor force participation in recent decades , young women view this as a man 's world — just as middle-aged and older women do .

  4. 中老年自然人群中高敏C反应蛋白与颈动脉斑块检出率及斑块性质的关系

    Association between High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein and the Positive Rate and Characteristics of Carotid Plaque in the General Population

  5. 研究背景和目的:鲍温病(Bowen'SDisease)又称表皮内原位鳞癌,是一种低度恶性皮肤癌,本病可发生于任何年龄,但以中老年人较多。

    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE : Bowen 's disease is intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma , which is also less malignant skin carcinoma .

  6. 成都地区437例健康男性中老年人血清载脂蛋白CⅡ、CⅢ及E水平分析

    Serum Apolipoprotein C ⅱ, C ⅲ and E Levels in 437 Male Healthy Subjects Aged 40 70 in Chengdu Area

  7. 在治疗中老年GardenⅢ、Ⅳ型股骨颈骨折手法复位优于切开复位。

    In the treatment of senile Garden ⅲ,ⅳ type femoral neck fracture Gimmick reset superior to open reduction .

  8. 目的探讨分析中老年人的头晕或眩晕与其常规头颅CT平扫所示基底动脉表现的关系。

    Objective To analyze the relation between dizziness or vertigo in aged patients and the basilar artery ( BA ) images on conventional CT .

  9. 目的:研究中老年高级知识分子人体质量指数(bodymassindex,BMI)与心血管疾病危险因素之间的关系。

    AIM : To study the relationship between body mass index ( BMI ) and the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in middle elderly senior intellectuals .

  10. 中老年的AMI患者遗传并非其主要致病因素;

    However , heredity may not be the main cause for the elder patients to develop AMI .

  11. 方法:本研究对30例正常中老年人进行CK技术检查。

    Methods : The endocardial motion were measured by CK in 30 normal mid and old ages .

  12. 骨性关节炎*(Osteoarthritis,OA)是一种严重危害中老年人身体健康的慢性退行性关节病,属祖国医学中骨痹、痹证的范畴。

    Osteoarthritis ( OA ) of knee is a chronic disease which badly harms health of the old .

  13. 目的:了解乌鲁木齐市中老年男性人群代谢综合征(MetabolicSyndromeMS)发病情况及相关因素分析,探讨有效的防治对策。

    Objective : To understand the population of Urumqi City , middle-aged men with metabolic syndrome ( MS ) incidence and related factors , of effective control measures .

  14. 骨关节炎(简称OA),是一种严重危害中老年人生活质量的慢性进行性骨关节病,发病呈世界趋势,并且逐年增加。

    Osteoarthritis ( OA ) is a progressively developed chronic osteopathy which seriously influences the living quality of aged and middle-aged people .

  15. 目的通过测量健康中老年人脑组织测量对称部位CT差值,探讨该方法在中老年人超急性期脑梗死中的诊断价值。

    Objective : To study the role of measuring normal reference CT value (Δ HU ) in symmetric cerebral structure of the middle-old aged healthy people in the diagnosis of super-acute cerebral infarction .

  16. 因此,非常适宜人们补充Ca、Fe、Zn等矿质元素,尤其适宜儿童、中老年人等缺钙群体和高血压患者食用。

    Therefore , it is suitable for people to add Ca , Fe , Zn and other mineral elements , especially suitable for children , the elderly and hypertension .

  17. 北京地区中老年人糖尿病和IGT患病率与增龄相关性的分析

    Prevalent changes of diabetes and IGT with age increment in middle and old age population in Beijing

  18. 目的膝骨性关节炎(Osteoarthritis,OA)是中老年人群多发疾病,病因和发病机制尚不清楚。

    Purpose Knee osteoarthritis ( Osteoarthritis , OA ) is multiple diseases in the older age groups , etiology and pathogenesis is not clear .

  19. 方法用酶免疫法对635名中老年健康人及303例中老年糖尿病患者进行血浆Hcy测定。

    Methods Plasma Hcy concentrations of 635 healthy persons and 303 diabetic patients were measured using enzyme immunoassay method .

  20. 结果表明:与国标中老年人尺寸相比,该人群的腰、臀、颈围尺寸偏大,存在明显的凸腹现象,体型偏向于A、B、C型。

    The results show that their waist , hip , neck girths were larger than the standard size in GB and many of them have large abdomen . Their forms are tending to the type A , B , C.

  21. 用分光光度法测定26名中老年健康志愿者血浆氧化酶活性(POA),初步建立了长沙地区POA的正常参考值范围。

    The plasma oxidase activities ( POA ) in 26 healthy volunteers were determined by spectrophotometry .

  22. 中老年人CRP水平提高、脂质代谢紊乱,与DVT发生关系密切。

    The middle-aged person and old person CRP level enhances , the lipin metabolic disorder , has the relations with DVT to be close .

  23. 结论:本组中老年人中MS患病率已达较高水平,高三酰甘油、高血压和高体质指数是影响代谢综合征的主要因素。

    CONCLUSION : The prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome in this group has reached higher level . The high triglyceride , hypertension and high body mass index are the main effective factors for metabolic syndrome .

  24. 目的老年SD大鼠进行同种异体睾丸间质细胞移植探讨中老年男性雄激素部分缺乏症(PADAM)动物模型的可行性和疗效。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility of Leydig cells transplantation in aged SD rat ( the animal model of PADAM ) .

  25. 结论SAE在中老年知识分子人群中的发生率有待在更大人群中做进一步调查。

    Conclusion The incidence of SAE in middle - old aged knowledgeable population needs more careful investigation in greater population .

  26. 将61例十二指肠球部溃疡(DU)患者分成二组,青年组34例,中老年组27例。

    Sixty-one patients with duodenal ulcer ( DU ) were divided into two groups . There were 34 patients in the younger group and 27 patients in the middle-old-aged group .

  27. 目的探讨中老年人葡萄糖调节受损(IGR)临床特征及其与代谢综合征(MS)的关系。

    Objective To study the clinical characteristics of impaired glucose regulation ( IGR ) in elderly subjects and its relationship with metabolic syndrome ( MS ) .

  28. 骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)是一种严重危害中老年人健康的慢性退行性骨关节病,临床上以膝关节发病最常见。

    Osteoarthritis ( OA ) is one of chronic degenerative joint diseases , which is especially harmful to the health of aged people . OA often occurs in knee joints .

  29. 目的探讨中老年健康人群血清总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)水平及与相关个体因素的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between lifestyle and serum total cholesterol ( TC ), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ( LDL-C ), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ( HDL-C ) .

  30. 结果在农村中老年人群中MMSE总平均分为(2365±674)分,低于城市中老年人。

    Results The average scores of MMSE is this group of people were ( 23.65 ± 6.74 ), lower than that reported in the urban aged .