
xué jū
  • Cave dwelling;live in caves;den
穴居 [xué jū]
  • [live in caves] 居住在洞穴里

穴居[xué jū]
  1. 但是在某些方面穴居人要比我们聪明得多。

    But in some respects cave dwellers were far cleverer than us .

  2. 部分原因在于我们内心的穴居人。

    Part of the fault lies with our inner caveman .

  3. 换言之,我们内心的穴居人正不断地回头看部落其他人在干什么。

    In other words , our inner caveman is continually looking over his shoulder to see what the rest of the tribe are up to .

  4. 马泰拉地区是保存最为完好、典型的史前穴居人定居点。

    This is the most outstanding , intact example of a troglodyte settlement in the Mediterranean region ecosystem .

  5. 这两种等位基因在穴居人的DNA中却都可以找到。

    Both alleles were found in Neanderthal DNA .

  6. 哈克史密斯的理论是有证据支撑的,DNA检测表明人类和穴居人之间有通婚繁衍的迹象。

    Evidence to back up his theory is DNA tests show that humans and Neanderthals did interbreed .

  7. 一个有自尊心的穴居人会在晚上8点戴着琥珀色护目镜查看iPhone吗?

    Would a self-respecting cave man check his iPhone after 8 p.m. , as long as he was wearing amber goggles ?

  8. 目前,音乐剧《指环王》正在招募演员扮演英国作家J·R·R·托尔金笔下的穴居矮人,该剧取材于托尔金撰写的那部具有史诗风格的名著。

    Producers of a musical version of " The Lord of the Rings " are looking for candidates to play the hobbit heroes in the epic fantasy based on J.R.R.Tolkien 's classic .

  9. 岩土工程(GeotechnicalEngineering)源远流长,穴居便是人类最早的岩土工程实例,但是其作为一门技术学科并被国际学术界公认至今不足50年的时间。

    Though Geotechnical Engineering has a very long history , such as the cave dwelling house were one of its earliest examples in history of people , it was regarded as a technology by international academic circles less then fifty years .

  10. 如果穴居人没有因为疾病或气候变化等因素灭绝,也许更多地穴居人DNA会更多地传到现代人类这里,人类将展现出更多地穴居人特点。

    If the Neanderthals weren 't killed off because of some other mitigating factors , like disease or weather change , perhaps more Neanderthal DNA would have been passed on to modern humans and this could have led to more prevalent Neanderthal traits in humans .

  11. 很多学者对骨髓瘤的发病机理和穴居现象进行了研究,认为骨髓基质微环境对MM发病起到了重要的促进作用,尤其是黏附分子和各种细胞因子。

    Many investigators studied the mechanism of cell residency in bone marrow , and bone marrow microenvironment was thought to support the growth of myeloma cells and thus to play an important role on the pathogenesis of MM , especially through many adhesion molecules and cytokines .

  12. 这些穴居蜘蛛在其它方面与trogloraptor蜘蛛不同,表明他们的脚爪是独自进化的。

    These cave spiders are otherwise distinct from trogloraptor , suggesting their claws evolved independently .

  13. 在美国,虽然人均红肉消费量大体仍保持在60年来的低点,但“穴居人饮食法”(Caveman)和“原始人饮食法”(Paleo)等高蛋白、低碳水化合物饮食的流行,一直对红肉消费起着支撑作用。

    In the US , though overall per capita red meat consumption remains at six - decade lows , it has been buoyed by the popularity of high-protein / low-carbohydrate diets such as the Caveman or Paleo .

  14. 与此同时,在伦敦一直流传着有些人会像穴居人(troglodyte)一样在地下生活的谣言,据说他们是19世纪90年代在施工期间被困在地下的爱尔兰劳工后裔。

    Meanwhile , in London there have long been rumors of devolved humans known as troglodytes living in the Underground , said to be descended from Irish laborers trapped during construction in the 1890s .

  15. 北美洲的几种大型穴居蛇,以啮齿动物为食。

    Any of several large harmless rodent-eating North American burrowing snakes .

  16. 原始穴居人的骨头就是在这个山洞里发现的。

    The bones of caveman were discovered in this very cave .

  17. 澳大利亚食草的穴居有袋动物,身体大小如獾。

    Burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupials about the size of a badger .

  18. 北美洲西部夜间活动的穴居蛇,身上长有发亮的茶色磷片。

    Nocturnal burrowing snake of western United States with shiny tan scales .

  19. 东半球短尾巴的穴居鼠,长有大颊囊。

    Short-tailed Old World burrowing rodent with large cheek pouches .

  20. 塘鳢有底栖穴居的习性。

    Tong snakehead has the habits of benthic cave dwellers .

  21. 穴居的蚯蚓或沙蠋排出的圆柱状粪块。

    Cylindrical mass of earth voided by a burrowing earthworm or lugworm .

  22. 中国古代穴居的文化价值考

    Examination on the Culture Value of Ancient Troglodytism of China

  23. 温暖地区眼睛退化的蠕虫样穴居蛇。

    Wormlike burrowing snake of warm regions having vestigial eyes .

  24. 美国东部短尾、光毛的穴居鼠。

    Short-tailed glossy-furred burrowing vole of the eastern United States .

  25. 你连自己是不是穴居人都不知道?

    You don 't know if you 're a caveman or not ?

  26. 主要为穴居的沙斯塔山地区的蝾螈。

    Primarily a cave dweller in the Mount Shasta area .

  27. 美国西南部沙漠地区的穴居鼠。

    Burrowing mouse of desert areas of southwestern United states .

  28. 自养生物来起哄。穴居人发明工具。

    The autotrophs began to drool , Neanderthals developed tools .

  29. 南非白天活动的穴居海岛猫鼬;经常被当作宠物养。

    Burrowing diurnal meerkat of southern Africa ; often kept as a pet .

  30. 热带海生穴居甲壳动物,有大的易于抓东西的附肢。

    Tropical marine burrowing crustaceans with large grasping appendages .