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bāo yè
  • bract;bractea;subtending leaf
苞叶[bāo yè]
  1. 玉米苞叶降低动脉硬化家兔白细胞凋亡及CD(44)表达

    Corn bract reduces the leukocyte apoptosis and CD_ ( 44 ) expression in rabbits with atherosclerosis

  2. 遮荫对花期五明显影响,但花径、苞叶面积与遮荫度显著负相关(P<0.05),苞叶花青素含量与遮荫度极显著负相关(P<0.01)。

    Shade had no effects on blooming date , but flower diameter , bract area had negative correlation significantly ( P < 0.05 ) with shade degree , and content of cyanidin had negative correlation very significantly ( P < 0.01 ) with shade degree .

  3. 玉米苞叶煎剂对高脂大鼠血清NOET水平及内皮凋亡的作用

    Effect of Corn Bract on the Level of NO , ET and Apoptosis of Endothelial Cells

  4. 结果表明:不育系花瓣、苞叶、蜜腺的可溶性总糖和蔗糖含量比可育的恢复系、保持系和F1高,并达到显著或极显著水平,而果糖含量的差异不明显。

    The soluble total sugar and sucrose content in petal , bract and nectary of male sterile line are significantly higher than in those of restorer , maintainer and hybrid F 1 , but the difference of fructose content among them is not noticeable .

  5. PLA1在发育中的叶原基、花序苞叶和伸长的节间表达,但在地上部顶端分生组织不表达。

    PLA1 is expressed in developing leaf primordia , bracts of the panicle , and elongating internodes , but not in the shoot apical meristem .

  6. NDF在苞叶中含量最高(77.1%);ADF和木质素含量均以茎皮中最高,分别为52.0%、14.4%,苞叶中最低,分别为38.2%、6.7%。

    Although a highest content of NDF was found in ear husks ( 77.1 % ), the highest content of ADF and lignin was present in stem barks ( 52.0 % and 14.4 % respectively ) and the lowest was in ear husks .

  7. HR112×HR106组合生理、自然脱水速率最高,黄早四×HR106组合的苞叶脱水速率最高。

    The physiological and natural dry down rate were highest in the hybrid HR112 × HR106.The dry down rate of husk was highest in the hybrid Huangzaosi × HR106 .

  8. elatumTakaki相似,但是又因它植物体更大,叶片狭披针形,雌苞叶在骤尖基部两侧略凹陷而区别于后者。

    Elatum Takaki in being large and having leaves contorted , perichaetial bracts long cuspidate , but differs in being larger and having leaves narrowly lanceolate , perichaetial bracts slightly concave at the base of cusp .

  9. 关于、类似于苞叶,或具有苞叶的功能。

    Pertaining to or resembling or functioning as a bract .

  10. 两种基因型玉米苞叶保护酶及膜透性研究

    Study on Protective Enzymes and Membrane Permeability of Husk of Two Maize Genotypes

  11. 不同生育时期玉米苞叶叶绿素荧光特性差异分析

    Analysis on Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Husk Leaves of Maize at Different Growing Stages

  12. 西地中海一年生的植物,有深紫红色的花,被三个大的心脏形的苞叶包在叶腋内。

    Western Mediterranean annual having deep purple-red flowers subtended by 3 large cordate bracts .

  13. 玉米果穗苞叶性状的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Ear Bract Characters in Maize

  14. 139号苞叶长度小于1号。

    ( 2 ) The husk length of No. 139 was shorter than one of No.

  15. 玉米苞叶煎剂对动脉粥样硬化家兔血清内皮素、前列环素及病理形态学影响

    The Effects of Corn Bract Decotion on Endothelin and Prostacyclin and Morphology of Atherosclerosis in Rabbits

  16. 结论:红花苞叶细胞色素氧化酶谱带可以从分子水平鉴别不同的栽培居群;

    CONCLUSION : The bands of cytochrome oxidase in involucre of Safflower could distinguish different cultivated population at the molecular level .

  17. 139号每层苞叶面积小于1号,由于其苞叶层数多,故139号总面积大于1号。

    ( 3 ) The areas per husk of No. 139 were smaller than that of No. 1.Because the husk numbers of No.

  18. 139号苞叶谷氨酰胺合成酶活性小于1号,且1号的酶活性变化较平缓。

    The husk glutamine synthetase activity was lower than that of No. 1 , and the change of glutamine synthetase activity of No.

  19. 就上述结果从物质运输方面分析了139号苞叶与穗轴发育失调的原因。

    In the end , we analysed the abnormal development causes of the husk and cob from the organic nutrition transportation respect .

  20. 红光能提高花头的观赏品质,使花径、苞叶面积、花青素含量增加;

    Red light could increase the ornamental value of flower , flower diameter , bract area , content of cyanidin were all increased .

  21. 由于苞叶中半纤维素含量较高,导致其产气量和干物质消化率较高,因此,其营养价值高于叶和茎。

    Because of higher hemicellulose content of husks , the gas production and DMD were higher in the position of husks than stems and leaves .

  22. 利用相关分析研究了玉米成熟果穗苞叶的几个农艺性状的相关性,通过配合力分析研究了它们的遗传规律。

    Relationships among agronomical traits of husk in maize were studied by correlation coeffrcient analysis Their genetic problems were discussed by analysis of combining ability .

  23. 玉米苞叶组平滑肌细胞的凋亡率明显低于模型组(P<0.05);

    Results The rate of apoptosis of smooth muscle cells in model group was higher than those in normal group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 外植体产生的花器官具有正常花的主要部分,包括雄蕊,雌蕊,子房,花冠,萼片和苞叶等。

    The in vitro fully developed flowers possessed all the main parts of a normal flower , including stamen , pistil , corolla , calyx and bracts .

  25. 苞叶的几个农艺性状主要受加性基因效应的控制,因此通过亲本的选择改良可以有效地改良其苞叶农艺性状。

    The five agronomical traits of husk are controlled by the additive inheritance effect , so they could be improved by selection of parents in maize breeding .

  26. 叶原基数由基因型和环境条件共同决定,而苞叶原基、小穗原基和小花原基数以环境因子的影响为主。

    The number of leaf primordia was affected by both genotype and environment , while the numbers of bracteal , spikelet and floret primordia were affected mainly by environmental factors .

  27. 植株丰满度、总叶面积指数、苞叶面积指数等指标4、5侧枝处理植株没有差异,但均优于3侧枝处理;

    The plant chubbiness index , total plant leaf area index and bract area index with 4 and 5 branches were similar , but higher than those of plants with 3 branches ;

  28. 北美东部常绿小型树种,小型鳞状叶片,树枝扁平。(植物学)尤指树叶或苞叶;像鳞片和瓦状一样叠盖的或分层的。

    Small evergreen of eastern North America having tiny scalelike leaves on flattened branchlets . ( botany ) used especially of leaves or bracts ; overlapping or layered as scales or shingles .

  29. 该机采用一对转辊相向转动,转辊与玉米穗苞叶接触产生摩擦将玉米苞叶先搓起一角,之后一对转辊夹住苞叶旋转将其剥掉。

    Firstly the rollers rubbed the corn bracts partially depending on the friction between them when working , and then the pair of rollers clamped the corn bracts and peeled off the bracts .

  30. 从玉米果穗发育生理研究表明:四个时期中139号苞叶硝酸还原酶活性非常低,对照1号的稍高一些。

    The physiological studies on the ear development of maize showed : In the four period of ear growth the husk nitrate reductive activity of No. 139 was very lower than that of No. 1 ;