
  • 网络the motor cortex
  1. 脑血管畸形患者运动皮质可塑性的功能MRI研究

    Plasticity of the Motor Cortex in Patients with Cerebral Vascular Malformations : A Functional MR Imaging Study

  2. 运动皮质与视觉皮质、尾状核之间的ADC值差别有统计意义(P均<0.05)。

    There was significant difference of average ADC value between primary motor cortex and lateral orbital cortex 、 caudate putamen ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 人类初级运动皮质代偿功能的纵向fMRI卒中研究

    Vicarious function within the human primary motor cortex ? A longitudinal fMRI stroke study

  4. 方法:运用NADPH-d免疫组化法检查了小鼠运动皮质内NOS阳性神经元的分布。

    Method : NADPH - d immunohistochemical method was used in the study .

  5. 许多应用PET与fMRI技术的脑功能成像研究发现,数字加工任务会显著引起前运动皮质的激活。

    A large body of PET and fMRI imaging studies has shown that the premotor cortex is significantly activated during numerical processing tasks .

  6. 在健康受试者与患者非运动皮质区进行rTMS的安全性

    Safety of rTMS to non-motor cortical areas in healthy participants and patients

  7. 结论:对位于或邻近初级运动皮质脑肿瘤患者,功能MRI为术前手术计划的制定提供了一种非侵袭性而有效的方法。

    Conclusion : In patients with brain tumor in or close to the primary motor cortex , fMRI is a useful noninvasive procedure for a better - prepared surgical approach and better patient information .

  8. BOLD-fMRI联合DTI和MRS在运动皮质受损及功能恢复评估中的研究进展

    Current research progress on motor cortex injury and rehabilitation by using combined BOLD-fMRI , diffusion tensor imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy

  9. 电针对窒息脑瘫幼鼠海马、纹状体和运动皮质GAP-43表达影响的研究

    The Influence of Electro-acupuncture on GAP-43 Expression in Hippocampus , Striatum and Motor Cortex of Neonatal Asphyxial Cerebral Palsy Rats

  10. 患者在唤醒麻醉下,在术前fMRI指导下利用直接皮质电刺激快捷、准确定位初级运动皮质区,并且两者具有良好的一致性。

    Under anaesthesia retaining consciousness , the primary motor area was monitored by the method of direct electrical stimulations with the guidance of preoperative BOLD-fMRI . Exercise .

  11. 磷酸激活的谷氨酰胺酶(PAG)样阳性神经元见于大脑运动皮质Ⅱ~Ⅵ层的锥体细胞;

    Phosphate activated glutaminase like immunoreactive ( PAG LI ) pyramidal cells were observed through out layers ⅱ~ⅵ of the cerebral motor cortex .

  12. 端侧神经吻合后再生神经纤维的逆行追踪实验研究在用HRP逆行追踪法确定金黄地鼠大脑运动皮质的准确位置后,将截取的三组实验动物的自体坐骨神经分别插入之。

    The study to determine the reinnervation of an end-to-side neurorrhaphy A segment of autologous sciatic nerve was transplanted into the motor cortex which was verified by retrograde labelling .

  13. DK只投向感觉运动皮质的前肢区,而不投向后肢区和面区。

    However , DK projects fibres only to the forelimb area of the sensory and motor areas , and not to the hindlimb and facial areas .

  14. 术后第3天开始进行rTMS治疗,连续10天,刺激疼痛对侧大脑初级运动皮质(M1)。

    Three days after the operation , rTMS was applied to the primary motor cortex ( M1 ) contralateral to the pain once daily for 10 consecutive days .

  15. 在计数Stroop匹配任务中,抑郁症组较正常对照组前运动皮质(AFMC)左右感兴趣区激活体素均明显低,干扰任务中左侧明显降低。

    Activation voxels of left and right premotor cortex of depression patients were obviously lower than normal subjects , especially left premotor cortex decreased in the incongruent condition .

  16. 通过计算运动皮质体素时间信号序列两两之间的交互相关系数以及平均交互相关系数(MCC),评价脑运动皮质低频信号的同步性。

    The cross-correlation coefficients of the low frequency time courses extracted were calculated , and mean cross-correlation coefficient ( MCC ) was used for the observation of the synchrony in the motor cortex .

  17. 目的:将自动提取正电子发射计算机断层成像(PET)影像中大脑功能区的方法应用于运动皮质的分析,从脑区的水平研究上肢运动对大脑皮质的影响。

    AIM : To apply the method which can extract functional areas of the cerebral cortex in positron emission tomography ( PET ) image automatically on the analysis of motor cortex and study the effect of upper limb movement on cerebral cortex on the anatomic area level .

  18. 白血病抑制因子治疗组AMPA受体在脑干运动皮质的表达和肌萎缩侧索硬化对照组对比明显降低(P<0.01)。

    Compared with the ALS control group , the expression of AMPA receptors in brain stem and sensorimotor cortex in the LIF treated group decreased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 方法对35例癫痫患者(分治疗组与未治组)和30例正常对照组的脑运动皮质和第7颈椎水平神经根进行单脉冲磁刺激,引出MEP。

    Methods MEP induced by single pulse TMS were recorded in 35 patients with epilepsy ( including 9 patients without antiepileptic treatment and 26 patients with antiepileptic treatment ) as compared with 30 normal controls of their brain motor cortex and the seventh cervical vertebra level nerve root .

  20. 结论:功能性磁共振可描绘出臂丛神经损伤健侧C7神经移位患者的大脑初级运动皮质的改变,术后积极进行损伤肢体的主动锻炼,可加速大脑可塑性的转化,有利于功能康复。

    CONCLUSION Functional magnetic resonance can show the changes of the primary motor cortex in patients with brachial plexus avulsion after C7 nerve transfer at uninjured side . The active exercise with injured extremity after operation can accelerate the conversion of cerebral compliance and is helpful for functional recovery .

  21. 不仅那个女患者,还有一个66岁的男中风患者也参与了他的实验,Donoghue博士先找到参与者大脑中控制手活动的区域,再把一些小型多波段电极植入该运动皮质。

    Both his female participant and a second individual , a man of 66 also paralysed by a stroke , have worked with him before , as a result of which they have had small , multichannel electrodes implanted in the parts of the motor cortexes of their brains associated with hand movements .

  22. 金黄地鼠坐骨神经移植段诱导运动皮质细胞和脑干神经元轴突再生的研究

    The study on the sciatic nerve graft inducing axonal regeneration of

  23. 前运动皮质与数字加工:脑功能成像研究的元分析研究

    Premotor Cortex and Numerical Processing : A Meta-analysis of Functional Neuroimaging Studies

  24. 猴运动皮质损伤模型的建立

    A Monkey Paralysis Model of Unilateral Motor Cortex Lesion

  25. 功能磁共振成像定位调控双眼水平同向运动皮质中枢的研究

    The fMRI study on the location in cortical centre of binocular horizontal movement

  26. 大鼠马桑内酯点燃效应癫痫模型大脑运动皮质结构的定量研究

    Quantitative Study on Cerebral Motor Cortex Structure of Kindling Rat Induced by Coriaria Lactone

  27. 大鼠马桑内酯急性局灶型癫痫大脑运动皮质的形态计量研究

    Morphometric Study of Motor Cortex in Acute Focal Epilepsy Rat Induced by Coriaria Lactone

  28. 初步研究表明运动皮质的刺激增强卒中后的运动康复。

    Preliminary studies suggest that stimulation of the motor cortex enhances motor recovery after stroke .

  29. 运动皮质内比对照组减少50%左右。

    Whereas , about 50 % of that in control group appeared in the motor cortex .

  30. 小脑梗死后运动皮质兴奋性

    Motor cortex excitability after cerebellar infarction