
  • 网络SPORT;Sports brand;under armour;columbia
  1. 新模式下大学体育龙舟运动品牌构建与特色课程建设研究

    The Constitution and Research of the University Dragon Boat Sport Brand in a New Model

  2. 据市场研究公司Euromonitor的数据,耐克在全中国有7500家门店,是中国市场上的头号运动品牌。

    Nike has become the country 's No. 1 sports brand , according to market-research firm Euromonitor , with 7,500 outlets that sell its products across the country .

  3. 来自中国动向(ChinaDongxiang)的竞争也越来越激烈,该公司拥有意大利运动品牌Kappa在中国的产品销售许可权。

    There is also growing competition from Dongxiang , which owns the China licence to the Italian sportswear line , Kappa .

  4. 新闻聚合网站Buzzfeed的萨普纳·马哈希瓦里(SapnaMaheshwari)报道称,Gap公司正大举投资于其旗下运动品牌竞技者(Athleta)。

    The company is investing heavily in its Athleta activewear business , reports Sapna Maheshwari at Buzzfeed .

  5. 对德国运动品牌阿迪达斯(Adidas)来说,运动场外的利润率太窄也是个问题。

    For German sportswear group Adidas , narrow margins are a problem off the field , too .

  6. 这种转变的受益者包括户外品牌NorthFace以及耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等运动品牌,这反映出人们越来越注重更健康的生活方式。

    Beneficiaries of this shift include North Face , an outdoor brand , and sports companies such as Nike and Adidas , reflecting a growing emphasis on healthier lifestyles .

  7. 在进入奢侈品领域后,彪马(puma)、阿迪达斯和耐克(nike)等运动品牌帮助促进了这一变化。

    As they move into luxury territory , sports brands such as puma , Adidas and Nike have helped propel the shift .

  8. 目前,中国运动品牌李宁(Li-Ning)和皮克(Peak)都在充分利用篮球持续升温带来的机遇。耐克宣布,2010财年中国业务营收达到17亿美元。

    Already , Chinese footwear brands Li-Ning and Peak have capitalized on basketball 's growing popularity , and Nike reported a $ 1.7 billion in Chinese revenues for the2010 fiscal year .

  9. 几周之后,传闻开始散播开来:这位穿耐克的老哥其实是耐克这一全球最大运动品牌的创始人、亿万富翁菲利普•H•奈特(PhilipH.Knight)。

    After a couple of weeks , a rumor began to circulate that the old dude in the Nikes was Philip H.Knight , the billionaire founder of the world 's largest sportswear company .

  10. 回溯至1970年,Hummel(丹麦运动品牌)因为赞助给个别球员白色的战靴而引起哗然大波。

    Back in 1970 , Hummel caused shockwaves by sending a few star players out in its white footwear ;

  11. 香港——新英格兰爱国者队(NewEnglandPatriots)四分卫汤姆·布拉迪(TomBrady)和他的模特妻子吉赛尔·邦臣(GiseleBündchen)等人喜欢穿着这个知名运动品牌,而在中国这个最火热的市场之一,它如今遇上了一个精明的新对手。

    HONG KONG - A famous sportswear brand worn by the likes of the New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and his wife , the model Gisele B ü ndchen , has a savvy new competitor in one of its hottest markets , China .

  12. 过去,琼斯曾在自己的品牌和与运动品牌茵宝(umbro)合作使用防风面料和氯丁橡胶,分别制作出了礼服衬衣和定制西装。

    In the past , Jones , both under his own label and in collaboration with sports brand Umbro , has created dress shirts in windbreaker fabrics and tailored suits in neoprene .

  13. 户外运动品牌Patagonia的创始人伊冯·乔伊纳德(YvonChouinard)说过这样一句名言:“没有意外,不算冒险。”卖掉房子你可能会损失一些钱。

    As the Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard famously said , " It 's not an adventure until something goes wrong . " Maybe you 'll lose some money in selling the house .

  14. 运动品牌营销:运动产业经营新趋势

    Sports Brand Marketing : A New Trend of Sports Industry Management

  15. 请阁下举出三个运动品牌的代言人?

    Can you name three celebrity endorsers who endorse the sports brand ?

  16. 请问阁下记得以上的明星代言人是代言哪一个运动品牌吗?

    Do you remember which the celebrity endorser endorsing which sports brand ?

  17. 那么为什么要设计运动品牌的标志呢?

    Then why to design a sports brand logos ?

  18. 某运动品牌在世界杯时的广告。

    Advertisement for World Cup , sports brand .

  19. 这些成功也帮助曼联成为世界最受欢迎的运动品牌之一。

    That success helped Manchester United become one of the most popular sports brands in the world .

  20. 对健身和健康不断增长的需求是运动品牌蓬勃发展的另一个因素。

    Growing demand to stay fit and healthy is another factor behind the boom in sports brands .

  21. 尽管时尚奢侈品、汽车等名贵产品的销量受创,运动品牌的销售却很强劲。

    Even as sales of luxury fashion , cars and other prestige products suffer , sportswear brands are robust .

  22. 但是,还有一群人同他们一样热衷于世界杯,这就是那些从这届足球锦标赛中赚得数十亿美元的运动品牌企业。

    But sportswear firms , which stand to make billions from the football tournament , are just as enthusiastic .

  23. 那是因为设计运动品牌标志能够对运动品牌的推广产生很大的作用。

    That is because the sports brand logo design can have a great role in the promotion of sports brands .

  24. 最近,林书豪在广州举行的新闻发布会上宣布,自己将担任中国运动品牌特步的品牌大使。

    He was recently in a press conference in Guangzhou to announce his brand ambassador role for Chinese sportswear Xtep .

  25. 想在购物时彰显个性的中国消费者正越来越青睐西方运动品牌。

    Chinese consumers , who want to make statements when they go shopping , are turning more to Western sports brands .

  26. 打造一个属于大学生自己的篮球运动品牌,为我国高校篮球联赛持续发展提出合理化建议。

    To create sports brand for university students , I put forward reasonable suggestions for sustainable development of our college basketball league .

  27. 阿迪达斯是全球领先的运动品牌,能够提供种类最为齐全的运动产品。

    Today , the adidas Group is a global leader in the sporting goods industry and offers a broad portfolio of products .

  28. 我国体育运动品牌具体的营销方式上也应顺应时代的发展,与网络相结合,开展体育营销的新方式。

    We also comply with the development of the era of the Chinese sports brand marketing , network sports marketing in new ways .

  29. 当时,作为首席执行官的李宁预言,不出十年,李宁将成为全球五大运动品牌之一。

    At that time , the chief executive was predicting it would be a top-five global sportswear brand by the end of the decade .

  30. 马克:其实还有很多不错的运动品牌,只是相对不知名,我至少会尝试一下他们的鞋。

    Mark : There are a lot of good , but relatively unknown sportswear brands . I 'd try their shoes at least once .