
  • 网络Transnational Communication;international communication
  1. 香港凤凰卫视实现跨国传播的启示

    Enlightenment from transnational communication practices of Phoenix Satellite Television

  2. 本文以世界文化产业的发展为背景,分析韩国动漫业的发展和跨国传播的情况。

    The paper is set in the popular wave of global cultural industry , it focuses on the analysis of Korean cartoon industrys tortuous course and international communication .

  3. 韩国影视剧的跨国传播对我国文化建设的启示

    Enlightenment from the Multinational Dissemination of Korean Movies and Teleplays on Chinese Culture Construction

  4. 但由于一些国家的疫情尚在发展中,病例逐渐增多,疫情已经出现跨国传播。

    However , the number of cases still increasing , the epidemic has spread cross-border .

  5. 领事馆说,眼下疾病进行跨国传播的可能性被认为很低。

    ' At this point the risk for international disease spread is considered low , ' the consulate said .

  6. 网络传播的兴起使文化的跨国传播进入了一个全新时代,异质文化之间的交流与碰撞更加频繁与直接。

    The advent of online transmission ushers a new era of the transnational cultural transmission . , resulting in more direct and frequent exchanges and clashes of heterogeneous cultures .

  7. 接下来论述了日韩恐怖电影跨国传播的过程,分析了其为什么能成功地进行跨国传播并指出对中国市场的开发是其获得成功的重要原因。

    Next , the paper sums up the disseminative process of Japanese and Korean scary movies , point out the reason of their success and summarizes that highly valuing china market has contributed to the success of their international communication .

  8. 这种由R&D溢出到资本积累和总产出增长的单向格兰杰因果关系意味着尽管知识与技术的跨国传播并非必然发生,其实为世界经济增长的重要动力。

    Such unidirectional Granger-causalities from R & D spillovers to capital accumulation and output growth imply knowledge and technology spillovers indeed play a very important role in promoting world economic growth , though such spillovers are not necessarily the phenomenon .

  9. 小反刍兽疫是一种跨国传播的重大烈性传染病,主要感染山羊和绵羊等小反刍动物,其发病率和死亡率很高,已经引起广泛的重视。

    Peste des petits ruminants ( PPR ) is an acute highly contagious and economically important viral disease of small ruminants , especially goats and sheep , with morbidity and mortality rates as high as 100 % and 90 % , respectively .

  10. 电视剧能反映一个国家和民族的民族价值观、审美偏好、公众行为,电视剧的跨国传播,实际上是不同的文化相容相斥的一个过程。

    Television play is cultural carrier which greatly reflect the sense of worth , public behavior , modes of thoughts , aesthetic appreciation in a country or nation . The multinational dissemination of TV paly is actual a process of conflict in different cultures .

  11. 自布雷顿森林体制崩溃以来,全球经济联系日益紧密,世界各国经济社会交往广泛,这在促进全球经济水平普遍提高的同时也使得金融危机的跨国传播渠道变得更为顺畅。

    Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods System , globalization has been an important feature of economic development in the world . This feature increases the level of the global economy , and also making the financial crisis , cross-border communication become more smooth .

  12. 随着信息技术的发展和国际社会的多元化,跨国电视传播格局也出现了新变化,形成了纵横交错的传播竞争架构。

    Along with the development of information technologies and the diversification of international communities , transnational TV communication shows some new changes , which has formed a frame of competition .

  13. 谈《申报》的广告传播跨国跨文化传播笔谈

    On Advertisement Propagating of Shen Daily Transnational Intercultural Communication : Pen Talk

  14. 跨国跨文化传播笔谈

    Culture Transnational Intercultural Communication : Pen Talk

  15. 流感病毒分甲、乙、丙(在国外对应A、B、C)三型。甲型流感病毒极易引起大范围流行,甚至跨国、跨洲传播,危害极大。

    Influenza viruses divided into three types & type A , B and C. Influenza A virus is more likely to cause wide prevalence , even across countries , or continents , which always with great damage .

  16. 报告的作者说,跨国公司似乎在传播优秀管理方法方面扮演着重要角色。

    The authors say multinationals seem to play a key role in spreading good management techniques . U.