
  • 网络The Artist;art picture;artistic picture;Art
  1. 基于数字图像处理的艺术图片创作方法

    A Creating Method of Art Pictures Based on Digital Image Processing

  2. 馆藏数百万册书籍和其他物品,包括报纸、通俗出版物和有历史趣味的信件,还有地图、照片、艺术图片、电影、唱片和乐器。

    It has millions of books and other objects . It has newspapers , popular publications and letters of historical interest . It also has maps , photographs , art prints , movies , sound recordings and musical instruments .

  3. 开发艺术图片的教学魅力

    Dig the Charming of the Artistic Pictures in Teaching On Artistic Beauty

  4. 像声音、形体、光色等多种感官的课堂调动,引起学生的极大兴趣,取得不错的教学效果,展示了艺术图片的教学魅力。

    Thus the using of artistic pictures will not only stimulate students ' interest in learning and obtain a good teaching effect but show its teaching charm as well .

  5. 而另外的图片文件则是一些细碎的线条艺术,图片里面显示的就是许多不同的国旗。

    Others are small , detailed pieces of line art bearing various national flags .

  6. 他创造性地将艺术和图片融合在一起,在同一个场景中描绘两个不同的东西。

    His creative thinking combines both art and pictures portraying two different things within the same scene .

  7. 下面是日本稻田惊人的“艺术作品”图片系列。

    Here is a series of amazing'Artwork'pictures from Japanese rice fields .

  8. 为了适宜展览的主旨和特性,参展的作品也以最具城市艺术特征的图片、影象、装置和当代绘画等为主。

    In order to correspond to the lemma and characteristic of this exhibit , the main works on the exhibit are picture , video , installation and contemporary painting with the furthest city art character .

  9. 艺术人像摄影图片提供给消费者的价值主要是它的审美价值,由于审美价值的产生具有相对性,因此审美产品的生产活动必须考虑消费者对产品审美价值的接受问题,必须考虑消费者的审美要求。

    The value of artistic portrait pictures for the consumers , mainly , is its aesthetic one . Owing to the relativity of its aesthetic values , the productive activity of the aesthetic products must consider whether the consumer can accept and take consumers ' aesthetic tastes into consideration .

  10. 构思和创新视觉艺术形式,例如图片、抽象设计和类似的其他作品集来交流观感和想法。

    Conceives and creates visual art forms , such as pictures , abstract designs and similar compositions , to communicate impressions and ideas .

  11. 这次展览将严肃艺术和通俗艺术的图片一起展出。

    The display juxtaposed images from serious and popular art .