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  • 网络garden salad
  1. 保罗:我想要一个田园沙拉。

    Paulo : I 'll just have a garden salad .

  2. 田园沙拉有很多部分组成,共同形成一种新奇的风味。

    A garden salad has many parts that are combined to make a new flavor .

  3. 英式牛肉,烤马铃薯,田园沙拉。

    Roast Beef , Roast Potatoes , Garden Vegetables with Gravy .

  4. 汉堡包,热狗,田园沙拉,米饭,蒜蓉面包,蔬菜。

    Beef Burgers , Hot Dogs , Garden Salad , Rice , Garlic bread , Vegetables .

  5. 黑胡椒汁覆盖香烤鸡块,配有油饭和新鲜田园沙拉。

    Grilled chicken smothered with black pepper sauce , served with butter rice and fresh garden salad .

  6. 好吧,一份炖牛肉和蓝纹奶酪调料的田园沙拉。

    Okay , that 's a bowl of beef stew and a garden salad with blue cheese dressing .

  7. 现在你可能暗自发问:“她说的田园沙拉是什么意思?”

    Right now you may be asking yourself , " What does she mean by garden salad ? "

  8. 串烤腌制鸡肉、洋葱、青椒和蘑菇,配有油饭和新鲜田园沙拉。

    Marinated chicken skewered with Bombay onion , green pepper and mushroom , served with butter rice and fresh garden salad .

  9. 在密西西比河谷内的一大片区域既像熔炉又像田园沙拉。

    Inside the Mississippi River Valley , there is a large area that is part melting pot and part garden salad .

  10. 我们有法式酱、大利酱、岛酱和田园沙拉酱。传统发酵豆酱与商品豆酱养分及微生物多样性比较

    We have French , Italian , Thousand Island , and ranch . Comparison of Nutrients and Microbial Diversity between Traditional and Commercial Soybean Pastes

  11. 当然了,没有人能抵挡住用莴苣、胡萝卜、黄瓜、橄榄油、番茄和奶酪做的混合田园沙拉。

    And you can 't beat a good mixed garden salad with lettuce , carrots , cucumbers , olives , tomatoes and maybe some cheese .

  12. 因此美国其他地区成了一个熔炉,融合出新,而新奥尔良则像是一道田园沙拉。

    While the rest of the U.S. was a melting pot , mixing all its parts to create something new , New Orleans became a garden salad .

  13. 除了烤肉以外,还要准备沙拉,比如凉拌卷心菜、田园沙拉和土豆沙拉,另外还要准备面包。

    Together with your cooked meat , you also have prepared salads , like coleslaw , a garden salad , potato salad , and you usually also have bread .