
  • 网络ammonium nitrogen fertilizer;ammonium fertilizer;Ammonium-N fertilizer
  1. 淹水培养条件下铵态氮肥对土壤氮素的激发效应

    Priming effect of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer on soil nitrogen under waterlogged condition

  2. 铵态氮肥对核桃光合作用的影响效果最优,其次为尿素、硝态氮。

    Ammonium nitrogen fertilizer had the optimal effect on walnut photosynthesis , followed by urea and nitrate nitrogen fertilizer .

  3. 早实核桃叶片P含量在展叶期期间铵态氮肥对其影响较好,果实膨大期和硬核期为尿素对其影响较好。

    Ammonium nitrogen fertilizer had good influence on leaf P content in leaf-expansion stage , while urea in fruit-expansion stage and hard stone stage .

  4. 在施肥处理中,添加DCD的尿素和碳铵处理能减少N2O排放通量,同属于铵态氮肥的碳铵和尿素对旱地农田CH4吸收的抑制作用没有显著差异。

    Nitrogen fertilization with DCD could mitigate N_2O emission , and have no significant effect on CH4 uptake rate .

  5. 硝、铵态氮肥对旱地土壤氧化亚氮排放的影响亚硝态氮对鲤鱼种血液SOD及GSH-Px的影响

    Effects of nitrogen types on N_2O emissions of dry-land soil Activity of SOD and GSH-Px in the Blood of Fingerling Cyprinus carpio under Different Nitrite Concentration

  6. 用静态箱法在田间研究了黄土性土壤不同水分条件下施用硝态氮肥和铵态氮肥后土壤N2O的排放特点,并对包括温度、pH、水分等因子的影响进行了探讨。

    Based on field experiment the effects of nitrogen fertilizer types on N_2O emissions and influential factors were studied under two different soil water conditions on the loess soil .

  7. 低浓度Pb胁迫下,施用铵态氮肥时,日本毛连菜根、茎、叶各器官的Pb含量总体都随施氮量的增加呈上升的趋势。

    In low concentration of Pb stress , the Pb content of Picris japonica Thunb . In different organs , such as root , stem and leaf presented ascendant trend as NH4 + - N fertilizer was increased .

  8. 研究了铵态氮肥(NH4)2SO4、硝态氮肥NaNO3及硝化抑制剂双氰铵(DCD)对叶菜用甘薯光合特性、茎叶产量以及硝酸盐含量的影响。

    This paper studied the photosynthetic , edible-vine yields and nitrate accumulation of vine-vegetable sweetpotato character by using the ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 , NaNO_3 and Nitrification inhibitor DCD .

  9. 在高浓度Pb胁迫下,施用铵态氮肥时,日本毛连菜叶绿素含量呈先升高后降低的趋势,当施氮水平为50mg/kg时最高。

    Under high concentration stress of Pb , the chlorophyll of Picris japonica Thunb . rose firstly , then decreased with the NH4 + - N fertilizer increasing . The highest chlorophyll appeared at the dosage of NH4 + - N fertilizer of 50mg / kg .

  10. 滴灌施用铵态氮肥,显著增加了土壤中NH+4-N含量,随着硝化作用的进行,NH+4-N的量在培养的第5d左右3-N含量增加。

    Applying NH ~ + _4-N fertilizer significantly increased the content of NH ~ + _4-N in soils , and as the processing of nitrification the content of NH ~ + _4-N was reduced , and NO ~ - _3-N was increased gradually .

  11. 与滴灌施用硝态氮肥相比,施用铵态氮肥和尿素后在培养期间土壤矿质态氮(NO-3-N+NH+4-N在土壤中的固定、挥发等有关。4-N)的含量有降低的趋势,降低的原因可能与NH+

    The content of mineral nitrogen content ( NH ~ + _4-N + NO ~ - _3-N ) decreased during the incubation period after applying NH ~ + _4-N fertilizer and urea . It might be related to the occurrence of NH ~ + _4-N fixation and volatilization .

  12. 铵态氮肥施入土壤中的转化

    The Transformation of Ammonium-Nitrogen in the Soil after Fertilizer Application

  13. 铵态氮肥和尿素中植物营养元素含量比较分析

    Contents of Nutrient Elements in NH_4 ~ + - N Fertilizer and Urea

  14. 结果表明,不同氮肥类型和施氮量对叶菜用甘薯植株叶绿素含量及光合特性均有显著影响,其中硝态氮肥对叶绿素a含量、光合速率的影响大于铵态氮肥。

    The results showed that there was a significant effect of applied nitrogen amount and nitrogen type on photosynthetic character and chlorophyll content .

  15. 菠菜硝铵营养特性及其与硝酸盐累积关系铵态氮肥和尿素中植物营养元素含量比较分析

    Characteristics of Nitrate and Ammonium Nutrition and Thier Effect on Nitrate Accumulation in Spinach Plants ; Contents of Nutrient Elements in NH_4 ~ + - N Fertilizer and Urea

  16. 单质铵态氮肥制成复混肥后能提高其氮素肥料的效应,而单质酰胺态氮肥制成复混肥后肥效会略有降低。

    The compound mixed fertilizer made by element ammonium nitrogen fertilizer could raise up the effect of nitrogen fertilizer while the compound mixed fertilizer made by element amidonitrogen fertilizer could lower the fertilizer effect a little .

  17. 增施铵态氮肥能促进玉米幼苗对氮素的吸收和同化,而且玉米植株全氮含量和叶片硝态氮含量较低,植株总吸氮量较高,玉米地上部生物产量最高。

    Increasing the amount of ammonium fertilizer might enhance nitrogen uptake and assimilation in maize seedlings . Under the same conditions , the contents of nitrogen and nitrate of leaves in maize were lower , the amount nitrogen in maize was higher and the shoot biomass production was highest .

  18. 增加了成熟期0~60cm土壤各土层土壤硝态氮含量和0~20cm土壤铵态氮含量.氮肥全部用于拔节期追施的两处理间比较,在240kg。

    Applying fertilizer nitrogen at maturing stage increased the soil NO_3 ~ & N content in 0 ~ 60 cm and 0 ~ 20 cm layers .

  19. 1996~1997年连续二年进行了固定氮素用量,改变铵态、硝态氮肥的施用比例试验,对烤烟的一些光合生理特性进行了研究。

    Some photosynthetic characteristics in Flue cured tobacco were studied in a field experiment conducted during 1996 ~ 1997 with the application of fixed nitrogen levels and various proportions of different nitrogen forms .

  20. 石灰性土壤铵态氮的挥发损失&Ⅱ.铵态氮肥中氨的挥发与施肥方法的关系

    Ammonia Volatilization from Calcareous Soil ⅱ . The Relationship between Ammonia Loss from N Fertilizers and Applied Methods