
  • 网络ammonium;ammonia-nitrogen
  1. 异速生长分析表明,当硝态氮和铵态氮比例为75∶25和25∶75时,C分配偏向于根系,而其他处理C分配则偏向地上部分。

    The results of allometric analyses of seeding showed that when nitrate to ammonium were 75 ∶ 25 and 25 ∶ 75 , biomass were allocated into roots , and others were allocated above-ground .

  2. 研究结果如下:(1)四种森林类型土壤中铵态氮、硝态氮季节性差异显著(P0.05)。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) The seasonal contents of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen in soil have significant difference between the four forest ecosystems ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 铵态氮与土壤pH值、交换性盐基总量、交换性酸含量均不相关。

    Ammonium nitrogen had no significantly correlated with pH value , total exchangeable bases and exchangeable acidity .

  4. 结果表明:低pH和铵态氮都能促进玉米主胚根导管的发育;

    The results indicated that both of low pH and NH4 + - N accelerated the vessel development in maize root .

  5. SDS沉淀值明显受氮肥形态影响,各处理间差异极显著,其中铵态氮的影响最大。

    SDS-sedimentation value was controlled markedly by different nitrogen source .

  6. 典型对应分析的结果表明,影响前缘氨氧化细菌多样性变化的因素为铵态氮,pH和总盐。

    Canonical Correspondence Analysis ( CCA ) showed Ammoniac Nitrogen , total salt and pH were main factors affected Ammonia oxidizing bacterial diversity .

  7. 铵态氮抑制叶片的NR活力,浓度愈高,抑制作用愈强。

    NR activity of leaf was inhibited by ammonium .

  8. 而单一铵态氮处理下幼苗叶片的NR活性则一直维持偏低水平。

    The NR activity in leaves remained low in NH4 + - N treatment alone .

  9. 土壤的铵态氮和土壤矿质总氮之间有极显著的相关关系(p0.01)。

    The soil NH4 + - N and the mineralized total nitrogen have very significant correlation ( p0.01 ) .

  10. 淋溶液pH与硝态氮浓度呈负相关关系,与铵态氮浓度呈正相关关系。

    PH of leaching water had a negative correlation with the concentration of nitrate content , and showed a positive correlation with the concentration of ammonium nitrogen .

  11. X射线衍射线常用多项式拟合移动平滑方法进行处理。莱州湾滨海盐渍土中铵态氮水平运移室内模拟试验

    Least squares polynomial smoothing was constantly used in X ray diffraction test . Horizontal migration of ammonium nitrogen in seashore saline soil on the coast of Laizhou Bay

  12. 而对NH4~(15)NO3和K~(15)NO3形式的硝态氮利用率分别为15.99%和15.30%,水稻对铵态氮的利用率显著高于硝态氮。

    The rates of utilization of ammonium nitrogen is significantly higher than that nitrate nitrogen by rice .

  13. 增温使土壤铵态氮含量显著提高了13.3%,加速了土壤净氮矿化率(NMR)。

    Warming was increased the content of soil NH4 + by 13.3 % and was accelerated soil net N mineralization rate ( NMR ) .

  14. 此时土壤pH值提高的主要原因是秸秆所含有机氮矿化为铵态氮,消耗了氢根离子。

    The main reason for the improvement of pH value is the transformation of organic nitrogenous into NH4 + - N. In this process , the H + was consumed largely .

  15. 铵态氮处理下植株木质部汁液中大量存在的NH4~+使玉米植株的生物量减少;

    Too much NH_4 ~ + in xylem sap reduced biomass of maize treated with NH_4 ~ + - N.

  16. 鸡粪施用初期能迅速增加稻田田面水中铵态氮(NH4~+-N)和硝态氮(NO3~&N)浓度。

    The concentration of Nitrate-N ( N03-N ), Ammonium-N ( NHZ-N ) in surface water from rice fields increased sharply after chicken manure application initially .

  17. 较长期高温胁迫处理下,幼苗根系中硝态氮含量升高但向地上部运输受阻,根系NR钝化,根系和叶片中铵态氮含量均显著升高;

    Foliar spraying Spd under high temperature stress promoted the nitrate N translocation from root to shoot , and increased the NR activity in root and leaf .

  18. 赤红壤中添加DCD在同一培养时间均能显著降低土壤较高的铵态氮含量,提高硝态氮含量。

    The results indicated that adding DCD significantly increased ammonium content and decreased nitrate nitrogen content at the same time .

  19. FOC侵染后,硝态氮植株体内病原菌的数量显著低于铵态氮植株。

    The number of pathogen in nitrate grown plant was significantly lower than ammonium grown plant after FOC inoculation .

  20. 结果显示,淹水后土壤pH、总酚酸含量升高,总有机酸含量显著增加,而土壤的电导率、氧化还原电位和铵态氮含量则显著下降。

    The results showed that pH value and phenolic acid content of soil were increased slightly while the organic acid concentration was increased significantly after flooding . However , EC value , Eh value and ammonium nitrogen content decreased significantly .

  21. AMS、NR酶活在打顶前后均以100%硝态氮处理最高,100%铵态氮处理最低。

    The enzyme activity of AMS and NR was the highest and lowest with the application of100 % nitrate-N and100 % ammonium-N individually before and after topping .

  22. 尿素处理的土壤中酰胺态氮含量为2.78mg/Kg,这说明施入土壤5天后大部分尿素已转化为铵态氮。

    After urea applied into soil 5 days , amide nitrogen in soil of ( NH2 ) 2CO treatment was 2.78 mg / Kg , this indicated that a majority of urea had been inverted to ammonium nitrogen .

  23. 氮素(N)是农作物产量的重要限制因子,铵态氮(NH4+)和硝态氮(NO3-)是植物从土壤中吸收的主要矿质氮源。

    Nitrogen ( N ) is considered as an important limited factor of crop yields . Both ammonium and nitrate are the major sources of soil N for plants , however , ammonium is the predominant form of N in a paddy soils .

  24. 适宜浓度的铵态氮是增加小白菜产量和Vc含量、降低硝酸盐含量的主要因素,但当铵态氮浓度过高时会引起氨毒害。

    Ammonium nitrogen was one of the major factors in increasing Pakchoi yield and Vc content and decreasing the amount of nitrate , too . While it might cause ammonia poisoning when used high concentration . 3 .

  25. 经HPLC鉴定,黄瓜植株的根系分泌物主要含有草酸和柠檬酸两种有机酸,且铵态氮植株根系分泌物中柠檬酸含量显著高于硝态氮植株。

    Two organic acids , oxalic acid and citric acid , were identified from the root exudates of cucumber seedlings by HPLC . Citric acid in root exudates of ammonium grown plants was significantly higher than nitrate grown plants .

  26. 水稻土的铵态氮含量显著高于旱地土,水稻土的全磷含量明显高于旱地土,水稻土具有较高的有机质和较低的PH值。

    During the trial period , the ammonium nitrogen in paddy soils were significantly higher than upland soil , The total phosphorus in paddy soils were significantly higher than the upland soil , paddy soil have high organic matter and lower PH value .

  27. Cmic、Nmic与土壤铵态氮和硝态氮相关性不显著。

    The Cmic and Nmic were not significantly correlated with the ammonium and nitrate forms .

  28. FOC侵染显著促进了铵态氮植株根系分泌物中柠檬酸含量,而对硝态氮植株无影响。

    FOC infection markedly increased the content of citric acid in ammonium grown plants , while had no effect on nitrate grown plants .

  29. 硝化抑制剂DMPP对菜园土壤铵态氮与硝态氮含量的影响

    Effect of Nitrification Inhibitor DMPP on NH_4 ~ + - N and NO_3 ~ & N Content in Vegetable Soil

  30. 氮素损失的主要途径为铵态氮以氨气的形式挥发,堆肥的3~7d是氮素损失的主要时期。

    Main way of nitrogen losing was volatilization in the form of ammonia originated from ammonium . The main period of nitrogen losing was 3 ~ 7 d.