
  • 网络slow release fertiliser;slow-release fertilizer
  1. HA-Si型长效复合肥的特点及田间应用效果

    Characteristics and field application effect of HA-Si type long-lasting fertilizer

  2. 长效铁肥包膜基本性质研究

    Study on the Pack Membrane Basic Property of Iron Controlled release Fertilizer

  3. 水稻长效专用肥试验示范效果

    Demonstrative Effect of Long-effect Fertilizer Special for Paddy Rice

  4. 保水长效复合肥的生产与应用

    The Production and Application of Long - Acting Water - Keeping Compound Fertilizer

  5. 长效复合肥在松树容器育苗上的应用研究

    Studies on Application of Slow Release Compound Fertilizer in Container Seeding Cultivation of Pine

  6. 土壤施肥使用的是长效复合肥、发酵有机肥、腐熟的农家肥、尿素等种;

    Long-lasting fertilizer , fermentation organic fertilizer , decayed farm manure and ores were used to improve soil fertility .

  7. 生物有机长效水稻专用肥应用效果研究

    Applied Effect ` s Analysis on Rice Biologic Organic Fertilizer

  8. 研究了生物有机长效水稻专用肥在盐渍型水稻土上的应用效果。

    Research the applied effect that rice biologic organic fertilizer is used on salt-paddyfield .

  9. 有机&无机长效复混肥对新疆棉田土壤肥力的影响

    Effect of the Long Effective Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer on Soil Fertility of Cotton Field in Xinjiang

  10. 水稻施用有机生物长效水稻专用肥能改善土壤结构,提高土壤肥力,促进水稻生长发育,提高作物产量,改善品质,提高抗性。

    Organic slow-release fertilizer for rice can improve soil structure and fertility , promote growing development , increase yield , quality and fastness .

  11. 介绍复混肥不同加工方法,如何加入抑制剂,并简单说明长效复混肥所增加的成本(18~20元/t产品)及带来的经济效益。

    The manufacture of compound fertilizers and how to add the inhibitor are presented ; the cost increment ( 18 ~ 20 RMB Yuan / t ) and its balance are briefly analyzed .

  12. 高浓度、专用、长效、复混肥是国际化肥研究与应用的主要趋势,也是我国肥料发展的必然趋势。

    High density , special-used and long effective compound fertilizer is the main trend of international fertilizer research and application as well as the state fertilizer development .