
  • 网络Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau;CPEB
  1. 长庆石油勘探局海外项目运作模式研究

    Analysis of Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau International Engineering Project Management System

  2. 长庆石油勘探局钻井总公司;

    Drilling General Company of Changqing petroleum Exploration Bureau ; 2 .

  3. 长庆石油勘探局信息中心综合楼地基基础设计

    Ground foundation design of information center complex building of Changqing oil exploration

  4. 长庆石油勘探局组织结构优化研究

    Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau Organizational Structure Optimization Research

  5. 长庆石油勘探局于2003年在多个生产作业领域开展了清洁生产审核试点工作,文中对井下作业试油A队的清洁生产审计工作进行了分析和阐述。

    The clean production auditing test of downhole operation in Changqing Oilfield is described .

  6. 中国石油长庆石油勘探局油气技术综合服务处;

    Oil & Gas Technology Service Department , PetroChina Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau ; 3 .

  7. 长庆石油勘探局钻采工艺研究院在改革开拓中前进

    Drilling and Production Technology Research Institute of Changqing Petroleum Prospecting Bureau Advancing in the Reform and Development

  8. 石油企业博士后管理流程与评价体系设计&以中国石油集团长庆石油勘探局为例

    Post-doctoral Management Process and Evaluation System Design of Petroleum Enterprises & An example : Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau of CNPC

  9. 以西安长庆石油勘探局科研楼钢结构塔楼工程为背景,建立了高楼屋顶上钢结构塔楼的三维空间有限元静力模型和二维串联多自由度的动力模型。

    Based on the design of the steel tower on a reinforced concrete tall building in xi an , two analytical models were chosen in this paper .

  10. 前言:全面、系统地阐述了长庆石油勘探局的质量管理工作,即:建立和完善质量管理规章制度;

    A complete introduction is made of the measures for quality management in Changqing Oil Exploration Bureau : i.e.to establish and perfect the rules and regulations for quality management ;

  11. 论文以长庆石油勘探局(以下简称:长庆局)为样本,研究设计所属二级单位管理者的激励方案。

    The paper to Changqing bureau ( to hereafter refer to as : Changqing bureau ) is the sample , the research respective two levels of units manager 's incentive plan .

  12. 本文所研究的长庆石油勘探局是一家提供石油天然气工程技术服务、生产相关产品并具有多种经营功能的综合性国有非上市企业。

    As a comprehensive national non-listed company , Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau this paper focuses on provides petroleum and natural oil engineering technology services , production society service and diversified functions .

  13. 长庆石油勘探局(以下简称长庆局)原有的市场(现在的关联交易市场)的开放程度日益增加,市场竞争压力越来越大。

    The degree of opening of Changing Petroleum Exploration Bureau 's ( CPEB ) inner market ( related trade market ) hike increasingly and the market rivalry pressure is more and more big .

  14. 通过对长庆石油勘探局采油二处面临的宏观管理环境和微观管理环境分析,找出了采油二处目前绩效管理中存在的问题。

    Through the analysis to the environment of macro management and micro management confronted by the oil extraction Second of Changqing Petroleum Exploitation Bureau , figures out problem existed of the performance management in oil extraction Second .