
  • 网络Geostatistics;geostatistic;kriging
  1. 利用GIS与地质统计学这两种空间信息技术,使我们能不断地在空间图形与空间数字这两种状态间穿越。

    Using both GIS and geostatistics enable geoscientists to access and process spatial information in both states , mapping and numerical .

  2. 将稳健统计学(RS)引入地质统计学(GS),研究土壤水盐特性空间变异。

    The Robust statistics is combined with Geostatistics to study the spatial variability of water and salinity in soil .

  3. 确定矿产勘查工程间距的方法主要有地质统计学法、SD法和经验法。

    Methods determining exploration engineering interval include geological statistic method , SD method and empirical method .

  4. VC++结合Fortran升级地质统计学算法

    The combination of vc + + with FORTRAN for upgrading geostatistics algorithms

  5. 本文将GIS空间分析技术、地质统计学方法和非线性模型相结合,以广西黎塘地区为研究区,定量评价了岩溶地下水富水性。

    The water yield property of karst groundwater in Litang region of Guangxi Province was evaluated quantitatively , combined spatial analysis of GIS , geostatistics method and nonlinear model .

  6. 基于地质统计学的DTM空间插值技术研究

    Research on the DTM spacial interpolation technique based on the geological statistics

  7. 诊断fortran语言基于VC~(++)与Fortran混合编程的地质统计学反演算法实现

    Realization of Geostatistical Inversion Algorithm Based on Mixed-language Programming with VC ~ ( + + ) and Fortran

  8. 非正态概率分布Hermite模型拟合,是非线性地质统计学析取克立格法计算中一个比较重要的环节。

    The Hermite model fitting of non-normal distribution is an important step in disjunctive kriging of non-linear geostatistics .

  9. 将株高、茎粗、土壤含水率及EC值视为区域化变量,运用地质统计学的基本理论对其进行空间结构性分析。

    The soil water content , EC , the plant height and stem-diamete are regarded as regionalized variables , and the spatial variability of them are researched using the basic theory of geostatistics .

  10. 在此基础上运用地质统计学的空间分析技术,解析As、Hg、Cd、Pb的空间结构特征,并将相关结果引入As、Hg、Cd、Pb的背景插值成图。

    On the basis of spatial analysis , the spatial structure characteristics of As , Hg , Cd and Pb have been analyzed and the results are incorporated into an interpolation map of such above elements .

  11. 发挥了地质统计学中的变异函数、Kriging插值法分析、处理空间数据的优势,克服了平均值处理、常规统计方法所不能解决的困难。

    All this convenience in analyzing spacial data , which characterize the variogram and Kriging method of geostatistics , are the weakness of average value method and general statistics .

  12. 本文根据灌溉渠道渗漏损失计算目标和实验条件,将线性地质统计学应用于一维空间,探索较大范围点的Kriging最优插值法应用的某些规则与插值条件。

    According to the seepage loss through canal measured in field , the linear geostatistics was applied in one dimensional case to explore the applicability of Kriging interpolation in large area .

  13. 介绍了顺序指示模拟原理和地质统计学在3D数字岩心建模中应用原理的概率论表达式,3D数字岩心模型建立方法,以及3D数字岩心应用实例;

    The probability expressions of the sequential indicator simulation technique and the geological probability applying to model 3D digital core , the method to construct the 3D digital core model , as well as the examples of 3D digital core application , are presented in this paper .

  14. 为了解决在实际计算中遇到的问题,以地质统计学和Kriging插值法为基础,提出了一种基于基本水文数据和监测数据的环境容量的计算方法。

    In order to solve problems in practical calculation , a new approach derived from Geostatistics and Kriging interpolation method was developed to calculate environment capacity on the basis of hydrology data and monitoring data .

  15. 为了解种群的空间结构,从而有效控制其危害,应用生物学统计方法和地质统计学(Geostatistics)方法对沙棘木蠹蛾蛹的空间分布特性进行了分析研究。

    Spatial distribution regularities were analyzed using biostatistics and geostatistical methods for the carpenter moth pupae in order to effectively control the insect and to further study the spatial distribution of the population .

  16. 本文对太平洋CC区(Clarion-ChppetonZone)多金属结核富集区的结核丰度、品位(Mn、Cu、Co、Ni)进行了详细的地质统计学分析、获得了较好的实验变差图。

    Geostatistics was applied to the analysis of the abundance and grade ( such as manganese , copper , cobalt and nickel ) of the polymetallic nodules collected from the Clarion Clipperton Zone in the Pacific and the excellent experimental variograms were obtained .

  17. 在此基础上,对夏玉米不同生育期耕层20cm深度处的土壤水负压、水流通量和Atrazine浓度的空间变异结构进行了地质统计学分析。

    And then geostatistical analysis was carried out of spatial variance structure of soil water negative pressure , water flux and atrazine concentration at 20 cm depth during the growing stage of summer maize .

  18. 结构模型修改已经演化为一个多学科的研究课题,本文将该问题处理为确定从模态参数到模型参数之间的映射问题,并利用起源于地质统计学的Kriging技术实现该映射。

    Structural model updating has evolved as a multidisciplinary research subject . The problem is now treated as determining a mapping from modal parameters to structural model ones , and the mapping is realized by Kriging model originated in geological statistics .

  19. 为了利用现有的地质统计学方面FORTRAN源程序并给用户提供良好的用户界面和图形显示功能,在研究中采用了用MSPowerStation和VB建立FORTRAN程序的方法。

    In order to make use of existing FORTRAN code and to provide user with favorable UI and flexible ability of showing result in the form of graphics , we adopt the method of combining MS PowerStation 4.0 and VB to establish FORTRAN program in our research .

  20. 基于地质统计学法的三维储量估算系统研究与应用

    Realization and Application of 3D Reserves Estimation System Based on Geostatistics

  21. 基于分形地质统计学的草地土壤空间变异

    Spatial Variability of Soil in Grassland Base on Fractal Geostatistics Theory

  22. 中国地质统计学(空间信息统计学)发展的回顾与前景

    Review and Prospect of geostatistics ( spatial-informationstatistics ) developmant in China

  23. 地质统计学方法在德兴铜矿地质建模中的应用

    Application of Geostatistical Method in Geological Modeling of Dexing Copper Mine

  24. 多点地质统计学为储层随机建模的国际前沿研究方向。

    Multiple-point geostatistics is a promising discipline in stochastic reservoir modeling .

  25. 变异函数是地质统计学的核心和基本工具。

    The variation is the core and basic tool of geostatistics .

  26. 应用地质统计学评估福建某铜矿资源

    Applying Geological Statistics to Evaluate a Certain Copper Ore Resource in Fujian

  27. 地质统计学反演方法及其在薄层砂体预测中的应用

    Geostatistical inversion method and its application in the prediction of thin reservoirs

  28. 纯时间域多元信息地质统计学

    Time is * geostatistics of multivariate information in temporal domain

  29. 大洋多金属结核矿床的二维地质统计学模型

    Two-dimensional Geostatistical Model of Polymetallic Nodule Deposit in the Pacific

  30. 地质统计学储量计算方法在紫金山铜矿床中的应用

    Application of Geological Statistics on Calculating Reserves of the Zijin Copper Deposit