
  1. 他把车越开越快,看着车速表上的指针跳到了100公里。

    He drove faster , watching the needle flick up to a hundred km .

  2. 火车越开越快,姑娘停住脚步不跑了。

    The train gathered speed and the girl stopped running .

  3. 火车越开越快,把房子和工厂抛在后面进入了一片开阔的田野。

    Houses and factories gave place to open fields as the train gathered speed .

  4. 还是玩笑越开越大了?

    Or was the joke just getting better ?

  5. 汽车越开越快。

    The car is picking up speed .

  6. 而广州好比旧金山,将越开越受到关注。

    Guangzhou has attracted more attention lately , and I would compare it to San Francesco .

  7. 我们改革的脚步不会停滞,开放的大门只会越开越大。

    China 's reforms will never stop , and its doors will only open ever wider .

  8. 这是一段美丽的爱情,将会绽放出绚丽之花,并且越开越美丽。

    It would be a beautiful love that can only blossom and grow into even more beauty .

  9. 所以你需要把可终结对象和其他对象分得越开越好。

    So you want to isolate your finalizable objects from other objects as much as you can .

  10. 使用该模型进行了计算机仿真,当给出阀口阶越开度时,得到对应的回路速度的动特性仿真结果。

    Corresponding dynamic characteristics simulation results of circuit speed were obtained while the step opening of throttle was given .

  11. 当没有人在现实中扮演检查角色,我们的脑洞会越开越大,变得小题大做。

    We tend to globalize , catastrophize , when no one is there to act as a reality check .

  12. 汽车越开越近,但没有停在他家门口,而是沿路停在不远处。

    It came nearer , but it did not come to the house . The car stopped some way along the road .

  13. 律师事务所越开越多,但毕业于顶级法学院的人基本上保持不变。

    Law firms keep growing , but the pool of law students from " top tier " law schools has remained fairly constant .

  14. 像沙滩车之类的越野车;像雪上汽车之类的越野运动。汽车下山时越开越快。

    Off-road vehicles such as dune buggies ; off-road sports such as snowmobiling . The car gained speed as it went down the hill .

  15. 奢侈品商店在中国大陆越开越多,奢侈品公司为了建立销售团队也投入了大量的资本。

    More luxury goods stores continue to open on the mainland , with companies putting a lot of capital into developing a sales staff .

  16. “凤台小戏”这朵太行艺术奇葩将在大家的努力下,越开越美。

    " Fengtai small theater " Taihang allow wonderful art will be the efforts of everyone , the more open the more the United States .

  17. 近年来,阳朔的旅游业以每年逾20%的速度在增长,因此酒店、旅馆和旅行社也越开越多。

    Annual increases in tourism in excess of20 % drove the rapid proliferation of hotels and guesthouses as tour operators raced to provide entertainment options for the growing masses .

  18. 传统的方法是你将球员挂牌然后等感兴趣的俱乐部开价,驳回那些越开越低的报价。

    The conventional wisdom is to simply transfer-list a player and wait for clubs to announce an interest within the player , dropping his asking price if clubs appear to be backward in coming forward !

  19. 当他将要开过位于湖边的陡坡时,突然兴奋起来,大叫“刹车坏了,控制不住了!”于是车越开越快,一头冲进了湖里。

    But as soon as he reached the steep incline that led to the lake , he 'd begin to freak out and scream , " The brakes don 't work ! The brakes won 't hold ! " as they rushed faster and faster to a liquid death .

  20. 他已变得越来越离不开她了。

    She was becoming indispensable to him .

  21. 随着Internet和计算机网络的普及,网络已经走进千家万户,人们的生活越来越离不开网络。

    With the popularization of the Internet and computer network , the network has entered the life of countless families .

  22. 随着Internet的发展以及计算机硬件的普及,人们的日常生活越来越离不开网络,如在网络上进行商业交易与资源共享等。

    With the rapid development of Internet and the extensive popularity of computer hardware , people have a more and more dependence upon computer network in daily life , such as commercial deal and resource sharing over Internet .

  23. 我越来越离不开你了!

    I can 't leave you day and day !

  24. 人类越来越离不开电。

    The human race is very dependent on electricity .

  25. 这张照片是摆拍的谣言越传越开。

    And this rumor kept going around that the photograph had been staged .

  26. 网络的普及和教学中对网络的重视,使学生写作越来越离不开网络。

    There are both positive and negative influences of internet to students writing .

  27. 中国的发展越来越离不开世界,世界的发展也越来越离不开中国。

    China needs the world more than ever before to develop itself and vice versa .

  28. 随着科技的进步,银行的发展越来越离不开计算机、网络这些技术,而银行信息化进程正在大步前进。

    With the development of science and technology , the bank cannot develop without computer and network .

  29. 计算机技术的日益发展,使生物学的研究越来越离不开计算机及网络技术。

    The development of computer technology is making studies in biology increasingly inseparable from computers and cyber technology .

  30. 由此不难看出,航天事业的发展越来越离不开仿真。

    As may be inferred from this , space cause can not develop without simulation day by day .