
  • 网络Love you more and more;More love
  1. 打开你的门,我会越来越爱你。

    Open your door , I will love you more and more .

  2. 同样现在的我也越来越爱你了!这你知道吗?

    Also now of I also love you more and more ! Do you know that ?

  3. 皮彻心里想马克斯韦尔变得越来越爱忘事了。

    Pitcher thought to himself that Maxwell was getting more forgetful every day .

  4. 他越来越爱唱歌

    Fairfax : He 's taken to singing ,

  5. 我越来越爱她了。

    I love her more and more .

  6. 我是肯定的我们中的大多数人见到他的泪花,那使我们越来越爱他。

    I 'm sure most of us saw his tears and that made us love him more and more .

  7. 随着年事渐高,作者变得越来越爱冥想,这反映在她后期作品中。

    As she grew older , the author became more meditative , and this is reflected in her later books .

  8. 到晚年,他变得越来越不爱动了。

    He became increasingly sedentary in later life .

  9. 要活得越来越像我爱的自己。

    Why must we all conceal what we think , how we feel ?

  10. 所以这将是你觉察力的努力,成为越来越觉知到爱,并且散发更多的爱。

    So this is to be your conscious effort - become more aware of love , and release more love .

  11. 在跟随主耶稣的过程中,我们就越来越认识他,越来越爱他,并愿意牺牲舍己及尊主为大,将自己生命的主权交给他,让主越兴盛彰显而自我越衰微渺小。

    In the path of following Him , and ever learning to know and to love Him better , we shall willingly sacrifice all , self with its life , to make room for Him Who is more than all .