
  1. 虚拟社区中的规则及其服从&以天涯社区为例

    The Regulation and Obedience of Cyber Society : Take " Tianya " for example

  2. 天涯社区的一项调查显示:68.5%的网民表示他们只是是单纯地热衷于围观看热闹。

    In a survey on Tianya . cn68.5 percent of netizens said they simply enjoyed watching entertaining and amusing things .

  3. 11月2日,天涯社区面向广大网民发起“2010年度汉字”评选活动。

    Tianya.cn opened a platform for Internet users to nominate the " Character of the Year 2010 " on Nov 2 .

  4. 在最近的一次淘宝血拼之后,米兰用照片拍下一些自己最为满意的购物成果,并将它们上传到天涯社区的生活论坛上。

    After a recent online shopping spree , Mi took photos of some of her most satisfying purchases and uploaded them to a lifestyle forum on Tianya.cn .

  5. 如今在校学生若没有特别需求,很少关注校园门户信息,而类似人人网,天涯社区,微博等平台倍受青睐。

    Without requirements , the students will pay little attention to the campus portal information , as we all know , everyone nets , the world community and the Twitter are extremely popular right now .

  6. 今年34岁的金波是天涯社区的副主编。上周三的时候他突然晕倒在北京一地铁站里,失去了意识,随后大约在晚上7点左右停止了心跳。

    Jin Bo , the 34-year-old deputy editor-in-chief of a popular social networking site tianya.cn , passed away last Wednesday evening after he lost consciousness and fainted at a subway station in Beijing around 7 p.m.

  7. 具体调研选择了南京大学在校师生以及天涯社区的会员。(5)第五章实证研究,此为全文的重点,通过发放和收集调查问卷,对问卷进行数据统计和分析。

    Specific research Nanjing University teachers and students as well as World community members . ( 5 ) Chapter ⅴ empirical research , this is the key of the full text , based on the issuance and collection of questionnaire , questionnaire , data statistics and analysis .