- 网络Treaty of Tientsin

The Treaty of Tientsin ( Tianjin ) in1858 , which ended the war , gave the British the privilege of diplomatic representation in China .
As a result , the both sides of the war signed the Treaty of Tianjing and the New Treaty of Sino-France .
Unequal Treaty System started from Opium War , formed from Tianjin Treaty and Beijing Treaty , and decayed with Maguan treaty .
In the view of Western Powers , treaty port area scope has expanded , after Tianjin Treaty , to within 100 li .
Through Li Hongzhang 's diplomatic negotiations with Ito Hirobum the Sino-Japan Tianjin Treaty was signed , and thus the dispute between the two countries was settled .
Unifying their armies , British and French occupied Guangzhou and forced the Qing government to sign the Tianjin Treaty in 1858 after their canon boats had bombarded the Tanggu Forts near Tianjin .
In 1857 , British and French troops capture Guangzhou in 1861 forced the Qing government to sign the " Treaty of Tianjin ", forcibly leased to the British and French imperialism sand surface .