
  • 网络picea schrenkiana;Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica;Picea schrenkiana Var. Tianshanica
  1. 天山云杉林土壤种子库物种组成及其垂直空间分布

    Species Composition and Vertical Distribution of Soil Seed Bank in Picea schrenkiana Forest

  2. 天山云杉林土壤种子库研究

    Study on Soil Seed Bank of Picea Schrenkiana Forest

  3. 主要研究结果如下:1.为便于收集天山云杉针叶材料,提高DNA提取质量,发明了采用酒精浸泡和硅胶干燥相结合的处理方法。

    The main results are as follows : 1 . In order to facilitate the collection of coniferous materials of P.schrenkiana and improve the quality of DNA extraction , we invent the treatment method that combine alcohol soaked and silica gel drying .

  4. 鳞毛蕨(Dryopterisfilix-mas)天山云杉林种群结构分析

    Analysis on the Population Structure of Picea schrenkiana Fisch . et Mey . - Dryopteris filix-mas Stand

  5. 实验还表明,在低浓度(≤0.05gDWmL-1)时,天山云杉凋落物提取液对其种子的发芽率表现出一定的促进作用。

    At the same time , the results also showed that germination ratio was accelerated as using lower concentration aqueous extracts (≤ 0.05 gDW mL ~ ( - 1 )) .

  6. 利用SPSS(V11.5)软件统计分析表明,天山云杉林对土温和蒸发量的影响比对大气温度和湿度的影响显著。

    With the analysis of SPSS ( V11.5 ), it is concluded that the influence of Tianshan Mountain Spruce on soil temperature and evaporation is more obvious than that of the temperature and humidity .

  7. 以天山云杉种子年后第一年的土壤种子库为对象,采用萌发法对天山中部海拔1800~2210m天山云杉林下0~10cm深度的土壤种子库的种子储量及其垂直空间分布进行了研究。

    Taking the soil seed bank of the first year after the seed age as the object , storage and vertical distribution of soil seed bank within the depth of 0 ~ 10 cm of Picea schrenkiana Fisch . et Mey . forest were studied by using greenhouse germination methods .

  8. 鳞毛蕨天山云杉林林冠干扰机制研究

    Study on the Gap Disturbance Mechanism of Picea Schrenkiana-Dryopteris Filix-mas Stand

  9. 不同海拔天山云杉木材纤维长度和宽度的研究

    Length and Width of Fiber of Tianshan Spruce at Several Altitudes

  10. 天山云杉疏林地改造利用研究

    Study on Remaking and Utilization at Shrenk Spruce Open Forest Land

  11. 天山云杉天然林林分空间格局的研究

    Research of Spatial Distribution Pattern for The Schrenk Spruce Forest

  12. 天山云杉人工幼林抚育间伐的研究

    A Study on Tending Thinning of Shrenk Spruce Young Stand

  13. 鳞毛蕨天山云杉林林冠空隙特征

    Characteristics of gap in Picea schrenkiana-Dryopteris filix - mas stand

  14. 天山云杉的自毒作用及其生理学机制研究

    Study on Picea Schrenkiana Autotoxicity and the Physiological Mechanism

  15. 天山云杉自毒作用的生化机制研究

    Study on the Biochemical Mechanism of Picea Schrenkiana Autotoxicity

  16. 天山云杉林年龄结构的研究

    A Study on Age Structure of Shrenk Spruce Stand

  17. 天山云杉种群空间格局与动态

    Spatial distribution pattern of tree individuals in the Schrenk spruce forest , northwest China

  18. 影响天山云杉天然更新与幼苗存活的微生境变量分析

    Analysis on Micro-habitat Variables Affecting Natural Regeneration and Survival of Seedlings in Picea schrenkiana Stand

  19. 天山云杉优势木对比法选优中有关遗传参数的估算方法的探讨

    Discussion on Genetic Parameter Estimate about the Selection of Three Compare Tree in Tianshan Picea

  20. 总体来看,天山云杉林土壤种子库与地上植被之间的相似性在0.2~0.286之间。

    The similarity between soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation ranges from 0.2 to 0.286 totally .

  21. 天山云杉树木年轮宽度对气候因子变化的响应

    Response Analysis Between Tree-Ring Widths and Climatic Factors Along Different Regions in Tianshan Mountains Northwestern China

  22. 天山云杉林下土壤物理性质空间异质性研究

    Spatial heterogeneity of understory soil physical properties for Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica in the Tianshan mountains

  23. 天山云杉林分对坡度、坡向变化较敏感。

    Picea schrenkiana var. Tianschanica stand is sensitive to the changes of the Slope and Aspect .

  24. 结果表明:在同一地点天山云杉球果大小性状随海拔范围不同而发生相应的变化。

    The results showed that the cone size characters varied with different range of altitude in each site .

  25. 等一年生或多年生草本植物为主,作为建群种的天山云杉不足1%,反映出2004年为种子小年。

    Which is the dominant species can hardly reach to only 1 % . It shows that 2004 is off year .

  26. 天山云杉针叶长和针叶长宽比随着海拔高度的增加总体呈现逐渐减小的趋势,针叶宽度随海拔梯度的升高呈增加趋势。

    The results showed that the needle length and the ratio of needle length to width decreased with the increasing altitude .

  27. 天山云杉林微生境综合因子可概括为苔藓、草本、空间距离、腐殖质和枯落物;

    The variables of micro-habitat affecting seedling in the Picea schrenkiana stand were generalized with moss , herbaceous , spatial distance , humus and litter ;

  28. 采用两种数据处理方法对天山云杉球果大小性状随海拔梯度的变化规律进行了研究。

    The clustering intensity was strongest in the upper altitude . ( 4 ) Two methods were used to analyze the change of cone size characters along the altitudinal gradient .

  29. 天山云杉在中等海拔范围分布最集中、郁闭度最大、生长最好、蓄积量最高,造成了此范围内草本植物的物种丰富度最低。

    This forest had the widest distribution , highest canopy , best growth , and highest stand volume at middle altitudes , resulting in the lowest species richness of herbs .

  30. 结果表明:在林冠干扰方式下,林冠空隙(林窗)内天山云杉天然更新幼树幼苗呈现聚集分布,并在每一聚集分布中都有最大聚集强度;

    The results indicate that under canopy disturbance , the naturally regenerated seedlings in the canopy gaps present a cluster distribution pattern and have a largest cluster intensity in every distribution .