
  • 网络singh;Manmohan Singh;SINGER;Peter Singer;Isaac Bashevis Singer
  1. 印度总理辛格和执政的国民大会党主席索尼娅·甘地(SoniaGandhi)计划慰问在医院接受治疗的受害者,并对省级的安全形势进行检查。

    Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and ruling Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi plan to visit hospitalized victims and inspect heightened security .

  2. 经济学家们曾期望印度总理辛格(manmohansingh)尽早在支出和经济改革方面做出艰难的抉择。

    Manmohan Singh , prime minister , had been expected to make an early commitment to tough decisions on spending and economic reform .

  3. 辛格先生说他对这一结果感到满意。

    Mr. Singh said he was pleased with the outcome

  4. 辛格先生是个非常成功的推销员。

    Mr Singh was a highly successful salesman

  5. 印度总理辛格未能通过印度议会的信任投票。

    The Indian Prime Minister , V P Singh , lost a vote of confidence in the Indian parliament .

  6. 辛格先生想在国家公共部门为下层印度人保留职位,这是一种积极的区别对待。

    Mr Singh wanted to reserve places for low-caste Indians within the country 's public sector , as a form of positive discrimination .

  7. 大楼外的铜牌上写着:b辛格博士。

    On the brass plateoutside the building it said Dr b.singh .

  8. 詹姆士·B·辛格陵为美国俱乐部经理人协会的首席执行官。

    James B.Singerling is the Chief Executive Officer of the Club Managers Association of America .

  9. 加速合伙公司(AccelPartners)和哈里森金属(HarrisonMetal)共同负责了此轮融资,辛格•卡西迪曾进入前者学习并开展过创业活动。

    Accel partners , where Singh Cassidy had been an entrepreneur-in-residence , and Harrison metal co-led the round .

  10. 辛格女士在说服科学家把消遣的东西当作严肃的工程问题后造出了这款ThesisCouture鞋。

    Ms Singh formed Thesis Couture after convincing scientists to treat the ' fluffy ' subject as a ' serious engineering problem ' .

  11. 辛格在去年11月向美国对外关系委员会(councilonforeignrelations)表达了自己的一些关切,称他担心中国在该地区已变得更为“武断”。

    Mr Singh shared some of his concerns with the US Council on foreign relations in November , saying he feared that China had become more " assertive " in the region .

  12. 辛格的政府已深陷各种丑闻泥潭,包括英联邦运动会(commonwealthgames)、贿选以及一桩涉及军方高官的土地诈骗。

    His administration is already mired in scandals over the Commonwealth Games , cash for votes and a land scam involving military top brass .

  13. 辛格表示,如果像IMF估计的那样,2009年主要经济体采取的刺激措施规模占到GDP的2%,可能就足够。

    If stimulus measures by leading economies in 2009 amount to 2 per cent of GDP , as the IMF estimates , that is probably adequate , he says .

  14. 辛格并未提及自己是否受到伊拉克记者蒙塔兹•扎伊迪的启发。在美国前总统乔治•W•布什最后一次出访巴格达期间,发生了扎伊迪向布什砸鞋的事件。

    Singh did not say whether he was inspired by Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi , who threw his shoes at former US president George W.Bush during his last visit to Baghdad .

  15. 前途看起来黯淡;前途无望;安瑞岛上的生活总是黯淡、艰苦jm辛格;对事物抱着悲观的看法。

    The future looked black ; prospects were bleak ; life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult-j.m.synge ; took a dim view of things .

  16. 昨天是印度独立日,辛格在德里的红堡(RedFort)用印地语发表了低调致词,重点是承诺推动更为全面的经济增长、减少贫困并增加农民收入。

    A low-key Independence Day address , delivered in Hindi at the Red Fort in Delhi , focused on pledges to foster more inclusive growth , reduce poverty and boost farmers ' incomes .

  17. 辛格昨日的言论与美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的呼声意见不一。面对伊朗核计划引发的严重忧虑,奥巴马呼吁要加强核不扩散条约。

    His comments yesterday are at odds with an appeal by Barack Obama , the US president , to strengthen the NPT in the face of grave anxieties about Iran 's nuclear programme .

  18. 辛格曾在泰姬酒店集团(TajHotelgroup)担任过四年营销总监。IHP可以完美结合他的专业知识和企业家的直觉。

    For Singh , who worked as a marketing executive for the Taj Hotel group for four years , IHP is the perfect vehicle for combining his expertise and his entrepreneurial instincts .

  19. 辛格周三表示,他准备回答立法者有关2g电信牌照发放中涉嫌违规行为的问题。

    Mr Singh said on Wednesday that he was prepared to answer questions from legislators about alleged irregularities in the award of 2G telecoms licences .

  20. 辛格•卡西迪能将Joyus变成快乐、价值、美丽或是强制购物的代名词吗?

    Can Singh Cassidy make Joyus synonymous with fun or value or beauty or compulsive shopping ?

  21. 但印度总理辛格(ManmohanSingh)领导的政府,在去年的选举中因国大党(Congressparty)获得绝对性胜利而上台。辛格政府正将基建作为优先考虑事宜,特别是把道路建设作为重点关注。

    But the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh , empowered by a decisive victory for his Congress party in elections last year , is making infrastructure a priority , with roads a particular focus of attention .

  22. 辛格说,包括印度理工学院(IIT)在内的印度科学机构必须改变它们的心态,从而促进一种创新文化。

    Indian scientific establishments , including the Indian Institutes of Technology ( IIT ), must change their mindsets to promote an innovation culture , said Singh .

  23. 阿克沙伊的哥哥维纳伊&12539;辛格(VinaySingh)说,妇女出去工作不是我们的传统。

    ' A woman going out for work is not in our tradition , ' says Vinay Singh , Mr. Singh 's older brother .

  24. 辛格博士说,使用触发查询帮助找到了异常PSA检查和阳性大便潜血检查,每年可以查到约1048例异常检查结果的后续跟进被延误或遗漏,以及47例重度癌症。

    Dr. Singh says the use of triggers , which helped find abnormal PSA tests and positive fecal occult blood tests , could detect an estimated 1,048 instances of delayed or missed follow-up of abnormal findings annually and 47 high-grade cancers .

  25. 辛格博士说,使用“触发”查询帮助找到了异常PSA检查和阳性大便潜血检查,每年可以查到约1048例异常检查结果的后续跟进被延误或遗漏,以及47例重度癌症。

    Dr. Singh says the use of triggers , which helped find abnormal PSA tests and positive fecal occult blood tests , could detect an estimated 1048 instances of delayed or missed follow-up of abnormal findings annually and 47 high-grade cancers .

  26. 但是,虽然沃特斯的独女、30岁的范妮·辛格(FannySinger)说她乐意要孩子,但她和母亲都承认,辛格还没有做好当母亲的准备。

    But while Ms. Waters 's only child , Fanny Singer , 30 , says she likes the idea of having children , both she and her mother acknowledge that Ms. Singer isn 't ready to become a parent yet .

  27. Reuters缅甸总统吴登盛与印度总理辛格上周在新德里。印度外交部在新闻吹风会上说,印度终于认真考虑了开发缅甸西部若开邦(Rakhine)实兑港(Sittwe)计划。

    In a briefing , India 's Ministry of External Affairs said it finally was serious about plans to develop Myanmar 's Sittwe port in western Rakhine state .

  28. 尽管没有提到巴基斯坦的名字,但印度总理辛格(ManmohanSingh)称,印度要正告邻国,利用他们的土地开展针对印度的袭击是不会被容忍的。

    While not mentioning Pakistan by name , Prime Minister Manmohan Singh pledged to'take up strongly with our neighbors that the use of their territory for launching attacks on us will not be tolerated . '

  29. 或者选民在支持她的儿子拉胡尔(Rahul)?一些人认为,39岁的拉胡尔不久就会接替体质虚弱的辛格。

    Or were they voting for her son , Rahul , the 39-year-old who some believe will take over from the frail Mr Singh before long ?

  30. 当辛格下车,开始在蒙蒙细雨中穿过行人天桥朝着办公室走时,与几十名乘客挤在候车亭的21岁学生里阿卡特·阿里(LiaqatAli)仍在盯着他看。

    As Mr. Singh got off the bus and began walking in the morning drizzle across a pedestrian footbridge toward his office , a 21-year-old student named Liaqat Ali was huddled with dozens of passengers under the bus shelter , continuing to stare .