
  • 网络Zhang Quan;Kuen Cheung
  1. 张权是美声唱法民族化的先行者和体现者,她通过自己一生的声乐学习经历和演出实践,将西洋美声唱法民族化。

    Zhang Quan is a pioneer to nationalize bel canto through her mucic study experience and performance .

  2. 当许多人一起聊天时,张权只能保持沉默,她就感到抱歉。

    She felt sorry for Zhang when , surrounded by a chatting group , he could only remain silent .

  3. 本文以整理张权的声乐艺术成就为目的,回顾了张权的声乐表演活动、声乐教学活动。

    This research is intended to sort out Zhang Quan 's achievements on vocal music , reviewing her activities in vocal music performing and teaching .

  4. 声乐表演艺术家,教育家张权是中国近现代声乐艺术史上的重要人物,她在声乐表演艺术和声乐教学领域上都有卓越的成就。

    Zhang Quan , a famous educator and artist of vocal music performance , is an important figure in the contemporary history of Chinese vocal music .

  5. 她的一位名叫张权的聋人朋友,由于王娜娜不懂手语,所以平时即使两人面对面坐在一起,张权也不得不用微信打字和她交流。

    Her friend , Zhang Quan , could only use WeChat to communicate with her even when they were sitting face to face , as Wang did not know sign language .

  6. 文章对张权的声乐艺术风格的特点和形成的过程进行深入的讨论,总结了她的教学思想和方法,并梳理其在对创建中国声乐学派方面的见解与观点。

    The thesis takes a deep research into the features and formation of her vocal music 's artistic style , sum up her teaching ideology and methods , and concludes her ideas and viewpoints on establishing China 's vocal music sect .