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  1. 很多年内,知霍县成了一个充满快乐、和平的地方。

    Zhihuo county was a pleasant , peaceful place for many years afterwards .

  2. 2002年,一条新的南北向高速公路开通,2005年又有一条东西向的支线公路建成,从那以后,綦江县已经成了一个交通枢纽。

    Since a new north-south expressway opened in2002 , followed by a spur line running east to west in2005 , Qijiang has become something of a transport hub .

  3. 结果依据遥感资料可以将洪涝灾区县划分成3大类:3次遥感资料中有1次遥感淹没面积超过6700hm2的灾区县属于一类灾区县;

    Results All the flood disaster counties of Jiangsu province could be classified into three categories by the formed demarcation stadards : The countries having more than 100 thousand mu flood disaster areas more than one time belong to class one ;

  4. 伊利诺伊州房地产经纪人协会(illinoisassociationofrealtors)的数据显示,肯德尔县7月成屋销售同比增加19.7%,为芝加哥地区最高增速。

    Sales of existing homes rose 19.7 per cent in July from last year , the fastest growth in the Chicago metropolitan area , according to the Illinois Association of Realtors .

  5. 然而,不断发展的经济和有限的矿产资源的矛盾也在不断加剧,使得上杭县有演变成危机矿业城市的趋势。

    However , the growing economy is facing a conflict with the mineral resources , hanging a mining crisis trend over this city .

  6. 因此他提议将弗吉尼亚州的每一个县都划分成更小的区,以利于公民直接参与地方上的公共事务。

    Hence he proposed to divide each Virginian county into smaller wards so as to facilitate the citizens ' direct participation in local public affairs .

  7. 永年县河北铺昌成标准件门市凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。

    Yongnian County , Hebei Chang into standard parts shop store with good credit , excellent service and a number of enterprises established long-term cooperative relationship .

  8. 为了解大埔县新汀江大桥成桥后实际承载能力是否满足设计要求,针对新汀江大桥进行静载试验。

    In order to understand whether the new Tingjiang bridge of Dapu county after finished can satisfy the design requirement , it makes a dead load experiment .

  9. 本文根据京山县的实际情况,在生态农业建设方案设计时,把京山县划分成四个不同类型生态经济区。

    In designing eco-agriculture construction plan , Jingshan county were divided into four different eco-economical regions .