
wài jiāo nénɡ lì
  • diplomatic capacity
  1. 波斯尼亚总统委员会三名成员之一,HarisSilajdzic参加了那些会谈,他称赞了霍尔布鲁克的外交能力。

    Haris Silajdzic , a member of Bosnia 's three-member presidency , took part in those talks and praised Richard Holbrooke 's diplomatic skill .

  2. 他也是位杰出外交能力的优秀政治家。

    He was also a talented politician with excellent diplomatic abilities .

  3. 试论科学技术对政府外交能力的影响

    On the Influence of Scientific Technology upon Governmental Diplomatic Abilities

  4. 外交能力是你的天赋,但它也会成为一把双刃剑。

    Your diplomacy is a gift , but it can also be a double-edged sword .

  5. 而你也应该擅于此道,因为你天生便有着良好的外交能力。

    You should be good at that , for you have the makings of a natural diplomat .

  6. 在处理国际关系方面,中国有着很强的外交能力。

    As we know that China , indeed , closed itself from international relationship at that time .

  7. 统治机能的强弱,是决定南京国民政府外交能力大小的关键因素;

    The key factor about the ability of the Nanjing national government is the function of rule . scavenging ability of BSCA were measured by the chemical simulation .

  8. 你们看,面对世界纷繁紧张的局势,我们的安全保障和领导地位取决于我们各个力量的配合,当然也包括我们国家强有力而有原则的外交能力。

    You see , in a world of complex threats , our security and leadership depends on all elements of our power - including strong and principled diplomacy .

  9. 父母可以在家藉由电话训练孩子说话的胆量,例如学习打电话给祖父母或朋友,同时也能拓展孩子的外交能力。

    To help a child learn to cope in various social situations , parents can encourage their child to interact with others such as by picking up the phone and calling a grandparent or a friend .

  10. 这些软件在一般的生活中在一定程度上给我们带来了方便和享受,但如果使用不当,便会带来很严重的后果甚至会影响一个国家的军事、政治、外交能力。

    To some extent , these software can bring us convenience and enjoyment , however , if used improperly , they will bring very serious consequences even affect the military , political , diplomatic capability of a Country .

  11. 在一个刚刚实施QA过程的公司里,有耐心和外交的能力尤其重要。

    In organizations in the early stages of implementing QA processes , patience and diplomacy are especially needed .

  12. 科学技术已成为影响社会发展的关键性因素,同样,科学技术对政府外交的能力也产生了全方位影响。

    Scientific technology has become the key factor that influences social development , the same is true that scientific technology has omnibearing influence upon governmental diplomatic abilities .

  13. 斯托里表示,中国近年在有争议水域以北的海南岛修建了一座大型海军基地,在南海实施强制外交的能力逐渐增强。

    China , which recently built a large naval base on Hainan island , to the north of the disputed waters , increasingly has the capability to deploy coercive diplomacy in the South China Sea , says Mr Storey .

  14. 当米特罗姆尼(mittromney)渲染自己处理外交政策的能力时,他应该记住这个教训。

    As Mitt Romney burnishes his foreign policy credentials this week , he should keep this lesson in mind .

  15. 正是在这方面,我们应该寻求更为连贯、且更有效的外交政策领导能力。

    This is where we should be looking for more coherent and effective foreign policy leadership .

  16. 展览会令公众和批评家感到惊讶的成功,证明了卡贝尔先生相当的学术、外交和管理能力。

    A surprise hit with both public and critics , the shows demonstrated Mr Campbell 's considerable scholarly , diplomatic and administrative skills .

  17. 首先是美国国内的预算,这危及美国执行外交政策的能力&这是美国作为全球领导角色所必须实施的外交政策。

    The first is the budget at home , which threatens the ability of the US to conduct the foreign policy that the mantle of global leadership demands of it .

  18. 这种战略协作的紧密性和有效性,不仅依赖于双方的共同需要和共同利益,更加依赖于由两国实力所形成的协作外交的操作能力。

    Apart from the common needs and interests rooted in both sides , the compactness and validity of this kind of strategic cooperation relies more on the operation ability of cooperative diplomacy based on two countries strength .

  19. 不仅如此,在政治外交和军事外交能力极为有限的条件下,日本在处理政治、安全等问题时也往往以经济外交为重要手段。

    Besides , under the limited conditions of capability of political diplomacy and military diplomacy , Japan always treats economic diplomacy as an important way when dealing with the politics and safety issues .