
wài zhǎn shén jīnɡ
  • abducens
外展神经 [wài zhǎn shén jīng]
  • [abducens nerve] 第六对颅神经之一,系运动神经,起自脑桥下缘,支配眼的外直肌

  1. 其中外展神经麻痹4例,不完全性动眼神经麻痹2例,滑车神经麻痹1例。

    Of them had abducens paralysis ; 2 cases suffered from oculomotor paresis and 1 had trochlear paralysis .

  2. 神经结构:CPA内有面神经,蜗神经,前庭上、下神经和中间神经穿过。三叉神经位于上述神经的头端,后组神经位于尾端,外展神经位于内侧。

    The structures of nerves : There are facial , cochlear , vestibular and intermediate nerves through the CPA , whose top the trigeminus locates , whose cauda posterior group cranial nerves locate and which the abducens nerves lies in .

  3. 放疗后遗症CT模拟定位组1例耳聋,常规组外展神经麻痹1例,耳聋2例,放射性脑病2例。

    Some radiotherapeutic sequelas were found : one case with deafness in CT-sim group , one case with abducent paralysis , two cases with deafness and two cases with radioactive encephalopathy in consim group .

  4. 1例A型CCF在球囊栓塞后出现外展神经麻痹,经面静脉眼上静脉栓塞后亦无改善。

    The VI cranial nerve palsy present after balloon embolization in a type A CCF was not improved after the packing of the cavernous sinus .

  5. 在三叉神经中脑核内HRP标记神经原的分布范围自脑桥的外展神经核水平开始向上延伸至中脑上丘嘴侧水平。

    HRP labeled neurons in the MTN extended from the pons at the level of the nucleus of the abducens nerve to the midbrain at the rostral level of the superior colliculus .

  6. 目的探讨A型肉毒毒素(BotulinumtoxinA,BTXA)治疗外展神经麻痹致麻痹性内斜视(paralyticesotropia,PE)的方法和效果。

    Objective To study the methods and the effects of botulinum toxin A ( BTXA ) in the treatment of paralytic esotropia ( PE ) due to the sixth cranial nerve palsy .

  7. 结论非典型患者内转时,眼球后退不明显,诊断DRS时应与眼球运动异常疾病即外展神经麻痹、Moebius综合征、先天性眼球运动不能和先天性或婴儿型内斜视相鉴别。

    Conclusions In atypical cases , the retraction of the globe in adduction was not obvious and the diagnosis of DRS must be differentiated from the following ocular motility disorders , namely , abducens nerve palsy , Mebius syndrome , congenital oculomotor apraxia and congenital or infantile esotropia .

  8. 外展神经是磨除颞骨岩部的内限;

    Abducens nerve was the medial limit of drilling petrous bone ;

  9. 电针治疗外展神经麻痹性复视临床对比研究

    Comparative study on electroacupuncture for treatment of abducent nerve paralytic diplopia

  10. 1例栓塞术后出现一过性外展神经麻痹,后自行恢复。

    Transient sixth nerve palsy was encountered in 1 patient .

  11. 外展神经轻瘫是此综合征的最早症象。

    Mild abductor nerve paralysis is the earliest sign of this syndrome .

  12. 莱姆病引起外展神经麻痹同时伴有同侧周围性面瘫;

    Lyme disease often accompany with facial nerve paralysis .

  13. 单侧外展神经麻痹病因分析

    The causal analysis of unilateral abduct nerve paralysis

  14. 结论单侧外展神经麻痹应全面检查,探查病因,临床上有一定的诊断价值。

    Conclusion The cause of the unilateral abduct nerve paralysis must be explore and it has diagnosis significance .

  15. 中斜坡侧壁重要结构有颈内动脉岩骨段、岩下窦和外展神经经过的Dorello管,循翼管向后方可安全确认颈内动脉岩骨段;

    And the lateral structures of middle clivus were composed of petrous internal carotid artery , inferior petrous sinus and abducent nerve ;

  16. 受累部位以动眼神经麻痹占首位为36.28%外展神经麻痹次之,占30.09%。

    Paralysis of oculomotor nerve accounted for 36.28 % of the primary affected region . Paralysis of abducens nerve accounted for 30.09 % .

  17. 目的:报告一例因罹患蝶窦黏液囊肿而导致单侧外展神经麻痹及视力丧失的病例。

    Purpose : Here we examine a case of sphenoid sinus mucocele presenting with left abducens nerve palsy and subsequent loss of left eye vision .

  18. 结果:针刺治疗外展神经麻痹疗效显著,其中对外伤型最为有效,并且针刺疗法可使麻痹神经肌肉恢复其正常功能。

    Results : Acupuncture was markedly effective for AP , especially traumatic type , and was helpful to restore the function of paralyzed nerve and muscle .

  19. 目的探讨单侧外展神经麻痹原因。方法对73例进行回顾性研究,不包括鼻咽癌及颅脑、眼眶外伤所致。

    Objective To investigate the cause of unilateral abduct never paralysis Methods 73 cases were reviewed ( not including pharyngeal carcinoma and orbit or cerebral injury ) .

  20. 结果:糖尿病性眼肌麻痹受累的脑神经多以外展神经、动眼神经为主;麻痹程度多呈不完全性或者100~200°斜视;

    Results : The most affected nerves in diabetic ophthalmoplegia were abducens nerve and oculomotor nerve , usually not completely paralyzed and with 100 ~ 200 degree strabismus .

  21. 该入路对对侧的海绵窦显露得更好,可达到对侧颈内动脉外侧的外展神经、动眼神经和眶上裂。

    This approach better reveals the contralateral cavernous sinus and reach the abducens nerve , oculomotor nerve and the superior orbital fissure outside contralateral internal carotid artery . 4 .

  22. 动眼神经上、下支、外展神经、鼻睫神经及腱状神经节的交感根和感觉根均经中央区穿行。

    The central sector transmits the superior and inferior of divisions of the oculomotor nerver , the abducens and nasociliary nerves and the sensory and sympathetic roots of the ciliary ganglion .

  23. 观测了蝶岩韧带、外展神经、颈内动脉后曲和后垂直段的分支。

    The data of the petrosphenoidal ligament , the abducent nerve and the branches of the posterior curves and vertical sections of the internal carotid arteries were obtained and their morphology was described in great detail .

  24. 加重或新出现的神经系统症状主要为三叉神经麻痹16例(23.8%)、动眼神经麻痹13例(19.4%)及外展神经麻痹9例(13.4%)。

    The aggressive or new symptoms mainly included paralysis of oculomotor nerve ( 13 cases , 19.4 % ), trigeminal nerve ( 9 cases , 13.4 % ), and abduct nerve ( 9 cases , 13.4 % ) .

  25. 眼球震颤阻滞综合征的特点为内斜视前先有眼球震颤,双侧外展神经假性麻痹以及当注视眼由内转位向外转位运动时,出现显性眼球震颤。

    Nystagmus blockage syndrome ( NBS ) is characterized by an esotropia and often preceded by nystagmus , pseudoparalysis of both abducens nerves , and the appearance of a manifest nystagmus as the fixating eye moves from adduction toward abduction .

  26. 外展神经入肌点有动脉伴行者占86.67%,上下3等分外直肌的肌腹,入肌点在肌的中1/3份者66.67%;

    There were arteries where the abducent nerves went into lateral rectus muscle s ( 86.67 % ) . If the belly of lateral rectus muscle was divided into three superior-inferior parts , nerve entered into middle one third commonly ;

  27. 结果:15例患者均为单眼,单动眼神经麻痹9例,单外展神经麻痹3例,单滑车神经麻痹1例,动眼神经合并外展神经1例,15例患者瞳孔均正常。

    Result : There are 9 cases of oculomotor nerve palsy , 3 cases of abducens nerve palsy and 1 case of trochlear nerve palsy in the total 15 cases . The rest 1 case have both oculomotor and abducens nerve paralysis .

  28. 惟有早期诊断及手术治疗,其所导致的外展神经麻痹及视力丧失才有可能完全恢复。目的:报告一例因罹患蝶窦黏液囊肿而导致单侧外展神经麻痹及视力丧失的病例。

    With early diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention , the sphenoid sinus mucocele-associated neurological deficits can be restored completely . Purpose : Here we examine a case of sphenoid sinus mucocele presenting with left abducens nerve palsy and subsequent loss of left eye vision .

  29. 13例(92.9%)患者未新增颅神经损害症状,1例术后出现短期患侧眼外展麻痹和面神经不全损害(HBⅢ级)。

    13 cases ( 92.9 % ) hadn 't any new cranial nerve injury after operation except 1 suffering from short-term ocular abduction palsy and moderate facial nerve paralysis .