
  • 网络bulbar paralysis, bulbar palsy;Bulbar palsy
  1. 结论:针刺治疗中风假性延髓性麻痹具有一定的优势,值得临床推广和应用。

    Conclusion Acupuncture has some predominances in treatment of apoplectic pseudobulbar palsy .

  2. 急性脑卒中后假性延髓性麻痹并发肺部感染的病原菌检测及药敏分析

    Pathogen detection and drug sensitivity analysis on pseudobulbar palsy patients after acute stroke associated with pulmonary infection

  3. 结果:因多发性脑梗死或桥、延部梗死所致的延髓性麻痹型语言障碍100例;脑干或小脑梗死所致的小脑语言40例;

    The series comprised 100 cases with dysarthria caused by bulbar palsy resulted from multiple infarction in cerebrum , infarction in pons or medulla oblongata , 40 cases with cerebellar language caused by infarction in brain stem or cerebellum and 210 cases with various types of aphasia .