
wài lín bā
  • perilymph
  1. 各组间血清铁和外淋巴铁无显著差异,SAGM对肾功能无明显影响。

    Ferrum in serum and perilymph were not significant between groups .

  2. 胎儿内耳外淋巴锌、铜、钙定量分析

    The quantitative assay of zn 、 cu 、 ca 、 cu / zn in perilymph of inner ear in foetus

  3. 外淋巴灌流硝普钠后,EP、CAP及CM短暂升高后逐渐下降,并维持在较低水平。

    After SNP perilymphatic perfusion , EP , CAP and CM went up transiently and then declined gradually and remained at a lower level . Addition of NMLA did not reverse the changes .

  4. 无钙外淋巴灌流并不改变EP以及用缺氧法得到的负相EP(N-EP),但使EP对强声给-撤时的快速变化趋于消失。

    Furthermore , the perfusion did not altar the EP and negative EP ( n-EP ) induced by anoxia but eliminated the fast change of EP with respect to turning on and off of intense sound .

  5. 方法模拟中耳腔及鼓阶外淋巴腔环境,构建由活体豚鼠的圆窗膜组织、Franz扩散池(玻璃/聚乙烯组件)组成的体外圆窗通透实验装置;

    Methods The apparatus was designed by simulating the environment of middle ear and Scala tympani , consisting of supplying cell , receiving cell and the round polyethylene slice with RWM from guinea pigs .

  6. 方法30只听力正常豚鼠暴露于稳态强噪声(130dbspl×5h),3天后经鼓阶外淋巴腔内导入目的基因,24只注射Ad-NT3,6只注射人工外淋巴液作为对照。

    All animals were exposed to stable intensive noise ( 130 dB SPL ) for five hours . Three days after exposure , twenty-four animals were inoculation with Ad-NT3 into perilymphatic space , while the other six were introduced with artifical perilymphatic fluids ( APF ) as control .

  7. 实验性外淋巴瘘对内耳形态学的影响

    Influence of Experimental Perilymphatic Fistula on the Inner Ear Morphology

  8. 速尿对豚鼠耳蜗鼓阶外淋巴氧分压的影响

    Effect of furosemide on intracochlear oxygen tension in guinea pig

  9. 肝内胆管癌肝外淋巴转移特点的初探

    Characteristics of extrahepatic lymph node metastases in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

  10. 外淋巴瘘的病因、诊断与治疗

    The Causes , Diagnosis and Treatment of Perilymphatic Fistula

  11. 外淋巴瘘对内耳损害的实验研究

    Experimental study of perilymphatic fistula to inner ear damage

  12. 外淋巴瘘对豚鼠畸变产物耳声发射的影响

    The effect of perilymphatic fistula on distortion product otoacoustic emissions of guinea pigs

  13. 急性化脓性中耳炎对耳蜗外淋巴离子的影响

    Perilymph Ions Changing of Cochlea in Guinea Pig with Acute Purulent Otitis Media

  14. 噪声对耳蜗外淋巴中某些离子含量的影响

    The effects of noise on the contents of some ions in cochlear perilymph

  15. 在体耳蜗外淋巴灌流方法

    A Method of Artificial Perilymphatic Solution Perfusion in Vivo in Cochleas of Guinea Pigs

  16. 豚鼠外淋巴至颈淋巴结引流途径初步观察

    The Primary Study of the Perilymph Drainage to Cervical Lymph Nodes in Guinea Pigs

  17. 总和电位与外淋巴瘘的关系

    Relationship Between Summating Potentials and Perilymphatic Fistula

  18. 喉内、外淋巴管网分布

    The inner and the outer laryngeal lymphaties

  19. 外淋巴腔灌注三磷酸腺苷对豚鼠耳蜗功能的影响

    Effects of Adenosine 5 ' - triphosphate through Perilymphatic Perfusion on Cochlear Function of Guinea Pig

  20. 喉癌手术时,应充分考虑喉内、外淋巴管之间的吻合特点,切除相应部位。

    When the operation of laryngeal cancer was performed , the lymphatic anatomies should be considered .

  21. 豚鼠外淋巴灌流实验技术的改进及耳蜗功能和形态学观察

    Technical Improvement of Perilymphatic Perfusion and Observation on the Function and Morphology in Guinea Pig Cochlea

  22. 原发盆腔淋巴结肺外淋巴管肌瘤的诊断(附1例报告)肝脏血管平滑肌脂肪瘤临床病理分析

    Diagnosis of Primary Lymphangiomyoma in Pelvic Lymph Node Hepatic Angiomyolipoma : A Clinicopathological Study of 18 Cases

  23. 外淋巴枯竭状态对听神经兴奋性影响

    The effect of less perilymph in the scala tympani on excitability of auditory nerve in guinea pig

  24. 外淋巴钠、钾离子浓度对豚鼠蜗内电位的影响

    The Effects of Potassium and Sodium in Perilymph on the Endocochlear Potential ( EP ) in Guinea Pig

  25. 外淋巴瘘的毛细胞凋亡与听力损伤外淋巴瘘对内耳损害的实验研究

    Hair cell apoptosis and hearing loss of perilymphatic fistula Experimental study of perilymphatic fistula to inner ear damage

  26. 庆大霉素经过内、外淋巴途径给药后在内耳毛细胞中分布的比较

    The Distribution of Gentamicin in the Hair Cells of the Inner Ear Following Gentamicin Application Through Endolymph or Perilymph Approach

  27. 2有肺外淋巴结转移者有效率为70.21%,无转移者为61.11%。

    In groups with and without metastasis of extrapulmonary lymphnode , the effective rate was 70 21 % and 61 11 % respectively .

  28. 结论经盆腔腹膜外淋巴间隙进行生物治疗能有效激活机体T细胞反应,促进T细胞增殖、活化和浸润,增强患者免疫系统对肿瘤的有效防御反应。

    Conclusion The IL-2 injected via pelvic retroperitoneal space can promote the activity , development and infiltrating of T cell and NK cell in the tumor tissue .

  29. 侧脑室穿刺后,脑脊液中红细胞可经耳蜗导管到达外淋巴,并随外淋巴纵行流动广泛分布到各转鼓阶和前庭阶。

    Red blood cells in CSF can reach perilymphatic space through the cochlear canal , and widely distribute in scalae tympani and scala vestibuli after lateral ventricle puncture .

  30. 结果肿瘤位于宫底部、体部、累及宫颈者淋巴结转移率分别为19.2%、21.2%、35.9%,均以髂外淋巴结转移最常见。

    Results The node metastasis ratio were 19 . 2 % , 21 . 2 % , 35 . 9 % in fundus , corpus uteri and cervix cancer .