
  1. 直到王凯说了实话,老师才笑了。

    The teacher didn 't smile until Wang Kai told the truth .

  2. 实验室工作也并不像王凯设想的那样舒适。

    Working in a laboratory is also not as comfortable as Wang thought .

  3. 她的同班同学王凯上周到东京去看望她。

    Last week her classmate Wang Kai came to visit her in Tokyo .

  4. 虽然心里有点想打退堂鼓,但王凯还是下决心履行职责。

    Despite feeling intimidated by the job , Wang is determined to fulfill his responsibilities .

  5. 王凯和张鲁一在片中分别饰演一位物理教授以及卷入谋杀案的一位天才数学家。

    Wang and Zhang respectively star as a physics professor and a genius mathematician who are drawn into the murder .

  6. 因此,第一部的主角胡歌和王凯很可能将不会出演第二部。

    So , unfortunately , there is a high probability that Hu Ge and Wang Kai won 't make any appearances in the sequel .

  7. 来自江苏徐州的王凯则表示,尽管没时间去做饭,但很喜欢川菜。

    Wang Kai , a native of Xuzhou , Jiangsu province , said he has no time to cook , but he likes Sichuan food .

  8. 王凯2008年毕业,现在北京工作。他表示,同学们应该珍惜这段和家人相处的时光,尽量表现的好些。

    But Wang , who graduated in 2008 and now works in Beijing , says students should cherish the time spent with their family and just try to be nicer .

  9. 王凯表示,在美国,一只艺术品基金的持有期通常是7到8年,但在中国,投资者不想等那么久。

    Mr Wang says in the US , an art fund would usually hold for seven to eight years but in China , investors do not want to wait that long .

  10. 除林心如担任重要角色外,本片还集结了曾出演电视剧《琅琊榜》的王凯以及凭借电视剧《红色》一举成名的男演员张鲁一。

    In addition to Lin , the stellar cast also includes actors Wang Kai , known for Nirvana in Fire , and Zhang Luyi , who shot to fame in The Red .

  11. 王凯说,第一次从大学回家时自己和他们表现得一样,但现在,在距家乡1500公里外的湖南,他对当初的举动懊悔不已。

    Wang says he acted the same way when he first returned home from college , but now , living 1,500 km away from his hometown in Hunan , he regrets his behavior .

  12. 23岁的王凯(音译)毕业于北京交通大学,现在北京一家研究机构工作,他被派到了电子设备检测部门。

    Wang Kai , 23 , a graduate from Beijing Jiaotong University , works for a Beijing-based research institute where he has been assigned to a department in charge of testing electronic devices .

  13. 王凯(音译)和她的朋友们乐于发觉最新的中国地方菜餐馆:一家位于伦敦东部专营中国西北菜的小餐馆,或是一家位于伦敦桥旁的餐馆提供「麻辣小龙虾」。

    Kai Wang and her friends like to sniff out the latest regional Chinese restaurants : a tiny cafe in east London specialising in food from China 's north-east , or one near London Bridge serving numbing and hot crayfish .

  14. 王凯说:我本以为自己已对这份工作的棘手程度做好了准备,像加班,高温作业等等,可我从没想过,技术人员需要亲自将样本搬到实验室。

    I thought I was well prepared for the difficulties of this job , such as working overtime and working in a hot environment , says Wang . But it never occurred to me that technicians need to carry samples to the laboratory themselves .

  15. 为了尽快熟悉工作环境,入职前,他先参观了一下单位。可是在工作了两个月之后,王凯发现这份工作比预期要难得多,因为他的日常工作还包括一些体力活。

    He visited the institute before joining it , aiming to familiarize himself with the working environment , but after two months of working in the institute , Wang is finding the job harder than expected & even lifting heavy objects is part of his daily routine .