
  • 网络Jiang Wen;Anthony Kang
  1. 如今重获中国电影审查部门青睐的姜文目前正在筹备3D电影《一步之遥》(GonewithTheBullets)。该片是其2010年热门电影《让子弹飞》(LettheBulletsFly)的续集,预计将于12月在中国上映。

    Now back in the good graces of China 's film censors , the director is currently preparing for a ' Gone with The Bullets , ' a 3D follow-up on 2010 's satirical hit ' Let the Bullets Fly ' that is expected to hit Chinese theaters in December .

  2. 其中的两个人是中国演员兼导演姜文和德国电影制作人沃克·施隆多夫(VolkerSchlndorff),在德国电影节(FestivalofGermanCinema)开幕的周末,他们坐在台上进行了对话。

    Two of them , the Chinese actor and director Jiang Wen and the German filmmaker Volker Schl ? ndorff , sat on stage in a conversation on the opening weekend of the Festival of German Cinema .

  3. 根据姜文的讲述,事情是这样的:

    As told by Mr. Jiang , the story went like this :

  4. 姜文用英语说,性和性感不是一回事。

    There 's sex and sexy , Mr. Jiang said in English .

  5. 第三章针对姜文电影中的影像空间进行分析。

    The third chapter analyzes specific space in the Jiang Wen film .

  6. 姜文的前三部电影在商业上都没有大获成功。

    Mr. Jiang 's first three films had not been commercial hits .

  7. 姜文说,它真的是无与伦比。

    It really is unparalleled , Mr. Jiang said .

  8. 这部电影也许会辜负你对才子姜文的期待。

    The movie defies what you would expect from a talented film auteur .

  9. 10分钟后,姜文站起来,并拥抱了施隆多夫。

    After 10 minutes , Mr. Jiang stood up and hugged Mr. Schl ?

  10. 在《一步之遥》里,姜文像个孩子一样,将各种自己喜爱的元素堆砌其中。

    Like a child , Jiang puts everything he likes into the movie .

  11. 姜文的发言人拒绝对此置评。

    A spokesman for Mr. Jiang declined to comment .

  12. 姜文的《让子弹飞》在好莱坞翻拍版。

    Jiang Wen to'Let the Bullets Fly'in Hollywood .

  13. 姜文走下台的时候,施隆多夫咧着嘴笑了一下。

    As Mr. Jiang walked off the stage , Mr. Schl ? ndorff grinned .

  14. 此外,姜文电影中的空间设置也具有代表性。

    In addition , Jiang Wen movie in the space set also has representative .

  15. 姜文的改编实践是他重塑自身形象的过程。

    The adaptation of Jiang Wen is a process that he rebuilds his figure .

  16. 姜文兼具演员和导演双重身份。

    Jiang Wen is an actor and director .

  17. 姜文对影像段落的不平常处理,体现了他对杂耍蒙太奇的初探。

    Jiang deals with image fragments unusual which reflects his exploration to juggling montage .

  18. 斯科塞斯就像一位导师,把作品里的“私货”传授给了姜文。

    Scorsese has acted like a mentor , sending him detailed materials from his production .

  19. 姜文并不是检验微电影魅力的第一人。

    Jiang Wen is not the only one who is testing the charm of microfilm .

  20. 我受于姜文爵士称号。

    I dub you sir Chon wang .

  21. 姜文是中国当代影坛极具个性的男演员和电影导演。

    Jiang Wen is a very special actor and film director in current moviedom of China .

  22. 姜文登上了中国电影界的巅峰。

    Jiang Wen is at the top of the world-the world of Chinese cinema , that is .

  23. 姜文坦言,美国导演马丁斯科塞斯作品的对自己影响很大。

    The only filmmaker whose work Jiang admits as having an impact on him is Martin Scorsese .

  24. 《看球记》是中国著名的演员兼导演姜文最新执导的作品。

    " Football Game " is the latest direction work of renowned Chinese actor and director Jiang Wen .

  25. 在国产片中,电影巨星姜文和葛优出演主要角色

    Megastars Jiang Wen and Ge You take the lead roles in this Chinese ( / homemade ) film

  26. 然而在电影里,姜文屡次地把这个地方比作深入险境。

    Yet , Jiang repeatedly uses the location as an outing to the murky world of genre-film making .

  27. 然后姜文把头转向了坐在前排的电影局官员。

    Mr. Jiang then turned to officials from the national film bureau who were sitting in a front row .

  28. 这部5分钟的微电影充满了姜文的艺术风格和他对父子之爱看法。

    The five-minute microfilm is imbued with Jiang wen 's artistic style and his perspective over the love between father and son .

  29. 在中国,姜文和其他的中国电影制作人对这种问题再熟悉不过了。

    It is the kind of problem that Mr. Jiang and other Chinese filmmakers are all too familiar with in their own country .

  30. 在这种背景下,本文从空间与社会的视角入手研究姜文电影的空间隐喻问题。

    In this context , from the perspective of space and community this paper starts to research spatial metaphors in Jiang Wen film .