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  1. 中国人大常委会委员姜恩柱称,军费增长的很大一部分花在了军人增加的工资和持续高涨的油价,而花在武器方面的费用增长相对缓慢。

    Most of the increase will go to boosting salaries and to pay for higher oil prices , with moderate increased spending for armaments , said Jiang Enzhu , spokesman for the National People 's Congress .

  2. 姜恩柱在北京发表讲话时说道,“一国两制”方针的成功体现在它不仅使香港回归祖国,同时还实现了“港人治港”,并使该地区的发展得以保持。

    Speaking in beijing , Jian Enzhu said this success was demonstrated by the fact that the policy had enabled the return of Hong Kong to china , while at the same time allowing Hong Kong people to govern Hong Kong and maintain the region 's development .