
  1. 第三,即使没有接到通知,我们也仍然派外交部副部长何亚非与会。

    And I told him that I had not received any notification .

  2. 中国媒体今天报道称,《金融时报》错误解读了何亚非副部长接受其专访时的表态。

    Today , the Chinese media reported that the Financial Times misinterpreted Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei 's remarks in its interview .

  3. 其承诺不具有国际约束力并“不意味着中国会做得更少”,何亚非表示。

    The fact that it would not be bound internationally would " not mean China will do less " , Mr He said .

  4. 何亚非还说,中国决不会做任何损害下游国家利益的事,并表示北京准备就这个问题进行讨论。

    He says China will never do anything to harm the interests of downstream countries and says Beijing is ready to have discussions on the issue .

  5. 中国外交部副部长何亚非说道:“在伊朗核计划上与该国的僵局,只能通过对话解决。”

    He Yafei , a vice foreign minister , said : " the standoff with Iran over its nuclear programme can only be resolved through dialogue . "

  6. 甘巴里先生向何亚非部长助理通报了他最近访问亚洲有关国家的情况以及下一步工作考虑,包括再次访问缅甸的安排。

    Gambari briefed He Yafei on his visits to Asian countries and his plan for the follow-up work , including the arrangement of another visit to Myanmar .

  7. 中国外交部部长助理何亚非星期三在北京对记者说,有关国家在中国利用湄公河的问题上存在着分歧。

    Speaking to reporters in Beijing Wednesday , Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei acknowledged there are disagreements with other countries about China 's use of the river .

  8. 随着谈判进入关键的最后一周,中国外交部副部长何亚非表示,来自富裕国家的资金应该流向更贫穷的国家。

    As the talks entered their critical final week , He Yafei , Chinese vice-foreign minister , said financing from rich countries should be directed to poorer countries .

  9. 中国外交部副部长何亚非在上周的一次考试&大新闻发布会中称,中国期望能建立一个公平、全面、高效的国际金融系统。

    " We hope to consult with other participants to reform the international financial system and finally try to establish a fair , inclusive and efficient system ," He said .

  10. 刚才我已经将何亚非副部长接受《金融时报》采访时的表述告诉大家了。大家能清楚地了解何亚非副部长接受采访时所表明的立场。

    I just read to you the exact words of Vice Minister He Yafei during the interview , and I believe you could have a clear understanding of the position expressed .

  11. 中国外交部部长助理何亚非是中方代表,他说谈判各方在这个计划的主要内容方面没有分歧,但是说,仍有一些有待处理的问题。

    China 's Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei represented Beijing . He said they agreed on the main content of the plan , but said there are still some problems to be worked out .

  12. 新华社援引(外交部副部长)何亚非的话说,“中国正积极考虑近期派军舰赴亚丁湾、索马里海域参加护航活动”。

    " China is seriously considering sending naval ships to the Gulf of Aden and waters off the Somali coast for escorting operations in the near future ," the Xinhua news agency quoted He Yafei as saying .