
  1. 我叫李辉,是二中的学生。

    I 'm Li Hui , a student in No.2 Middle School .

  2. 介绍情况后,李辉还回答了记者提问。

    Later Li also answered questions of the journalists .

  3. 李辉说,上海合作组织所有成员国元首都将出席本次峰会。

    Li said that all the heads of SCO member states will attend the summit .

  4. 李娜,我想把你介绍给我的助手李辉。

    Li Na , I 'd like to introduce you to my assistant , Li Hui .

  5. 李辉表示,本次峰会受到国际社会和新闻界的广泛关注。

    Li noted that the summit has drawn wide attention from the international community and the media .

  6. 李辉把球踢给中锋,中锋把球踢回给他。

    Li Hui kicked the ball to the centre forward , who kicked it back to him .

  7. 李辉说,峰会期间,成员国元首将举行会谈,共同会见记者。

    Li said that during the summit the heads of SCO member states will hold talks and meet journalists jointly .

  8. 李辉在致辞中首先感谢相关政府与机构为塑像举行揭幕仪式及对促进中俄文化交流所做的努力。

    Li thanked all relevant parties'efforts for the unveiling ceremony as well as for promoting cultural exchanges between China and Russia .

  9. 哦,我的表停了。昨天晚上我一定忘了给表上弦了。问问李辉吧。

    B : Oh , my watch has stopped . I must have forgotten to wind it last night . Ask Li Hui .

  10. 中国驻俄罗斯大使李辉表示,这个提议表达了俄罗斯加强多边合作的意愿,为区域合作描绘出了美好的未来。

    Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui says this proposal conveys Russia 's willingness to strengthen multilateral cooperation and portrays a great picture for regional cooperation .

  11. 该大使是在国务院新闻办公室举办的与外交部部长助理李辉进行的新闻联会上发表上述言论的。

    The ambassador made the remarks at a joint news conference with Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui organized by the State Council Information Office in Beijing .

  12. 李辉说,按惯例,成员国元首将签署和发表一个宣言。这是峰会的总结性政治文件。

    Li said that it is customary that the heads of member states will sign and issue a declaration as the summary political document of the summit .

  13. 中国驻俄罗斯大使李辉表示,中医药已经远超其医疗实践,发展为中俄关系的既定组成部分。

    Li Hui , the Chinese Ambassador to Russia , says China 's traditional medicine has grown beyond a medical practice into an established component of China-Russia relations .

  14. 在回答有关此次峰会会否吸收新的观察员和新成员的问题时,李辉说,近年来,上海合作组织不断发展,引起了国际社会广泛重视。

    On whether the Shanghai summit will admit new observers and members , Li answered that in recent years the SCO progresses steadily and draws wide attention from the international community .

  15. 上周,中国外交部长助理李辉说,双方还会在五个军事项目上展开合作,巩固“友好协作关系”。但他没有透露细节。

    Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui said last week that the two sides will also develop five military projects to highlight " friendly cooperation . " he gave no details .

  16. 中国外交部长助理李辉和俄罗斯驻中国大使拉佐夫星期四在北京的一个记者会上发出呼吁。

    China 's assistant foreign minister , Li Hui , and Russia 's ambassador to China , Sergei Razov , made the request today ( Thursday ) during a news conference in Beijing .

  17. 李辉希望越来越多的中国文化元素出现在这里,使之成为俄民众认知中国、了解中国文化的重要平台。

    Li also voiced hope that an increasing share of " China factor " could emerge at the Ethno Village , boosting it into a major platform for Russian people to understand China and her culture .