
liú liàng
  • flow;discharge;runoff;rate of flow;volume of flow
流量 [liú liàng]
  • (1) [rate of flow]∶指流动的物体在单位时间内通过的数量

  • 能处理每秒100加仑流量的系统

  • (2) [volume of flow]∶在规定期间内通过一指定点的车辆或行人数量

  • 交通流量

流量[liú liàng]
  1. 氮气流量小,产物中有SiC生成;

    When the rate of flow of nitrogen is small , SiC will be produced in product .

  2. Ar流量相对小时,制备的涂层致密、光滑。

    A dense and smooth coating will be obtained at relative low Ar rate of flow .

  3. 1998年的资本外流量为220亿元。

    There was a capital outflow of $ 22 billion in 1998 .

  4. 前来参观城堡的游客流量保持稳定。

    The castle receives a steady stream of visitors .

  5. 修筑新的道路可增加交通流量,反过来也是同样的道理:减少道路的数量和规模就意味着减少交通流量。

    Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true : reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic .

  6. 公交车承载了公路交通客流量的30%。

    Buses carry 30 per cent of those travelling by road

  7. 按摩有助于增加身体特定部位的血液流量。

    Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body

  8. 他做到了不可能做到的事,既让伦敦城满意,又增加了企业的现金流量。

    He has squared the circle of keeping the City happy and doing something to improve business cash flow

  9. 现在我们有一个水库来调节河水的流量。

    Now we have a reservoir regulating the river flow .

  10. 即使他们获得了线上客流量,线上的销售额也很难弥补线下的损失。

    Even if they get online traffic , they struggle to make enough money online to compensate for what they are losing offline .

  11. 近年来实体店客流量骤降,虽然没有伴随着实体销售的大幅下降,但这也是一个重要警告。

    The sudden decline in foot traffic in recent years , even though it hasn 't been accompanied by a massive decline in physical sales , is a critical warning .

  12. 因为销售策略从“大尺寸”向“更多买家”转变,快餐商家需要维持一天的高客流量。

    As fast-food companies shift from " super size " to " more buys " , they need to keep customer traffic high throughout the day .

  13. 阻止再播放包,防止它们覆盖合法的数据流量

    Time-replayed packets , preventing them from swamping legitimate data traffic .

  14. 降雨历线资料为上游集水区推估洪水流量历线的重要依据

    Hyetographs are important in estimating stormflow hydrographs from upstream watersheds .

  15. 这条河平均流量为每秒二百立方米。

    The average flow of the river is 200 cubic metres per second .

  16. 只要你的网站到达一定的流量,你经营的网赚项目肯定会赚钱的。

    By having more traffic to your website , the business can truly flourish .

  17. 夏季旅游高峰期日客流量达3万人。

    It receives up to 30000 visitors a day in the peak summer season .

  18. 航空摄影可提供有关降水量、蒸发蒸腾量、入渗和径流量的有价值的资料。

    Aerial photography can provide valuable information on precipitation , evapotraspiration , interception , and runoff .

  19. 我们就可以看到,这个流量既有漏出的又有注入的。

    We can see that the flow has both leakages from it and injection into it .

  20. 特别是工业中对一些具有腐蚀性的液体的流量测量,普通的流量计根本无法测量

    Especially , the measure of some causticity liquid is very difficult using the old flow meter .

  21. 所以说呼气流量率峰值,我把这个值输入交互软件模型中。

    So that peak expiratory flow rate , I 've entered it up into the interactive software model .

  22. 有时候这些评论者都是小孩儿,说自己“没有流量”,试图获得同情。

    Sometimes these commenters are young kids who say they " don 't have a chance " in an attempt to get sympathy .

  23. 桑德伯格离开谷歌时,已经没人怀疑谷歌将网络流量转化为收入的能力。

    By the time Sandberg left Google , there were no more doubts about that company 's ability to turn Web traffic into cash .

  24. 三大电信运营商将自10月1日起推出“当月流量不清零服务”,即月底未用的套餐内剩余流量不会清零。

    China 's top three major telecom operators will launch rollover data services on Thursday , meaning unused data at the end of the month will no longer just disappear .

  25. 它显示出,如果你只想关注右上角的图示,它显示出朱莉的实际呼气流量率峰值,就是那个黄色方块。

    So what it shows -- if you want to focus on that top graph in the right-hand corner -- it shows Julie 's actual peak expiratory flow rate in the yellow bar .

  26. 北京市政府再次呼吁市民节日期间避免出境,以降低病毒感染风险,同时表示将为留京过年人员发放消费券和免费流量包。

    The municipal government also renewed calls for residents to avoid outbound travels during the festival to minimize infection risks and promised to offer shopping coupons and free data packages to those who choose to stay put .

  27. 作为回应,政府表示,为弱势儿童和年轻人购买的100万台笔记本电脑中,有一半以上已经交付。同时,政府正与移动网络运营商合作,为在家学习的儿童提供免费数据流量。

    In response , the government says more than half of the one million laptops bought for disadvantaged children and young people have already been delivered and it 's working with the mobile network operators to provide free data at home .

  28. 首先,较好的公共交通系统,包括公共汽车、火车和地下铁,会鼓励更多人去乘坐而不会自己开车,如此便能减少道路上整体的交能流量,让人们往来的速度更快。

    First of all , better public transportation systems , including buses , trains and subways , will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars . This will reduce the total amount of traffic on the roads and make travel quicker for everyone .

  29. 这个是她在医生那里的测量值,在图示下方的蓝色方块,显示了她的呼气流量率峰值,她的析出率或者肺部健康,应该是根据她的年龄,性别和身高分析得出的。

    This is the measurement that she took in her doctor 's office . In the blue bar at the bottom of the graph , it shows what her peak expiratory flow rate , what her exhalation rate or lung health , should be based on her age , gender and height .

  30. 朱莉现在去看医生,去治疗她的哮喘,医生请她坐下,给她测了呼气流量率峰值,实际上就是她的呼气率,或者说是她一口气所呼出的空气量。

    So Julie 's going to her doctor 's office to get treated for her asthma . And the doctor has her sit down , and he takes her peak expiratory flow rate -- which is essentially her exhalation rate , or the amount of air that she can breathe out in one breath .