
  • 网络a meteoroid
  1. 每天落到地球上的流星体约有40亿个。

    Each day , up to 4 billion meteoroids fall to Earth .

  2. 流星体对航天活动的影响与技术对策

    The affect of meteoroids on aerospace activities and technical countermeasure

  3. 来自NASA流星体环境研究所的BillCooke表示:如果天气晴好,观测者每小时能看到40颗双子座流星。

    Bill Cooke of the NASA Meteoroid Environment Office said , Observers with clear skies could see as many as 40 Geminids per hour .

  4. 甚至更小的太阳系内的碎片也是流星体。

    And even smaller type of interplanetary debris is the meteoroid .

  5. 陨石、流星体与小行星及彗星的演化关系

    Evolutionary relation between meteorites , meteoroids and asteroids or comets

  6. 最近木星陨撃可能来自一巨大流星体。

    Recent Jovian impact probably came from a giant meteorite .

  7. 流星体在快速穿过大气层时,因磨擦而迅速加热。

    Moving swiftly through the atmosphere , meteoroids are heated rapidly by friction .

  8. 流星体一旦撞上地球,就变成了陨石。

    Once it hits Earth , a meteoroid suffers an identity crisis and becomes a meteorite .

  9. 当流星体进入大气层,它压缩的空气在前面的。

    When a meteoroid enters the atmosphere , it compresses the air in front of it .

  10. 英仙座流星雨的流星体进入大气层的速度约为130000英里/时(209215公里/时)。

    Chase that , Superman : Perseid meteoroids enter the atmosphere at approximately 130,000 miles per hour .

  11. 而“流星体”则可以是太阳系内任意一个比尘埃大但比小行星小的天体。

    A meteoroid is any interplanetary object bigger than a speck of dust and smaller than an asteroid .

  12. 如果流星体聚集在一起,则每年看到的流星数都不一样。

    If the meteoroids are bunched together , the number of meteors seen varies from year to year .

  13. 空间碎片和流星体环境由广义加权目标函数的公式来定义。

    The space debris and meteoroid environment are defined followed by the formulation of the general weight objective function .

  14. 但是我们能用金属测探器帮助我们找到其他流星体,这些能更容易通过肉眼看到。

    But we can use metal detectors to help us find the others , and they 're easier to spot by eye .

  15. 但正因为如此人们可以更容易辨认出流星体,而不会将其当做一种地球上的岩石。

    But that makes it easier to identify something as a meteoroid , as it opposed to ... to just a terrestrial rock .

  16. 流星体以1千英里的时速,在离地面30至80英里的上空,与大气剧烈摩擦而迅速燃烧。

    Traveling at thousands of miles an hour , meteoroids quickly ignite in searing friction of the atmosphere , 30 to 80 miles above the ground .

  17. 文章描述了一个用于航天器防护结构综合优化的独特方法&几何规划优化技术,以减小暴露于流星体和空间碎片超高速碰撞环境下的航天器防护结构系统的重量。

    A unique methodology providing global optimization of spacecraft protective structures is presented to minimize spacecraft weight of protective structural systems exposed to meteoroid and space debris hypervelocity impacts .

  18. 流星体中含有太阳系中已知的最古老的岩石,以及在太阳系诞生的几十亿年前在其他恒星周围形成的矿物。

    Meteorites contain the oldest known rocks in the solar system , as well as minerals that formed around other stars perhaps billions of years before our solar system was born .

  19. 教授:好的,我要讲一下各种不同的流星体,以及我们从这些流星体上获取的关于地球构造和太阳系的信息。

    Professor : OK , I wanna go over the different types of meteoroids , and what we 've learned from them about the formation of earth , and solar system .

  20. 在行星之间,还有众多小行星,跟着行星一起环绕太阳运行的卫星,众多的彗星和流星体,以及其他星际物质。

    Between planet , but also has the numerous planetoids , is surrounding the satellite which together with the planet the sun moves , numerous comets and meteor body , as well as other interstellar matter .

  21. 额,流星体特别有趣的一点是,这些流星体来自行星际空间,但是他们包含着同样的化学元素,这些物质来源于地球,只是成分所占比例不同而已。

    Uh ... the thing is what 's especially interesting about meteoroids is that they come from interplanetary space , but they consist of the same chemical elements that are in matter originated on earth , just in different proportions .

  22. 那么讲到流星体从何而来,我们就需要讨论下彗星和小行星,基本上说,这些流星体是由46亿年前太阳系诞生以来留下的废墟组成的。

    So to talk about where meteoroids come from , we need to talk about comets and asteroids , which basically ... they 're basically made up of debris left over from the origin of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago .

  23. 它们可能反映了流星带电体与地球磁场的相互作用。

    It may reflect that the meteoric charged body and the Earth 's magnetic field interact with each other .

  24. 关于流星、流星体或由流星、流星体组成。

    Pertaining to or consisting of meteors or meteoroids .

  25. 参照群体下流动儿童的身份意识及成因关于流星、流星体或由流星、流星体组成。

    Identity Consciousness in Reference Group and Its Cause of Formation ; pertaining to or consisting of meteors or meteoroids .

  26. 流星和陨石也是来自流星体中。

    And it 's from meteoroids that we get meteors and meteorites .