
liú xíng yǔ
  • catchword;catchphrase
  1. 第二,对网络语言和网络流行语进行描述。

    Second , describe the Internet language and the network catchword .

  2. 北京新流行语,离开,躲避,舍弃的意思。

    Shan-beijing new catchword , which means leave , avoid and discard .

  3. 在过去二十年中,自主学习和独立学习的概念已广为人知,自主学习还成为了语言教学领域中的流行语(Little,1991)。

    Over the last two decades , the concepts of learner autonomy and independence have gained momentum , the former becoming a ' buzz-word ' within the context of language learning ( Little , 1991 ) .

  4. 本文介绍了基于DCC(DynamicCirculatingCorpus动态流通语料库)的流行语动态跟踪发布研究的基本情况。

    This paper introduced the current situation on the tracing and issuing of the popular words and phrases based on the Dynamic Circulating Corpus ( DCC ) .

  5. 基于DCC的流行语动态跟踪与辅助发现研究

    Study on the Dynamic Tracing and Computer-aided Finding of Popular Words and Phrases Based on DCC

  6. 高等职业教育领域中市场营销理念引入和应用研究在20世纪90年代的美国,STW(schooltowork)俨然成为了当时美国教育领域的流行语。

    Study on Introduction and Application of Marketing Concept into Higher Vocational Education Actually , in USA , the catchphrase in education for the 1990s is rather the " school to work " .

  7. 这种转变在斯坦福形成了一个新流行语&尖刺一族(spiky)。

    This shift has also spawned a new buzzword at Stanford & spikiness .

  8. 因为超级女声,PK一词成了2005年的流行语。

    " PK " became a very popular word in 2005 due to the help of " Super Female Voice " in Hunan 's TV program shows .

  9. 许多大学校园里有这样一句流行语,“没参加过GRE和托福考试的大学生,其大学生活是不完整的。”

    As the saying goes on many campuses , " College life cannot be fulfilled without taking the GRE ( Graduate Record Examination ) and TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language ) . "

  10. 一个来自巴西,ElenirScardueli,听众送来了对食物的流行语清单。

    A listener from Brazil , Elenir Scardueli , sent us a list of popular expressions about food .

  11. “全球语言监督”机构把“emoji”这个词评为今年的最流行语,牛津英语词典还收入了这个单词(这很有趣,因为它是一个用来描述并不真正使用单词的概念的单词)。

    Emoji was crowned as this year 's top-trending word by the Global Language Monitor , and it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary ( funny , because it 's a word that describes the concept of not actually using words ) .

  12. 同时,流行语也丰富了英语的表达能力。

    Besides , they enrich the expression of the English language .

  13. 论现代流行语中体现的语言美学特质

    On the Aesthetic Qualities in Modern Popular Words and Popular Culture

  14. 最热的两条流行语都提到了“哥”。

    Both of the top two cited lines use the word .

  15. 汉语流行语的复制涉及到了微观语言学的很多知识。

    The replication of Chinese catchwords memes involves knowledge on microlinguistics .

  16. 网络问政时下已成为流行语。

    " Network in politics " has become a buzzword nowadays .

  17. 流行语的特点及语言学、心理学解释

    On the Features of Catchwords and Its Linguistical and Psychological Explanations

  18. 现代汉语流行语翻译研究

    The Study of Translation of Popular Modern-Chinese Sayings into English

  19. 流行语与社会文化心理嬗变研究

    Research on the Catchwords and the Evolution of the Social Cultural Psychology

  20. 从语言经济学的角度看流行语

    A Study of Catchwords in View of Economics of Language

  21. 第二章主要回顾前人对流行语和模因论所进行的相关研究。

    Chapter 2 reviews in turns previous studies concerning buzzwords and memetics .

  22. 简论社会流行语及其在公文中的使用原则

    Buzz Words and Their Principles of Application in Official Documents

  23. 流行语多多显现的原因和条件

    Cause and condition for appearance of popular word " Duo Duo "

  24. 一个叫崔毁的人,捕梦网里塞着各种流行语

    someone named Traivor , a dreamcatcher with buzzwords stuck in it .

  25. 从流行语的社会文化来源种类来说,英汉流行语基本上是相同的。

    The social-cultural sources of English and Chinese buzzwords are almost identical .

  26. 流行语历来是语言学研究不可或缺的一部分。

    Popular expressions are an indispensible part of linguistic study .

  27. 浅谈流行语和字母词

    A Discussion of Popular Expressions and Character with Roman Letters

  28. 现代汉语流行语生成源起考略及其英译

    Origins of Popular Modern Chinese Sayings and Their English Translation

  29. 另一类为不带标记的流行语释义信息。

    The interpretative information without mark of the popular word .

  30. 当代流行语流行的基本条件

    The Basic Conditions for the Popularity of Contemporary Vogue Words