
  • 网络MASK;mirror
  1. 我买了面镜、蛙鞋和一个呼吸管。

    I did buy a mask and fins and a snorkel .

  2. 当你在等待时,你记起来清理面镜。

    While you are waiting , you remember to clear your mask .

  3. 常规行裂隙灯显微镜、三面镜眼底检查、OrbscanⅡ眼前段分析系统、眼压、A超、角膜测厚、电脑验光、散瞳检影、主观验光等检查。术后随访18个月以上。

    The examinations included slitlamp microscopy , fundus examination , Orbscan ⅱ corneal topography system , tonometry , pachymetry , cycloplegic and subjective refraction .

  4. 面镜和透镜的成像规律

    The laws of formation of image of a mirror and lens

  5. 同轴气体激光器二球面镜腔内光束的传输特性

    Beam propagating characteristics in the spherical-mirror resonators of coaxial gas lasers

  6. 基于双曲面镜的全向摄像机视觉实现方法

    An Implementation of Hyperbolic - Mirror - Based Omni-Directional Camera

  7. 三面镜联合显微镜直视下定位视网膜裂孔的临床观察

    Clinical observation of three-mirror lens combined with microscope in localization of retinal holes

  8. 方法:用间接眼底镜及三面镜检查眼底视网膜。

    Methods : Indirect ophthalmoscope and three mirror contact lens were used to exam the retina .

  9. 五面镜更便宜更轻,但是成像的质量和亮度差。

    This is cheaper and lighter , but generally produces a viewfinder image of lower quality and brightness .

  10. 为提高分光仪器的性能,采用两个椭球面镜和一个椭球面消像差光栅分光。

    To improve the quality of the spectral instruments , two ellipsoidal mirrors and an ellipsoidal aberration-reduced grating are used .

  11. 方法对116例(145眼)眼挫伤经直接检眼镜和三面镜检查及眼底荧光血管造影检查。

    Methods Examined 116 cases ( 145 eyes ) by direct ophthalmoscope , three mirror contact lens and fundus fluorescein angiography .

  12. 按照古代的方法,女祭司利用太阳和抛面镜来点燃奥运圣火。

    The Olympic Flame is lit by the High Priestess according to an ancient method , using the sun and a parabolic mirror .

  13. 方法统计分析9800眼准分子激光屈光手术前及术后随访1年以上资料,比较术前三面镜检查到的眼底改变发现率及术后眼底疾病发生率。

    Methods 9800 eyes were followed up for more than a year and the data before and after the excimer laser surgery were statistically analyzed .

  14. 目的:观察显微镜联合三面镜直视下,不借助导光纤维,施行巩膜外顶压并冷凝手术治疗孔源性视网膜脱离的疗效并评估临床应用的可能性。

    AIM : To observe the effect of indentation combined with cryoretinopexy in treating rhegmatogenous under surgical microscope , and to assess the possibility of clinical application .

  15. 5例6眼为视网膜复位术中发生,表现为角膜水肿显著并浮起,其中1眼为眼内激光时应用三面镜后瓣水肿;

    The flap severe edema and float occured during retinal reposition surgery in 5 cases ( 5 eyes ) including one eye which happened when the contact lens were applied to intraocular laser operation ;

  16. 问这些问题:时不时你和你的配偶在家中放几面镜,要放在哪,镜子的灯光是明是暗这些方面意见不同?

    Ask yourself these questions : Do you and your spouse disagree on how many mirrors should be in the home , what angle they 're placed at and how well they 're lit ?

  17. 基于螺旋面反射镜延迟线的实时显示THz-TDS系统

    Real-time THz-TDS System Based on Helicoid Reflective Mirror Optical Delay Line

  18. 通光口径2.16m天文望远镜凹双曲面主镜的磨制工艺

    The technology of the concave hyperbolic primary mirror of the effective aperture 2.16 m astronomical telescope

  19. 全景摄像系统利用双曲面反射镜,通过CCD成像单元一次性成像大于半球视场(360°×180°),一次性获取整个周边360o场景的目标信息。

    The panoram photograph system captures an omnidirectional image which is bigger than the hemisphere field of view ( 360 °× 180 °) by hyperboloid reflector , access to the entire 360 degrees around the scene of the target information through CCD .

  20. 迄今为止,这面太空镜仍属科学幻想。

    This space mirror is - so far - science fiction .

  21. 自由面反射镜在前照灯中的应用

    The Application of Reflector with Free Surface to Headlamps

  22. 灰壁面与镜反射界面下线性折射率半透明平板内的辐射传递

    Radiative transfer inside a linearly graded index semi-transparent slab : gray substrate wall and specular semi-transparent surface

  23. 计算机全息在φ1.56米双曲面主镜加工检验中的应用

    Computer generated hologram ( CGH ) and it 's application in null testing of φ 1560 mm hyperboloidal primary mirror

  24. 介绍了用蒙特卡洛方法数值模拟由漫发射面和镜反射面组成的封闭腔中的辐射换热的一般过程;

    Radiant heat transfer in real enclosure with diffuse emission and specular reflection surfaces has been studied by the Monte Carlo method .

  25. 经推证及试验表明,采用双曲率椭球面反射镜,可以克服上述缺点。

    It is shown by proving and testing that the abovementioned shortcomings can be overcome by using the reflecting mirrors with bilateral curvature ellipsoid .

  26. 针对激光远场诊断的需要,设计了大口径(360×360)的椭球面取样镜。

    In order to diagnosing the laser far field patterns , a big calibers ( 360 × 360 ) mirror with the elliptical sphere surface is designed .

  27. 该激光器谐振腔由2面反射镜组成,其中1面反射镜直接镀制在激光晶体表面上,所产生的激光在2面腔镜之间沿着非平面光路传播,在谐振腔内形成振荡;

    The beam propagated along a nonplanar loop within the cavity consisting of two mirrors , one of which was coated on the curved surface of the laser crystal .

  28. 具有抛物面主镜和双曲面次镜的一种折射式望远镜;光线被集中到主镜中心的孔径。

    A reflecting telescope that has a paraboloidal primary mirror and a hyperboloidal secondary mirror ; light is brought to a focus through an aperture in the center of the primary mirror .

  29. 在此基础上,本文对基于双曲面反射镜的全景视觉系统进行了设计,进行了实际的加工制作,并就双曲面反射镜和全景视觉系统的标定问题进行了方案设计。

    On the foundation of this , the paper designed a hyperboloid reflector based panoramic vision system and put it into practice , and designed a scheme on specified problems of hyperboloid reflector and panoramic vision system .

  30. 聚焦成象的统计特性结果,将为由椭球面反射镜构成的共轭成象系统光学参数和几何尺寸的优化设计提供充分理论依据。

    The statistical characteristics of the im - age will provide enough theoretical basis for the optimum design of the optio pa - rameters of the conjugate imaging system that consists of the ellipsoid reflector and its geometrics .