
  1. 加入WTO和经济全球化给中国提出的挑战,税收政策应作相应的调整。

    Accession to the WTO and economic globalization give challenge that China get out of , the tax policy should do corresponding adjustment .

  2. 结论:CSR开环反射具有不对称S形特性,反射参数的定量分析方法应作重新确定。

    Conclusion : Open-loop CSR may have an asymmetric sigmoidal curve , and its characteristic parameters could be re-defined .

  3. 结论60Co照射消毒和高压蒸汽消毒都可以使藻酸盐溶胶pH值下降,使用前应作pH值调整;

    CONCLUSION : Both sterilization methods and way of 60Co radiation can cause the decrease in the pH of alginate solution and pH regulation is necessary before usage .

  4. 提出了乐观性资源分配策略避免QOS降级的建议,并展望了为提高资源利用率应作的QOS研究工作。

    When using optimistic policy of resource allocation , a new idea of avoiding QOS degradation is suggested . Finally , future works about QOS and utilization of network resource are proposed .

  5. 结论Mg、Mpe可能通过性接触传播,与尿道炎和宫颈炎有一定相关性,对STI人群中的Mg、Mpe感染问题应作进一步的研究。

    ~ Conclusion : Mg and Mpe can be transmitted by sexual activities and there is an association of Mg and Mpe with NGU and cervicitis .

  6. Gore还表示,应作更多工作,针对卫生保健工作者开展血液安全和针头安全教育,并与耻辱和无知做斗争。

    More should be done to educate health-care workers about blood and needle safety and to fight the stigma and ignorance , Gore says .

  7. 因此,对健康献血员及各种疾病患者在作肝功能及HBV系列测定同时应作抗HCV测定,对血清抗HCV阳性者应进行积极的治疗。

    It is emphasized that serum anti-HCV as well as the liver function tests and HBV markers should be examined in blood donors and that individuals positive with anti-HCV should be treated actively .

  8. 乳腺癌诊断后评估:部分阳性活检标本应作雌激素、黄体激素受体分析和HER2蛋白分析。

    Evaluation after cancer diagnosis : Part of a positive biopsy specimen should be analyzed for estrogen and progesterone receptors and for HER2 protein .

  9. 结论当血液分析仪检测白细胞分类MO为10%以上时,均应作瑞特染色人工镜检复查,以防止异型淋巴细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、幼稚细胞等病理性细胞漏检。

    Conclusions It should make the microscopic examination when the level of MO cell is over 10 % by hematology analyzer , in order to detect the abnormal cell such as atypical lymphocyte , eosinophil cell , immature cell etc.

  10. 对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者气胸要及时作胸腔闭式引流,必要时应作肺修补或(和)肺大疱切除术。

    Pneumothorax which occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) should be treated with pleural closed drainage in time . Repair of lung and / or removal of pulmonary bulla should be considered , if it is necessary .

  11. 结论对NGU患者应作支原体培养和药敏试验,动态监测其耐药性,指导临床医生合理用药,以减少耐药菌株的产生。

    Conclusion Un and Mh be cultured and drug sensitivity test be carried out in order to guide clinical use of antibiotics and delay the development of drug resistance .

  12. 本文叙述了用CCD作重迭测量中,每片上量度坐标应作的大气折射较差修正和光行差较差修正,并推导了量度坐标的修正公式。

    In this article , the correction for the differential refraction and differential aberration of the measured coordinates on every plate during the overlap exposure measurement carried out with a CCD is described , and the correction formulae of the measured coordinates are also derived .

  13. EH-4系统实测的卡尼亚视电阻率在非远区场时应作必要的校正。

    It is necessary to perform a correction for the Cagniard resistivity of the non far zone field obtained by the EH-4 electrical conductivity image forming system .

  14. 在所有POAG患者中,其脑脊液压明显较比较组为低,独立于那些提示应作腰椎穿刺的健康原因或患者年龄等因素。

    CSF pressure was found to be significantly lower in all POAG patients than in the controls , independent of the health reasons that prompted the lumbar puncture or the patient 's age .

  15. 观察结束后,不同性质的资料应作相应的统计学处理,计量资料采用t检验,计数资料和率的比较采用X2检验,等级资料采用Ridit检验。

    After observing the different nature of the information should be dealt with the statistical measurement t use survey data , information and rate of the counter is testing the X2 the information Ridit examination grades .

  16. 著者认为血清抗PG-Ⅰ抗体及CIC水平的变化对促发ENL有一定作用,但强调这还不能完全解释ENL的发病机制问题,尚应作系统深入的研究。

    The authors point out that the changes in contents of antibody and immunocomplex in the sera of leprosy patients have some effect on the occurence of ENL , but still can not explain its pathogenesis .

  17. 由于100~300MW水轮发电机的绕组设计非常灵活,使得实际可能发生的故障特点各不相同,应作内部短路计算决定100~300MW水轮发电机的主保护配置方案。

    The different stator winding designs of hydro-generators from 100 to 300 MW lead to different fault features . It is better to design the main protection configuration scheme for medium hydro-generators based on internal fault simulation .

  18. 无损检测在工程检测与控制中的应用不孕女性应作哪些检查

    Application of scatheless check in project check and control Woman check

  19. 宣布日应作的分录如下。

    The following entry would be made at the declaration date .

  20. 首先,本文认为少年犯罪应作广义理解。

    This article that juvenile crime should be understood more broadly .

  21. 与实施行为相脱离的谋议行为应作何法律评价?

    How is conspiracy separating from practice judged by the law ?

  22. 二分类数据不应作计数资料处理。

    Count data should not be treated they are dichotomous data .

  23. 做无菌操作前,你应作什么准备?

    What preparations should you make before conducting aseptic technique ?

  24. 结论为改善就医环境,正规医疗机构的服务应作相应改进。

    Conclusion The health service of regular hospitals have to be improved .

  25. 扶贫资金政策应作重大调整&贵州省普安县扶贫资金使用情况调查报告

    The Policy of Poverty aid Fund Should be Adjusted Greatly

  26. 相关地方立法中的规定应作检讨。

    Related provisions in local regulations must be reconsidered .

  27. 对材料和浇铸工艺应作适当选择。

    The materials and casting procedure should be chosen .

  28. 不过,在翻译教学的具体应用中,该模式还应作适当调整。

    However , this model also has some defects reflected in translation teaching .

  29. 对于已取出的财物,应作适当的退还。

    Suitable restitution was to be made of property that had been taken .

  30. 经济问题应作首要问题处理。

    Economic problems must take precedence of other questions .