
jí yào
  • summary;abstract
辑要 [jí yào]
  • [abstract;summary] 编辑重要的内容,多用作书名,如《农桑辑要》

辑要[jí yào]
  1. 以下是《异教徒驳议辑要》的一个摘要。

    What follows is an abstract of the Summa contra Gentiles .

  2. 即使他的每一个学说都是错误的,《辑要》这书仍将不失为知识上的一座宏伟的大厦。

    Even if every one of his doctrines were mistaken , the Summa would remain an imposing intellectual edifice .

  3. 编纂于清末的《皖政辑要》就是这样一部具有资政色彩的地方政书。

    Compilation of the WAN ZHENG JI YAO in the late Qing Dynasty is a senior local certificate with color .

  4. 正因为此,《皖政辑要》以其珍贵的文献价值,理应在中国的政书发展史上占有重要的地位。

    Because of this , WAN ZHENG JI YAO with its precious literature value , supposedly in China Certification development occupies an important position in the history .

  5. 责任重于泰山&中国石化集团公司李毅中总经理1999年1月21日在集团公司安全工作会议上的讲话辑要

    Responsibility Is Heavier than Mount Tai & Summary of general manager Li Yuzhong 's speech in the safety working confer-ence of SINOPEC Group Company on Jan. 1,1999

  6. 栗谷在自己的《圣学辑要》中以程朱性理学为基石,大量引用了宋代性理学者们的著述和理论。

    Chestnut Valley in their " holy science series to " in order to Neo Confucianism as the cornerstone of a large number of scholars have cited the writings of the Song Dynasty from rationality and theory .
