
zhǒng mǎ
  • stallion;stud;entire;studhorse
种马 [zhǒng mǎ]
  • [stallion;stud;studhorse] 专门为配种而饲养的公马

种马[zhǒng mǎ]
  1. 种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。

    The stallion pawed the ground impatiently .

  2. 风一吹来,火星四溅,卢埃林的种马惊跳起来。

    Llewelyn 's stallion shied as the wind sent sparks flying .

  3. 他们把矮种马赶进了畜栏。

    They drove the ponies into a corral .

  4. 我们把两匹矮种马套到了车上。

    We harnessed two ponies to the cart .

  5. 这匹马被评为年度冠军后就退役成了种马。

    He was voted horse of the year and then was retired to stud .

  6. 你那匹矮种马养在哪儿?

    Where do you stable your pony ?

  7. 7个品种马的He和PIC值均表现为高度多态;

    The values of He and PIC represent highest polymorphism ;

  8. 宣传自己的旅行项目吸引游客,苏格兰靠的是两只四条腿儿的生物:矮种马Fivla和Vitamin。

    When it comes to promoting itself as a tourist destination , Scotland is relying on two four-legged creatures named Fivla and Vitamin to draw visitors in .

  9. Fivla和Vitamin是宣传这次活动的“矮种马形象大使”,这次活动将重点介绍苏格兰一年中的各种活动,以及探寻苏格兰自然美景的贴心提示。

    Fivla and Vitamin have been dubbed " pony ambassadors " to help promote the campaign , which features a year 's worth of activities and insider tips on exploring Scotland 's natural beauty .

  10. 等等,Shira种马办?她怎么了.

    Wait , what about Shira ? What about her .

  11. LordMorton把一匹白色母马和一匹种斑马交配,而后他又将同样一匹母马与一匹白色种马交配,它们的后代奇怪地在四条腿上带有条纹。

    Lord Morton bred a white mare with a zebra stallion , and when he later bred the same mare with a white stallion , the offspring strangely had stripes in the legs .

  12. 巴塔利亚,“鲍勃说:”Magnum是最美丽的阿拉伯种马,因为我已经看到Aramus。

    " Magnum is the most beautiful Arabian stallion I 've seen since Aramus ," says Bob Battaglia .

  13. 如果您正在寻找一匹障碍马或舞步马,位于荷兰的VDL种马场则是您不可错过的地方。

    The VDL Stud in Holland is the place to be if you are looking for a show jumper or dressage horse .

  14. 照片中的种马是由已故埃伯哈德Sprandel拥有。

    The stallion in the photograph is owned by the late Eberhard Sprandel .

  15. 我深深的价值,费尔南多和华DESantibanes,幸运和RaeganLurken,和所有其他业主委托他们的伟大种马我的事实。

    I deeply value the fact that Fernando and Joaquin de Santibanes , Lucky and Raegan Lurken , and all of the other owners entrust their great stallions to me .

  16. 结果7种参考菌株均得到了各自的条带格局,快速、清晰地分辨出马拉色菌的7个不同种。28株临床分离株共得到5种马拉色菌,分别为M。

    Kinds of Malassezia reference strains and 28 isolates were examined .

  17. 下午好,种马你好,高茨,有什么新闻?

    Afternoon , Monty . Hello , Guts , what news ?

  18. 我现在是种马场的饲养员。

    I 'm now a horse keeper at the stud farm .

  19. 我向你们介绍古怪凯丽和性感种马!

    I give you kinky Kelly and the sexy stud !

  20. 意大利种马的绰号哪里来的?

    Where did you get the name " italian stallion "?

  21. 想看看我为你选的种马吗?

    Want to meet the stallion I picked for you ?

  22. 这匹种马会用强劲有力的蹬踢和啃咬发动进攻。

    The stallion will attack with powerful kicks and bites .

  23. 斑马是生活在非洲的一种马。

    The zebra is a kind of horse that lives in africa .

  24. 那匹赛马被淘汰下来,留作种马。

    The horse was retired from racing and put out to stud .

  25. 纯种血统的动物;通常特别指纯种马。

    A pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage ; used especially of horses .

  26. 母亲你早就在纯血种马簿里查过他们

    Mama , you 've already looked him up in the stud books

  27. 那匹种马至少能赚6000。

    Oh , at least $ 6000 for the stallion .

  28. 马传贫弱毒疫苗接种马(骡)免疫反应动力学研究

    Study on Immune Response Kinetics of Attenuated Equine Infectious Anemia Vaccine in Equus

  29. 我知道他们带她去的地方,他们就在那里等种马。

    I know where they have taken her until they receive the stallion .

  30. 特别给你留了匹三岁种马。

    Three-year-old stallion I been saving just for you .