
  1. 当时的骑术老师是一名伊朗军队的团长,他非常严厉&不允许弱者存在。

    My teacher , a colonel in the Iranian army , was very tough & there was no mollycoddling .

  2. 萨达姆在两伊战争中对伊朗军队及在20世纪80年代对库尔德人使用其他类型的毒气受到了国际社会的谴责,

    Saddam 's use of other types of poison gas against Iranian troops in the Iran-Iraq War and against Iraq 's Kurdish population in the 1980s was criticized by the international community ,

  3. 伊朗承认其军队错误地击落了这架飞机,造成176人死亡。

    Iran has acknowledged that its forces mistakenly shot down the plane , killing 176 people .

  4. 伊朗否认了其军队指挥官阿里·贾法里是直接军事进攻叙利亚反对派的一部分而是充当顾问这个角色。

    The Iranian commander Ali Jafari denied his troops were directly part of a military offensive against Syrian rebels but rather acting as advisors .

  5. 伊朗一名高级官员承认助叙利亚的伊朗军队在土地上和财政上支持叙利亚总统。

    A top Iranian official acknowledges Iran has troops in Syria supporting Syria 's president on the ground as well as financially .

  6. 伊朗总统表示,伊朗并没有敌意,该地区内所有国家均可以信赖伊朗军队的“稳定性和安全性”。

    Iran 's President says his country holds no hostile intentions and all countries in the region can rely on the " stability and security " of Iran 's armed forces .