
dōng nuǎn xià liáng
  • warm in winter and cool in summer;The climate is fairly mild in winter and rather cool in summer
冬暖夏凉[dōng nuǎn xià liáng]
  1. 茅草料天生冬暖夏凉。

    Thatch is naturally warm in winter and cool in summer .

  2. 本文介绍了一种具有冬暖夏凉效应,可以节约能源消耗的金属混合物薄膜&节能膜的设计思想、镀制工艺和测试结果。

    Designs , preparations and measurements of metal mixture film saving energy with effect of " warm in winter and cool in summer " are reported .

  3. 在大约111°E线附近有一条温度变化的分界线,此线以东气温变化是冬暖夏凉型,此线以西的大部分地区气温变化是四季降温型。

    There was a demarcation line of air temperature change near 111 ° E. Air temperature was getting warmer in winter and is getting cooler in summer on the east of the line .

  4. 青岛的气候冬暖夏凉。

    It is warm in winter and cool in summer in qingdao .

  5. 它带有一个双层的橡胶鞋底,具有良好的隔热功能,冬暖夏凉。

    Equipped with a double rubber sole that allows the best thermal insolation .

  6. 我的家乡是一座美丽的城市。那里冬暖夏凉。

    My hometown is a beautiful city , where it is cool in summer and warm in winter .

  7. 这种绝缘玻璃可以使室内冬暖夏凉。

    This insulated glass will make the inside of the building cooler in summer and warmer in winter .

  8. 另外一个好处是这种屋顶可以使房屋冬暖夏凉。

    Another advantage is the roof keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter .

  9. 更多地使用功能材料,室内冬暖夏凉、均衡适度,空气清爽洁净、干湿相宜。

    Highly comfort & Use more functional material to make the interior stay at appropriate temperature and humidity .

  10. 另一个优点是,这个房顶可以让房子冬暖夏凉。

    Another advantage is the roof keeps the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter .

  11. 这种屋顶还有一个优点是它可以使房子冬暖夏凉。

    Another advantage is that the roofs keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter .

  12. 传统的窑洞是冬暖夏凉的覆土式建筑,能耗比普通建筑可以降低70%以上。

    Traditional cave is cool casing construction , energy consumption can be reduced by70 % or more than ordinary buildings .

  13. 洪江古商城的窨子屋冬暖夏凉,十分适宜居住。

    " Yinziwu " is warm in winter and cool in summer , making it a good place for living .

  14. 年前装修时全部做了防水保暖处理,可谓冬暖夏凉。

    Years ago when decorating , all made waterproof warm processing , is warm in winter and cool in summer .

  15. 本度假村冬暖夏凉,带给您挡不住的诱惑。

    Our holiday camp ( vacationland ), cool in summer and warm in winter , Brings an irresistible temptation to you .

  16. 本房产公司所有商品房,一律面南,冬暖夏凉。

    Commodity houses of our real estate company all face south . They are cool in summer and warm in winter .

  17. 并提出了采取一些简单措施即可使被动式太阳房实现冬暖夏凉,从而满足园林建筑的使用要求。

    And some simple measures which can provide proper temperature in different season and operation requirements in gardens construction were put forward .

  18. 这里气候适宜、冬暖夏凉,是休闲度假的好去处。

    It is a good choice for those who would like to enjoy the sunshine or spend a leisurely and comfortable afternoon .

  19. 由于海洋性气候的影响,气候冬暖夏凉,舒适宜人。

    Because of the influence of the marine climate , it is comfortable to live in winter warmly and in summer coolly .

  20. 通过这种方式建造的民居节省了原材料而且不需要复杂的技术。窑洞冬暖夏凉。

    Residence built in this way saves raw materials and requires less complicated technology.The cave dwelling is cool in summer and warm in winter .

  21. 由于节能建筑围护结构热绝热系数较大,对夏季隔热也极为有利,做到了冬暖夏凉。

    Since energy saving building envelope e structure has good heat insulation , its coefficient is higher , which is extremely advantageous in summer .

  22. 本实用新型还具有通风透气、透气吸湿、冬暖夏凉以及清凉爽滑的功能。

    The utility model also has the advantages of ventilation , permeability , moisture absorption , appropriate temperature as well as coolness and smoothness .

  23. 蚕都蚕丝被有轻盈柔软、透气透湿,冬暖夏凉的特点。

    The silkworm is all have slim and graceful and soft , ventilative silk completely wet , cool in summer and warm in winter characteristics .

  24. 许多房主选择茅草屋顶不仅是为了美观,而且还因为他们知道茅草能使他们冬暖夏凉。

    Many property owners choose thatch not only for its beauty but because they know it will keep them cool in summer and warm in winter .

  25. 这种技术筑墙成本很低,还让建筑冬暖夏凉,而且使用时间超过砖彻技术,生态环保。

    The cost is low , it keeps the building warm in winter and cool in summer , it lasts longer than brick and it is ecological .

  26. 并与相同空间结构,相同外扰作用下的平房作了分析比较,定量的说明了窑洞与平房相比具有冬暖夏凉的优点。

    Furthermore , by comparing with that of bungalows , the characteristics that warm in winter and cool in summer in cave dwelling are illustrated in quantity .

  27. 结果表明:44年来,除7月平均气温、平均最高气温呈下降趋势外,其余各项均呈上升趋势,以冬季平均气温上升幅度最大,冬暖夏凉趋势明显;

    The results showed that the average air temperature in July and average maximum air temperature decreased , while the average air temperature in winter months , e. g.

  28. 地道鸡舍冬暖夏凉,很适宜鸡的生长。

    The tunnel chicken coop ( TCC ), which is warm in the w in ter and cool in the summer , is suitable to the development of chicken .

  29. 我们都去麦当劳,或者去好一点的地方,去奶酪皇后店;我们都住在冬暖夏凉的房子里。

    We all go to McDonald 's or better yet , Dairy Queen , and we live in a house that is warm in winter and cool in summer .

  30. 从与气候的关系来看,具有适应地区气候、冬暖夏凉的生态性能;

    From the view of the climate , they have the advantages of fitting the regional climate , the ecological features of being warm in winter and cool in summer .