
  • 网络Security;Anti-counterfeiting;Anti-Fake
  1. 国家质量技术监督局发布了证券、证件用安全性防伪纸张技术标准

    National bureau released securities , certificates with security anti-counterfeiting paper technical standards .

  2. 其他防伪特征,包括隐形图案、珍珠油墨和凹印。

    Other anti-counterfeiting features include the use of latent images , pearl ink , and intaglio printing .

  3. 先进包装机制与Internet结合的商品数码防伪包装

    Advanced Packaging Principles and combination of Internet and Anti-Fake Package

  4. 基于DNA分子的密码实现方法和DNA分子的防伪认证技术的研究进行了综述。

    The DNA-based encryption code and DNA-based authentication technology were reviewed .

  5. 基于DNA分子密码算法的防伪认证技术

    Encryption Code and Authentication Technology Based on DNA Molecules

  6. 一种数字签名密码防伪商标的JAVA实现

    The JAVA Implementation of a Digital Signature Brand against Forge

  7. 介绍了DNA防伪技术的发展背景以及目前该领域的主要研究进展及其应用,并指出了此技术今后的发展前景。

    Major research developments and applications in this area were introduced , and future directions were also discussed .

  8. 基于RFID的防伪物流管理系统研究

    The Research of Security Logistics Management System Based on RFID

  9. RFID技术有助葡萄酒业产品防伪造

    RFID 's Application Of Anti-counterfeiting Techniques In Grape Wine Industry

  10. RFID技术在酒类防伪中的应用研究

    RFID Technology Application Research in the Anti-Counterfeit Alcohol Products

  11. RFID多级商品防伪系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of RFID based multilevel anti-counterfeiting system

  12. 本文提出了一种全新的商标防伪方法并设计了对应的JAVA数字签名密码系统。

    A new method against brand forge and a practical JAVA digital signature cryptosystem are proposed in this paper .

  13. RFID电子标签在酒类防伪中的应用RAPD技术对白花蛇舌草真伪鉴别的应用

    RFID in Use of the Anti-liquor Application Identification of Spreading Hedyotis Herb by RAPD

  14. 同时,3D条码自动识别系统及基于自动识读技术的二维条码防伪证件管理系统也具有很好的应用性和推广价值。

    Also the 3D barcode reading system and the 2D barcode fabrication prevented certificate management system using barcode recognition technology are practical .

  15. 激光技术在防伪印刷中的应用(PET全息薄膜光学力学性能研究)

    Application of Laser Technology in Security Printing ( Research on Optical and Mechanical Performance of PET Holographic Film )

  16. 基于PKI与智能卡的防伪电子病历

    An Anti-counterfeiting Electronic Medical Record Information System Based on PKI and Smart Card

  17. 基于一次U系统的商业票据防伪的数字水印算法

    A Digital Watermarking Method for Anti-counterfeit of Commercial Bills Based on First Degree Orthogonal Function of U System

  18. 通过构建优质、道地、珍稀中药材DNA分子标记与基因文库,实现中药的防伪;

    Realizes the Chinese herbal medicine ′ s anti-counterfeit through structuring the premium , genuine and rare traditional Chinese medicine ′ s DNA mark and gene library ;

  19. 本文的主要工作包括:将基于IDEA的数字防伪算法与短消息平台相结合,研究与设计了短消息平台数字防伪功能;

    The main tasks in this thesis are : combining short message platform with the digital anti-counterfeiting algorithm based on IDEA ; researching digital anti-counterfeiting service of short message platform ;

  20. BMP图像的防伪数字水印

    Defend_false digital watermarking of bitmap picture

  21. 本文介绍了SCS色彩防伪识别系统的技术,并预测了这一技术的市场前景。

    The essay introduces the technology of SCS Color recognition system and forecasts it 's market trend .

  22. 文章介绍了基于技术的数字签名算法的基本原理,以及CA如何用它达到抗抵赖与防伪的功能,以及为了保证这个算法正常运作所需要的数字证书认证树结构。

    This paper describes the principle of digital signature algorithm based on CA technology , and the certificate authority tree structure to ensure the execution of the digital signature .

  23. 本文将一次U系统的正交函数系应用到商业票据防伪中,给出了一种新的数字水印算法。

    A one degree orthogonal function of U system is applied to the anti-counterfeit of commercial bills , and a novel digital watermarking method is put forward .

  24. 本文对基于GPS和随机加密算法数码防伪技术和多重油墨防伪技术如何应用于出境木质包装检疫监管工作进行了研究。

    In this paper , based on GPS and a random encryption algorithms of digital anti-counterfeiting technology and multi-ink anti-counterfeiting technology to wood packaging used in exit quarantine supervision were studied .

  25. 上转换发光纳米ZrO2的制备及在红外防伪油墨中的应用

    Studies on Preparation of Nano-ZrO_2 with Upconversion Luminescence and Its Application in Infrared Stealth Falsification Resistant Ink

  26. 开发基于RFID的产品防伪追溯系统意在为消费者和监管部门提供快速方便的产品防伪查询和追溯平台,从源头杜绝假冒伪劣产品的流通。

    The development of products anti-counterfeiting system based on the RFID intended to provide an anti-counterfeiting platform for consumers to query and retrospective the product quickly and easily .

  27. 经实践验证,其识别结果稳定可靠,可应用于金融智能防伪点钞机与ATM机中。

    Confirmed by the practice , identification result is reliable and the system can be applied to the finan - cial smart anti-counterfeiting and banknote counting machine and ATM .

  28. 而近年来基于RFID技术的防伪受到了国内外学者的关注,有学者也提出了相应的RFID防伪应用。

    In recent years anti-counterfeiting based on RFID technology has been the concern of domestic and foreign scholars , some scholars have put forward the anti-counterfeiting applications base on RFID .

  29. BOPP透明镭射膜:各种包装表面复膜显现视角色彩,盖光透明防伪。

    BOPP sheer laser film : all kinds of package refilm can show angle of view with color , sheer with anti-counterfeit ;

  30. 基于此点,新型酒类防伪使用到了RFID电子标签,此时只要使用相应的读写器即可对具有全世界唯一码的RFID电子标签进行验证。

    Based on this point , a new type of liquor anti-counterfeiting technology began to use the RFID tag , then the reader can verify RFID tags which has a worldwide unique code .