
  • 网络phenolic paint
  1. 聚丙烯塑料用改性环氧酚醛漆

    Modified epoxy phenolic paint for PP plastics

  2. 介绍溶剂法制浅色酚醛漆料工艺中,采用亚麻油内冷却防止漆料胶化的方法。

    In manufacture process of tint phenolic paint , cooling in linseed oil prevents retrogradation .

  3. 溶剂法酚醛漆的研制

    Manufacture of phenolic resin varnish by solvent process

  4. 松根轻油酚醛漆陕北石油秩序

    Pine oil phenolic varnish

  5. 用红土取代酚醛防锈漆中氧化铁红,辅以钛酸酯偶联剂,制出F53-33铁红酚醛防锈漆。

    Iron red replaced by red clay , titanate as coupling agent , F53-33 iron red phenolic anti-rust paint qualified has been prepared .

  6. 三聚磷酸铝防锈颜料及其在酚醛防锈漆中的应用研究

    Application Study of Aluminium Triphosphate Anticorrosive Pigment in Phenolic Anticorrosive Paint

  7. 矿渣铁系颜料及其酚醛防锈漆

    Slag iron oxide pigments and phenolic anti-rust paint

  8. 钛酸酯偶联剂在红土制铁红酚醛防锈漆中的应用研究

    Application of titanate coupling agent in iron red phenolic anti - rust paint with red clay

  9. 采用腰果壳油改性环氧酚醛树脂漆,对不经表面处理的聚丙烯塑料坯胎进行涂饰,具有良好的附着性、干性、硬度和光泽。

    A cashew shell oil modified epoxy phenolic paint has been developed , which can be applied on the untreated polypropylene surface with good adhesion , high hardness , fast curing and glass .

  10. 高固体分石油树脂改性酚醛调合漆

    High solid petroleum resin modified phenolic ready-mixed paint

  11. 环氧酚醛烘干防腐漆

    Epoxy phenol-formaldehyde resin baking anti-corrosive paint

  12. 以三聚磷酸铝为主要成分且不含有机重金属的APW防锈颜料配制成的酚醛和醇酸防锈漆,显示出优良的防锈和耐水性能,特别适用于船舶,钢铁及轻金属等的防腐蚀涂装。

    A APW anti-rust pigment that contains no organic heavy metals and is mainly based on aluminum triphosphate shows excellent antirust and water-resistance in phenolic and alkyd resin paints . It has found wide uses in the anticorrosion painting for ships , steel and light metal structures .

  13. 三聚磷酸铝酚醛和醇酸防锈漆

    Phenolic and alkyd anti-rust paints containing aluminum triphosphate