
  1. 王锋介绍,他的团队正在将种子应用到不同的地区、不同的季节以及使用不同的耕作方式。

    Wang said the team is working on applications for the breed in different areas , seasons and using different farming techniques .

  2. 王锋是陕西省榆林地区的一个工人。他为建绿色长城而工作,与其他许多人一起。

    Wang Feng is a worker a Yulin in Shaanxi Province . He works on the Great Green Wall with many other people .

  3. 长久以来,王锋都对大陆程式般的舞蹈很是抵触,他觉得艺术必须服务于政治这一论调是不自然、虚假的。

    Wang has long rebelled against conformism in modern dance on the mainland , and the concept that art must serve politics , describing it as unnatural and false .

  4. 同时,王锋还介绍道,小规模的试验表明还能增加产量:新型水稻每株能产300多粒稻谷,淀粉含量比常规水稻多10%。

    Meanwhile , small-scale trials have also suggested an increased output : a single plant of the new breed has 300 more grains with a starch content 10 percent higher , Wang added 。

  5. 王锋称,这种水稻在夏天能减少90%的甲烷释放量,秋天能减少50%。“温度越高,该水稻对甲烷的释放量有更好的降低作用。”

    Wang said the rice can cut methane discharge by more than 90 percent during summer and more than half during autumn , as " the rice displays a greater emission reduction effect in high temperatures . "