
Wánɡ wéi
  • Wang Wei; celebrated scholar and artist;one of the "Four Great Tang Poets"
王维 [wáng wéi]
  • [Wang Wei] (701-761或698-759)。唐代诗人、画家。字摩诘,祖籍祁(今山西祁县东南)人。开元中进士。累官至给事中,后官至尚书右丞。现存《雪溪图》、《写济南伏生像》相传是他的作品。今存《王右丞集》

  1. 浅析王维、李白之诗对禅宗与道家“空灵之美”追求的差异

    The Difference in the Beauty of Emptiness between Zen and Taoism

  2. 王维山水田园诗的地域色彩

    Regional Characteristics of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poetry and Pastoral Poetry

  3. 王维山水诗意境探微

    A Probe into Mood of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poem

  4. 王维奉佛原因新探

    The Reason A New Probe into Wang Wei 's Conversion to Buddhism

  5. 王维在艺术思维和艺术人生上艺术化地光大了道家思想。

    Wang Wei artistically developed Taoist thoughts in art thoughts and life .

  6. 论王维山水田园诗英译版本中的画语言再现

    On Reproducing Visual Images of Wang Wei 's Pastoral Poems in English

  7. 论王维的禅宗思想及其诗歌的禅宗意象

    A Zen and Imagery Analyse of Wang Wei 's Thoughts and Poems

  8. 陶渊明、王维诗歌意境的比较

    The Comparison of Tao Yuanming and Wang Wei 's Poetry Artistic Conception

  9. 王维山水田园诗审美创造的心理动机

    The Mental Motive of Aesthetic Creation in WANG Wei 's Pastoral Poetry

  10. 论王维山水诗歌的自然音响描写

    On the Nature Stereo Depiction in the Mountain-Water Poems of Wang Wei

  11. 王维诗歌与朝鲜申纬诗歌之比较

    Comparison between Poems by Wang Wei and by Sin Wi

  12. 从王维诗歌看盛唐的隐逸文化

    Viewing the Hermitic Culture in Tang Dynasty from Wang Wei 's Poetry

  13. 从王维的序论其骈文的特色

    Wang Wei 's Parallel Characteristics Reflected from the Prefaces of His Works

  14. 浅谈王维诗歌中的绘画美

    A Brief Talk on the Painting Beauty in Wang Wei 's Poetry

  15. 王维对大历诗风的影响

    WANG Weis Influence upon Poem Style in Dali Period

  16. 佛教哲理和王维山水诗的构境艺术

    Buddhistic Philosophic Theory and the Conception Art of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poems

  17. 第八章是对长安佛教文学的代表文士王维的研究。

    Chapter VIII is the study on behalf of scribes & Wang Wei .

  18. 略论王维与禅画

    Discussion about Wang Wei and " Zen painting "

  19. 王维是盛唐时期著名的山水田园诗人。

    Wangwei was a famous pastoral poet of landscape .

  20. 王维在以一种单音节的方式跳舞。

    Wang Wei is dancing in a monosyllabic way .

  21. 论王维诗歌中绘画技巧的应用

    Talk about the Application of the Painting Skill in Wang Wei 's Poem

  22. 王维作品的总词汇量很小。

    The total vocabulary of Wang Wei is small .

  23. 试论王维山水诗中“云”意象的禅悟意蕴

    Buddhist Implication of the Image of Cloud in WANG Wei 's Mountains-and-waters Poems

  24. 王维山水诗中的禅意

    Discussion on Zen in Landscape Poems of Wang Wei

  25. 浅析王维诗歌中的矛盾心理

    On Conflicting Mentality Reflected in Wangwei ′ s Poems

  26. 下编则是集中对王维“诗中有画”艺术进行研究。

    Part Two concentrates on studying painting-in-poetry of Wangwei .

  27. 王维《相思》春秋二字小考乘性和加性噪声相关背景下的二维谐波频率估计

    Two-Dimensional Frequency Estimation in Correlative Multiplicative and Additive Noise

  28. 孟浩然王维隐逸思想比较

    A Comparison of Meng Hao-ran ` s and Wang Wei ` s Hermit Ideas

  29. 论王维山水诗创作

    On Wang Wei 's Creation of Poems Mountains-and-Waters

  30. 论王维诗歌宇宙重造的美学特质

    On the Aesthetical Speciality of " Universe Reshaping " in Wang Wei 's Poems