
  1. 最终双方分手的导火索是王岳的父母威胁说,一旦他们结婚,就断绝其经济来源。

    The final straw had been when his parents threatened to sever financial ties with the couple if they married .

  2. 2009年,在挣扎数年后,王岳最终决定与肖莫分手,那时肖莫已回四川老家。

    In 2009 , after years of fighting , Wang decided to break up with Xiao , who by then had moved back to Sichuan .

  3. 王岳的父亲坐拥数家酒店和度假村,妈妈则是一位房地产投资商。王岳称父母见到自己的前女友肖莫(音译)时,厌恶之情溢于言表。

    Wang , whose father owns several hotels and holiday resorts and whose mother is a real estate investor , said his parents were " visibly disgusted " when they met his ex , Xiao Mo.

  4. 现年26岁的王岳迫于富裕家庭的压力,不得不与交往4年的女友分手。王岳说:因为我们不般配。换句话说,就是因为她家里穷。

    The 26-year-old was forced by his wealthy family to split from his girlfriend of four years " because we ` re not a good match ", or in other words , because she came from a poor background .