
  • 网络fermented tea;Goishi-cha
  1. 新型发酵茶复合饮料的研究

    Study on new compound beverage of fermented tea drink

  2. 乌龙茶是我国六大茶类之一,属半发酵茶,主产于我国福建、广东和台湾。

    Oolong tea is one of six major teas of our country , which belongs to half fermented tea .

  3. 乌龙型灵芝发酵茶的Ames试验及其品质特征分析

    Ames test and quality evaluation of Ganoderma lucidum fermented Oolong tea

  4. 微生物发酵茶饮料是一种新兴的保健茶饮料。

    The tea drink fermented by microorganisms is a new health beverage .

  5. 茯苓发酵茶的研制及安全性测定

    Development and Security Test of Fermented Tea of Poris cocos

  6. 灵芝发酵茶提取液对小鼠抗疲劳作用的研究

    The Anti-Fatigue Effect of Ganoderma-lucidum-Fermented-Tea Extract on the Mice

  7. 绿茶又称不发酵茶。

    Green tea is also called unfermented tea .

  8. 红茶是中国生产的主要茶类之一,属于发酵茶类。

    Black tea , a sort of fermented tea , is one main category of teas produced in China .

  9. 乌龙茶属半发酵茶,氧化时间的长短大约介于红茶与绿茶之间。

    Wulong tea is semi-fermented , and it has an oxidation time somewhat between that of black and green tea .

  10. 第二类出现在发酵茶中的物质是茶玉红精,它们的结构仍有争议。

    A second group of substances which appear in fermented tea are the thearubigins , the structures of which are still questioned .

  11. 但其生成量远远低于不发酵茶的丙烯酰胺含量。3.研究了茶叶中的不同成分对丙烯酰胺含量的影响。

    But the demand is far below the not fermented tea of acrylamide content.3.Studies in different components of the tea effect on acrylamide content .

  12. 如果在茶叶加工的早期就使酶活性中止,得到的就是未发酵茶或绿茶。

    If the enzyme activity is caused to stop at a very early stage of tea processing , then substantially unfermented or green tea is the result .

  13. 由于这个原因,一般就忽略了普洱茶这“绿茶”的一面,而将之归类于“后发酵茶”。

    For this reason , the " green tea " aspect of pu-erh is sometimes ignored , and the tea is regarded solely as a post-fermented product .

  14. 普洱茶是一种具有降脂、减肥、抑菌、抗癌等多种功效的后发酵茶,将其开发为液体茶饮料具有较好的保健价值及市场前景。

    Pu-erh tea is a kind of after-fermentation tea which is of many kinds of health care functions , such as reducing blood lipids , weight loss , anti-microbes and anti-cancer .

  15. 红枣发酵复合茶饮料的研制

    Preparation of compounded tea drink from red jujube by fermentation

  16. 发酵豆渣茶产品具有类似咖啡饮料的特殊风味,弥补了咖啡的不足,是一种风味极佳的营养保健饮料。

    The tea product of fermented bean dregs with similar special flavor of coffee beverages makes up the deficiency of coffee , which is an extremely savory nutritional health-care drink .

  17. 人工接种真菌固态发酵对普洱茶品质和功能的影响

    Effect of Artificial Fungus-inoculated Fermentation on Sensory , Chemical and Microbiological Attributes and Health Care Functions of Pu'er Tea

  18. 发酵是普洱茶形成优良品质的关键,微生物及其新陈代谢产物在普洱茶的发酵过程中发挥着重要的作用。

    The key of forming the excellent quality of pu ' er tea was the fermentation process , in which microbiology and theirs metabolic products played an important role .

  19. 半发酵的是乌龙茶。

    Half fermented tea is called Wulong tea .

  20. 以牛乳和杜仲茶粉为主要原料,经乳酸菌发酵后,制成茶粉与酸奶结合的功能性新型酸奶。

    With the addition of eucommia tea powder , fresh milk was fermented with Lactobacillus to produce a novel functional yogurt .

  21. 以茶梗、茶末和陈茶(茶的副产物)及食用酒精为原料,醋酸菌为发酵菌种研制开发茶醋。

    Using tea stalks , old tea leaves and edible alcohol as raw materials , and using Acetobacteria as starter , a kind of healthcare nutritious vinegar was produced .

  22. 现代的普洱茶生产中,渥堆发酵是生产普洱茶的关键工序,其工序中的微生物种类和数量直接影响普洱茶风味的形成,因此,微生物在普洱熟茶的生产中起着极其重要的作用。

    In the current fermentation of Puer tea , pile-fermentation is the key process in which microbial populations have great effect on flavor compound . So microorganisms play an important role in the fermentation of Puer ripe tea .