
  • 网络loan
  1. 铁路投资项目国内贷款还本付息的探讨

    Research on Repayment of Capital and Interest for Domestic Loan of Railway Investment Project

  2. 国内贷款合同及有关文件的准备,包括工商贷款、外资企业贷款、外汇贷款;

    Drafting domestic commercial loan agreements , including industrial and commercial loans , foreign invested enterprises loans , and foreign currency loans ;

  3. 这样可能令她们更加无法增加国内贷款。

    That in turn may make them less willing to lend at home .

  4. 当国内贷款一旦达到零时,官方就不再有能力缩减国内贷款了。

    The officials no longer have any ability to cut their domestic lending once it has hit zero .

  5. 鉴于国内贷款仍然是工行主要的收入来源,工行将在很大程度上依赖于中国经济的持续增长。

    With domestic lending still its bread and butter , much depends on continued economic growth in China .

  6. 要打破这个循环,我们需要大胆的政策措施,包括恢复国内贷款和全球资本流动。

    To break the cycle , we need bold policy measures , including restoration of domestic lending and global capital flows .

  7. 贷方必须保证其平均国内贷款的5%以有价证券的形式出售。

    Lenders would have to keep five percent of the home loans they would normally group together to sell as securities .

  8. 本部分主要对沈阳市十二五时期财政、国内贷款、利用外资、自筹资金和其他五个渠道潜力进行挖掘。

    This part mainly explores the five channels potential of finance , domestic loans , foreign investment , self-financing and the other .

  9. 误差修正模型和脉冲响应分析显示,房价对国内贷款的影响较大。

    The error correction model ( ECM ) and impulse response analysis shows that the price has a greater impact on domestic loan .

  10. 市场力量和政治压力迫使银行减少国外贷款,增加国内贷款,金融业正在倒退。

    A great financial retrenchment is under way , the product of both market forces and political pressure on banks to lend at home rather than abroad .

  11. 政府还热切希望银行将国内贷款敞口从大公司和固定资产投资转向小公司和科技行业。

    The government is also keen for banks to shift their domestic loan exposure from large companies and fixed-asset investment to small companies and the tech sector .

  12. 银行家们认为,在今年3月美联储对美国银行进行的“压力测试”中,他们在国外的贷款受到了比国内贷款更大的压力。

    Bankers say that stress tests carried out on American lenders by the Federal Reserve in March put their foreign loans under greater pressure than American ones .

  13. 我国理论界对于贷款损失准备金会计政策的研究,尤其是国际和国内贷款损失准备金政策的系统性研究还比较缺乏。

    The theory study of loan-loss provision accounting is very insufficient in our country , especially the systemic study about the loan-loss provision policy of both internal and international .

  14. 例如,受到危机冲击的波罗的海国家的国内贷款中,很大一部分来自一些瑞典的银行,而希腊银行则在罗马尼亚和保加利亚有着类似的风险敞口。

    Swedish banks have a large share of domestic lending in the crisis-hit Baltic states , for example , while Greek banks are similarly exposed in Romania and Bulgaria .

  15. 例如,日本银行的国内贷款几乎一直没有增长,它们正专注于在亚洲其它地区的扩张,而不是收购欧洲的不良资产。

    Japanese lenders , for example , have little loan growth at home and are focusing on expansion in the rest of Asia , rather than buying up distressed assets in Europe .

  16. 在所有融资方式中,国内贷款的融资成本是否最低?其他融资方式能否降低公路项目的融资成本等都是需要研究的问题。

    Whether the domestic loan financing costs are the lowest in all the financing ? Whether Other financing arrangements can reduce the cost of financing Highway Projects ? These problems are needed to study .

  17. 大约1000亿美元的国内贷款将于今年年底前到期,俄罗斯央行已表示,如果不良贷款率达到10%至12%,银行的利润将被侵蚀殆尽。

    About $ 100bn ( 72bn , 61bn ) in domestic loans fall due by the end of the year and the central bank has said bank profits would be wiped out if non-performing loans hit 10-12 per cent .

  18. 我们可以就企业未偿付债务余额(这些数据由国际清算银行记录)和世界银行(worldbank)公布的银行对企业的国内净贷款余额进行粗略但有指导意义的对比。

    A crude but instructive comparison can be made between the amount of corporate debt outstanding as documented by the BIS and world bank numbers for net domestic credit lent by banks to corporates .

  19. 瑞银(UBS)亚洲首席经济学家乔纳森•安德森(JonathanAnderson)表示:中国的问题在于,经过这些年,国内多数贷款都变成了坏账。

    The problem in China is that most of their loans have gone bad over the years , according to Jonathan Anderson , chief economist in Asia for UBS .

  20. 办理国际金融组织在国内的贷款。

    Grant intermediate loans entrusted By international financial institutions for domestic use .

  21. 相反,政府对这些银行日益施压,要求他们增加对国内的贷款。

    Instead , such banks are under growing pressure from government to increase lending at home .

  22. 从投资的资金来源看,企业自筹资金占82.1%,其余部分为国内银行贷款和外资等。

    The82.1 % finance resource came from enterprise itself , and the rest came from domestic banks and foreign fund , etc.

  23. 第六章研究我国参与国际银团贷款和开展国内银团贷款业务的状况与应注意问题。

    The sixth chapter studies the present situation of syndicated loan and the domestic syndicated loan and the issues which need pay attention to .

  24. 大多数情况下,这些债券的规模要大于银行持有的国内公司贷款,因为它们吸收的存款来自规避风险的家庭。

    In most cases , those holdings are larger than the banks ' domestic corporate loan books , as deposits from risk-averse households come into their coffers .

  25. 本文在梳理国内外贷款担保风险理论相关研究的基础上,对民营融资担保机构风险管理体系进行研究。

    This paper combs the domestic and foreign loan risk theory based on the relevant research results , on private financing guarantee institutions risk management system research .

  26. 各种资金包括:国家预算资金、国内外贷款、借款、赠款、各种自有资金、自筹资金和其它资金。

    Various funds include : State Budgetary Funds , loan , borrowed money , donated funds inside or outside China , various self-owned moneys , self-collected money and other funds .

  27. 西班牙银行向房地产开发商发放的贷款损失惨重,除此之外,衰退以及目前接近25%的失业率可能会使西班牙国内抵押贷款市场出现新的贷款损失。

    On top of the woes caused by disastrous property developer loans , the Spanish recession and unemployment , now nudging 25 per cent , risk triggering new loan losses in the domestic mortgage market .

  28. 经过9年努力,该机构处置国内不良贷款的工作已基本完成。这份新计划将赋予这家机构一项新任务,即带领韩国国内金融机构投资海外问题资产,以获取更高回报。

    With its work at home nearly done after nine years , the plan would give the agency a new mission leading local financial institutions in investing in overseas distressed assets in a quest for higher returns .

  29. 而在过去的公路建设筹资管理工作中又集中反映出:河北省的公路建设资金来源过于依赖国内银行贷款,公路投融资体制缺乏创新。

    But in the management of raising funds of past road construction is reflecting on : The road construction capital source of Hebei overly relies on the domestic bank loan , highway investment and financing system lack of innovation .

  30. 同时,针对国内小额贷款公司运营的现状进行了分析,指出小额贷款公司的运营不同于普通的工商企业和银行等金融机构,有着自身独特的经营模式。

    Meanwhile , small loan companies for the domestic operations the status of the analysis , small loan company is different from the ordinary operation of business enterprises and banks and other financial institutions which has its own unique business model .